
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 29, 2018

Reformasi Taik Kucing Anwar Ibrahim

Here is another piece of viral news.  Azmin Ali the Timbalan Presiden of PKR has written an open letter to Brader Anwar the Presiden of PKR.  

This is a 'lawan towkey' type letter.  Azmin sounds quite fed up. Azmin does not mince his words. Baca dulu ok. Read it first.

  1. tidak mencerminkan prinsip fair and just representation
  2. tidak akan membantu parti untuk maju ke hadapan
  3. proses pemilihan tidak telus 
  4. menyebabkan perpecahan dalam parti.
  5. pelantikan MPP .. bukan imbuhan atau sogokkan untuk meraih sokongan

And they call themselves 'reformasi'?  Please wake up and smell the crap ok. 

For the past twenty years we have seen Brader Anwar Ibrahim's closest supporters realise, one by one, that the Brader is just a low quality wayang kulit.  One by one they have left him.  

I recall especially Zulkifli Noordin who was the Brader's eminent street fighter.  Zulkifli Noordin  broke with Brader Anwar after Sodomy Two. I met Zul in Masjid India - where his office is also located. He explained why he had to break away from Brader Anwar.  There are so many witnesses he said. How can you deny the evidence?  

I was never really concerned about his other activities. Who cares? As I said before even if you want to shove it up the exhaust pipe of the Rapid Kl Bus itu lu punya pasal lah.  But please dont claim 'Saya pemimpin Islam'. Or blame it on a conspiracy hatched by Dr Mahathir or by anyone else. Those are no nos. Itu tak boleh.

Zul Noordin broke with Anwar much later. Others like Prof Chandra Muzaffar caught on to Anwar's game much earlier. They left him much earlier.

Another close supporter of Brader Anwar who broke with him was Sidek Baba. I met Dr Sidek Baba later.  They all found eventually found out  that the Brader was not all he made himself out to be. 

Now  even more years later it is the turn of the PKR leaders like Azmin Ali, Tian Chua, Latheefah Koya, Baru Bian and others. Never mind. Better late than never. 

Basically Azmin is saying that the Brader is 
  • dishonest "tidak telus", 
  • undemocratic "tidak mencerminkan just representation" and 
  • corrupt "sogokkan untuk meraih sokongan"

Brader Anwar Ibrahim shares the same strengths as Najib, PAS and UMNO.

And what exactly is that strength?

Why isnt Najib h___ing from a lamp post?
Why hasnt PAS been kicked into the dustbin?
Why do UMNO leaders still hang around? 

Because the people are stupid. 
There are enough stupid people who still support them.
The stupidity of the people is their greatest strength. 

In even slightly more intelligent societies all these clowns would have become history. But not in Malaysia.  

Here is the late Karpal Singh. 

Link :  https://youtu.be/u0KKCCm2eSs

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