
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Something is cooking among the Anwarinas.

Did you know that Johari Abdul, the PKR MP for  Sungai Petani and an Anwarina, tried to move a motion for Parliament to debate the ICERD ??

Now why would he want to do that, especially AFTER the government has announced that Malaysia will not be ratifying the ICERD convention?  

Pasal apa nak kipas lagi benda yang sudah diputuskan?  

Brader Anwar also said this :

Then I just received this picture. It seems very recent.

"Saya pegang dia macam ini, lepas itu saya lipat, lepas itu saya 
lepat, tapi saya lupa makan ubat, itu pasal kes tak jadi. Mua ha ha ha !!

In this picture Brader Anwar is having a gay old time chatting with the UMNO goons. 

What is going on?

The ordinary people are not aware of what is really going on behind the scenes.

Who is sleeping with who.
Who is liwatting who?

These are the political animals. 

You people, tuan-tuan yang bodoh dan kurang peka, have surrendered your brains and your thinking capacity to these par_ah kelas tiga. Third class par_ah.

That is what you have done to yourselves. 

So they kincin atas kepala tuan-tuan. 
They piss on you. 
And you think it is warm water falling from the sky.

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