
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Maszlee Bayar Duit Beli Tongkat Petronas

Folks, did you read this news? 

Petronas will invest RM50m in five universities by building petrol stations on  campus

(OSTB : Invest?? Wow.  Can Abdul Razzack Nasi Kandar also invest RM50 million by building 50 nasi kandar outlets in 50 universities. How about "Shell is going to invest RM50 million by building 5 petrol stations in 5 universities?"  Why only Petronas?  Do read on.)

CEO says aim to develop entrepreneurs among students 
to foster start-up businesses among youths

(OSTB : Each gas station costs RM10 million. Where are student entrepreneurs going to get even ten thousand Ringgit ?? Foster start up businesses?  Like what? Cuci kereta?  Pump attendant? Car polishing? Oh ok - gas station owners? At  RM10 million each. Wow. A great idea.)

CEO says “I have seen time and again Malaysians with entrepreneurial skills but lack the (right) platform.  “So, we (are here to) provide that connectivity and university students are creative.

(OSTB : This was the same pro PAS fellow who at one time was CEO of Proton.  He said he asked Proton executives to perform sembahyang hajat. Tapi Cina Geely sudah beli Proton. Rupanya hajat tak jadi.  Maybe tak cukup khusyuk dalam sembahyang hajat.)

UTM, UPM, UTAR, UTP - each one petrol station on campus, cost RM5m - RM10m 
completed within a year,  at most 18 months.

stations managed by universities 
can run their own businesses
basically run and managed by students
smart partnership, opportunity open to other varsities 

(OSTB : Now we are getting closer to the truth. So the universities become petrol station franchise operators?  Very clever.  

They must pay Petronas money - our taxpayers money - if IPTA. Banyak cantik.  Petronas must tell us 'How much must the universities pay Petronas to "manage" these gas stations"?  It cannot be for free brader.  Nothing comes free. 

A gas station on campus?    Students ride motorbikes. Some have cars but not all.  Are there enough university staff to sustain one gas station?   There are already many gas stations everywhere.  Can a campus sustain a Petronas gas station profitably ?

I have a small question : If the stesen minyak rugi, then siapa tanggung? 
Petronas or the university?   

The business of a university is to teach knowledge. 
Not to become a franchise business operator.  

If the universities want to go into franchise business, better to open McDonalds and KFC franchises. Lagi untung brader.)

Maszlee said government’s plan to advance digital economy.
importance of entrepreneurial minds will be realised through this 

(OSTB : I say Ikhwan, pam minyak bila masuk digital ekonomi? Ini stesen minyak lah. Jual minyak, nasi lemak, surat khabar, air minuman. Apa lah digital sangat?)

Read more at Star here.

My comments :  Ini Malaysia Baru. We want to encourage competitiveness. People must learn to compete. 

Petronas is not a good example. Petronas is a tongkat business. Petronas has a monopoly over ALL of Malaysia's oil and gas resources. 

Now Petronas is  GRABBING another  monopoly - to open gas stations on five university campuses?  

Unless Maszlee says other gas stations like Shell, BHP, Petron etc will also be allowed to open gas stations on university campuses? 
Encourage more competition lah.   
Boleh ke tak boleh?   
If this is ONLY for Petronas then it is just another tongkat. 

But what is this idea of allowing franchise businesses into universities? Especially businesses involving the universities themselves?  If they are government universities, then taxpayers money is involved. 

As I said the function of a university is to teach. Not to go into franchise business like Petronas, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds etc. 

Technology and patent startups are different. Dont confuse the two. Tech startups are part and parcel of university research.

But here is the soalan cepu mas. 
The land. How much will the land cost? 
The land belongs to the university. 

Say a minimum one acre of land is needed. 

Imagine Petronas having to buy ONE ACRE of land at prevailing market valuation in Serdang (UPM)  or in Shah Alam (UTM).  That land will cost Petronas a lot of money.

But if the gas station land is located inside the UPM Serdang or UTM Shah Alam campus, plus the university is also a "franchise partner",  then how will they "value" the university land?  Mesti murah "sikit" lah.   

Or maybe they will agree on some type of rental agreement - which should be even cheaper. 

I dont think Petronas will build their gas station beside the Vice Chancellor's office. They will most likely locate the gas stations at the university entrance or other strategic locations where the public can also access the gas stations easily.

In  brief Petronas gets to open another gas station on very cheap land.  
There must be an udang sebalik batu.  
Petronas pun tahu kira duit kan.

I dont think Maszlee Malik will understand much of this. 

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