
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Suaram: More engagements needed to avoid embarrassing U-turns

Putrajaya has been urged to conduct more public engagements, particularly on matters concerning human rights, before making policy pronouncements.
Suaram, in conjunction with the launch of its annual report on human rights today, said this was necessary to ensure more public awareness and de-escalate attempts to derail human rights reforms.
"Suaram strongly encourages the current administration to review its policy and decision-making procedures and implement processes for a more inclusive engagement and decision-making process with civil societies and the broader public.
"This is to ensure that the public is aware of the stakes involved and to de-escalate the on-going campaign of misinformation that may derail the human rights reform that Malaysia sorely needs," it said in a statement today.
Suaram said that the failure to properly engage the public had led to substantial backlashes, such as attempts to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Form of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) and attempts to abolish the death penalty.
"The answer to the backlash thus far has been 'U-turns'," said Suaram.
It added that the new government has many human rights issues that were inherited from the previous government, which needs urgent attention.
These include the continued detention without trial of individuals under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012 and the Prevention of Crime Act (Poca) 1960.
According to Suaram, there are currently 286 people detained under these two laws. However, Suaram noted that there has not been cases of new application of this law since May 9.
Suaram also noted that Putrajaya appeared to lack coherence in dealing with the issue of child marriage.
On the plus side, Suaram noted a "remarkable improvement" in how government agencies were accountable to the public and stakeholders.
"While there is a notable improvement in government communications with stakeholders, decision-making process still takes place in a vacuum where human rights NGOs and thinktank are not necessarily engaged," said the group.
Suaram's Human Rights Report 2018 Overview will be available on its website soon. - Mkini

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