
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Kua Kia Soong Grumbles That Pakatan Is No Different From Barisan

So, to all those Pakatan Harapan supporters who thought that a NEW Malaysia under Pakatan Harapan really meant a NEW Malaysia, maybe you would like to buy some snake oil that will cure AIDS, cancer, kidney failure, heart trouble, impotency, and can help 75-year old women become pregnant.  

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Malaysians somehow believe the lie that we now live in a NEW Malaysia, and that Pakatan Harapan has brought changes to the country, and that, finally, 61 years of corrupt and draconian rule has come to an end, and all that nonsense. I suppose these same people also believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus.
People in the UK have come to realise long ago that whether Labour or Conservative rules it is really no different. The same goes for the US regarding whether the Democrats or the Republican rule. It is still the same shit different smell.
Malaysians are now beginning to realise that Pakatan Harapan is merely the flip side of the same Barisan Nasional coin. Whether it is heads or tails the coin is still the same one. And if you believe that by replacing Barisan Nasional with Pakatan Harapan it means you have entered into a new world then you are more stupid than you look.

Kua Kia Soong now realises Pakatan is merely the reverse side of the same Barisan coin

DAP’s Kua Kia Soong, a person who considers himself above average in intelligence and smarter than the normal Malaysian, has expressed his disgust with Pakatan Harapan (READ HERE).
What did he expect? That once Pakatan Harapan is in power Muslims will be allowed to leave Islam and convert to Christianity? That Malaysia will cut diplomatic relations with Iran and officially recognise Israel? That Malaysia’s Federal Constitution will be amended to remove Islam as the religion of the Federation and officially declare that Malaysia is a secular state? That Malaysia will legalise gay marriages and sodomy will no longer be a crime? That your MyKad will no longer state your race and religion? That Mandarin will replace Bahasa Malaysia as the national language?

Pakatan Harapan is old wine in a new bottle

Nothing is going to change. Sodomy is still a crime. Gay marriages are still illegal. Muslims who drink will still be arrested. Khalwat for Muslims is still a crime. Christians who preach Christianity to Muslims will still be arrested. You still cannot bring Bibles into a mosque to distribute to Muslims. They will still not serve pork on MAS flights.
And the list goes on.
So, to all those Pakatan Harapan supporters who thought that a NEW Malaysia under Pakatan Harapan really meant a NEW Malaysia, maybe you would like to buy some snake oil that will cure AIDS, cancer, kidney failure, heart trouble, impotency, and can help 75-year old women become pregnant.

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