
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Perhimpunan "I Curi, Engkau Ramai-Ramai Defend" (ICERD) Gagal

FMT reports that about 30,000 gathered in KL today. 
This is a big failure. 

They said they could get 1.0 Million. 
Then it went down to 500,000. 

Actual turnout was 30,000 plus minus. 
This includes maybe 5,000 undercover police :)) 

It is their right to demonstrate. 
This is now a freer country. 
But it is a very sad day. 
30,000 people got suckered into gathering for a useless cause.
Propping up the corrupt, the thieves, the hypocrites. 

Some idiot said this is just like Bersih. 
No it is not the same at all.

During Bersih dozens of people were arrested. 
No one was arrested today. 
That is a big difference.

Today the Police were there to facilitate the crowd. 
Not to arrest them or make things difficult for them.

Bersih was to fight for clean and fair elections. 
Not to show support for the corrupt, the thieves and the munafiks. 
That is a very, very big difference.

There is only one way to make sure that there are no more such rallies to support the corrupt. 

The Pakatan government has to get on with the business of governing and do a good job of it. Time is short. 

The government must deliver what the people want and need as well.
All the people. Our different people have different wants and needs.
In Malaysia everything is race, race and more race.

There  is no such thing as a zero sum game here.
It does not mean that if Ali / Lim / Maniam get something, then (conversely) Maniam / Lim / Ali cannot get it. 
That is a really warped way of looking at things.

The corrupt also need to be put behind bars quickly. 
There seems to be a slowdown in bringing the so many other corrupt to book.

The big fish have been charged and are awaiting a very, very slow process in the Courts.  
The Courts are too slow.

But there are many other big fish who also need to be charged in Court and brought to justice.  
Do not slow down the pace now. 

And no deal making, even if they want to "repay" RM200 million. 
(Guess who?)
They are not repaying anything. 
It is stolen money.  
You cannot "repay" stolen money. 
You just return it. And then you go to jail.

Otherwise I too can rob a bank. 
If  caught, I will just "repay" what I stole. 
Banyak cantik.

True that Malaysia must show a good example and charge them by the book. 
Follow due process.   
We cannot have kangaroo courts and frontier justice.
Even though that is what they did when they were in power. 

Malaysia has already shown a great example with the peaceful transition of power from the corrupt to the new Pakatan government.

N'theless the people expect the Government to move fast to bring these crooks to justice.

The case against the Java fellow appears too watertight. 
From what I hear, the evidence is all there and it is pretty solid. 
So what is the purpose of delaying the trial until next year?

This is an unprecedented moment in Malaysia's history. 
This is the first change in government in 61 years. 
And the change was 100% due to the people getting fed up with the corrupt and thieving practises of the UMNO/BN leaders.

People want to see justice. 
Justice delayed is justice denied. 
So please move it.

And where are the charges against the MCA, MIC fellows plus others? 
Dont tell me they have suddenly become clean? 

There are others - the co-conspirators, the hatchet men, the axe men, the 'do the dirty work' fellows who are still walking around.

From what I hear they are using the substantial resources (money) which they still have to plan dastardly deeds. 

Buying influence, funding their propaganda in the Social Media and so on has actually accelerated. Money is flowing.

Those crooks should also be brought to justice.

Do not become complacent. 
Do not rest on our laurels. 
Time is always a premium.

The Government really needs to speed things up.

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