
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

MPs, stop bickering – you have a country to rebuild

As we celebrate the birth of Christ in a spirit of giving and loving, we know that some Malaysians will have travelled long distances to be with their families.
If you recall, last May, thousands of Malaysians made a similar journey home. The occasion was not a festival, but a general election.
Malaysians, including those working overseas, returned to their hometowns to vote and make their stand in the May 9 general election. They wanted an end to corruption, bigotry, injustice and extremism so that they could continue to work and live in peaceful harmony.
It was a milestone in history, a show of solidarity, when the rakyat came together to fight off a corrupt and oppressive regime.
There is nothing unusual about this. Sixty-one years ago, Malayans of all races and faiths set aside their differences to work together to become an independent sovereign nation. It was a landmark occasion.
Today, we look on in frustration and hopelessness as we see the politicians whom we elected into office doing their best to break up the fragile harmony that we have woven.
Who could have imagined this outcome?
Seven months after the historic ousting of Umno-Baru, what does the administration’s report card show? Could do better! The MPs have probably set an extremely low standard and sadly, failed to achieve it.
The rakyat are not stupid. Malaysians were prepared to give the new administration time to adjust to their new roles and responsibilities. They are in for the long haul, and realise that it will not take 100 days, 100 weeks, or even 100 months to undo all the brainwashing and bigotry that has divided the rakyat.
Should we blame inexperience for the frictions in Putrajaya? Did power get to the heads of some? Are they unable to cope with the responsibility of healing a nation?
Whilst the MPs wage a war of words, their actions are being watched, not only by citizens but also by those in the previous administration, who are aiming to return to power. Elsewhere, investors and other interested parties, such as foreign powers, whose intentions may not always be noble, keep a watch on the developments in Malaysia.
The rakyat are furious that the ministers are act like children in a playground brawl.
A fireman died a few weeks after being injured whilst he was attempting to discharge his duties. The investigation into his death is not complete, but some senior politicians and ministers have taken sides, and escalated this into a racial and religious incident, which it was not. But worse was to follow, with a war of words between coalition party leaders.
As a result of this death, a minister has called for the resignation of a fellow minister. He failed to provide any justification for his ill-timed request. Should we dismiss his action and blame it on inexperience and youth? He could have called for calm, but instead he has stoked more ill-feeling amongst the general public.
A minister whose limited depth and understanding of the issues plaguing his portfolio has upset many parents, who had hoped that with the new regime, their children’s future would be assured. Religion has divided the nation, and yet this minister wants to play politics with our children’s education. How different is this from the previous regime?
Malaysians could only watch in horror as the bullies in our society dictated their demands for the rejection of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, or ICERD, and threatened violence. They were able to make the new government yield to their threats. Why was no effort made to pacify the public, and educate them about ICERD, and allay their fears, which were founded on the belief that ratifying ICERD would sideline the Malays?
Some MPs are secretly wheeling and dealing with members of the previous regime. This has prompted a retaliatory move amongst other coalition party members. How can this internal politicking help the rakyat?
When will MPs force the police to locate Prasana Diksa, the daughter of kindergarten teacher Indira Gandhi? Prasana was kidnapped by Indira’s convert husband Riduan Abdullah.
When will the police renew their efforts to locate Pastor Raymond Koh and the three other people, Pastor Joshua Hilmy and his wife, Ruth, as well as Amri Che Mat? They have also been missing for over a year.
Many activists thought that the time for critical comments had ended; today, they have been forced to sharpen their pencils, once again.
Is the best yet to come? Should activists and political and social pundits slink away now, and let the nation tear itself apart? Who will have the last word?
Will our MPs and ministers rekindle the solidarity and spirit of GE14? Our shared purpose brought people together.
Jesus Christ experienced rejection, hardship and persecution. The same feelings are also experienced by many members of our community; but Christ’s generous love and example has successfully inspired others through the good and bad times. Are we capable of reaching out as He did?
Merry Christmas to everyone. -FMT

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