
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 28, 2018

Untuk Perhatian Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid, KETUA Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia

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Kepada Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid, KETUA Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia. 

Walaupun berita berikut berkenaan rusuhan kuil Maha Mariamman telah dilaporkan oleh Bernama pada 7hb Disember 2018 (21 hari yang sudah) berita ini telah menjadi viral sekali lagi sejak semalam ia itu 27hb Disember 2018.  

Berita ini dilaporkan oleh agensi berita nasional kita Bernama. Oleh itu saya percaya kesahihannya boleh diterima.

Seterusnya berita ini telah disiarkan oleh akhbar The Star, The Sun dan lain-lain.

1. The Star : Laporan pertama ini di petik daripada akhbar The Star. Saya mengulangi laporan berita ini tanpa sebarang 'editing'. (Saya cuma highlight beberapa barisan).

NILAI: A fireman involved in an operation during the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple fracas last week is still traumatised by the rioting.

Fire and Rescue Department director-general Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid said the firefighter, who was behind the wheels of the Emergency Medical and Rescue Services (EMRS) unit, was still in a state of fear and anxiety.

“During our meeting with the eight firefighters from the Subang Jaya Fire and Rescue Station involved, there was anxiety and symptoms of trauma, especially for the driver of the EMRS vehicle,” he said.

“When we asked him questions, he would stare at us blankly,” said Muhammad Hamdan.

“And his answers seem to be jumbled up. (He also feels) guilty for causing (in his mind) his colleague Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim to sustain serious injuries,” he told reporters after the “Bicara Tokoh: Achieving High Performance Fire Organisation: The X Factors” at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia here yesterday.

He said although all firefighters' leave were frozen in preparation for the monsoon season, personnel who were still traumatised were exempted from work.

Their conditions depended on the assessment of their fire station’s chief, he added. — Bernama

2. The Sun : Laporan kedua ini di petik daripada akhbar The Sun. Sekali lagi saya mengulangi laporan berita The Sun ini tanpa sebarang 'editing'. (Saya cuma highlight beberapa barisan).

NILAI: A firefighter involved in the operations during the riot incidents at the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Subang Jaya, last week, is still traumatised by the event, says Fire and Rescue Department director-general Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid.

He said the firefighter, the one behind the wheels of the Emergency Medical and Rescue Services (EMRS) unit, was still a state of fear and anxiety.

“From our meeting with all eight firefighters from the Subang Jaya Fire and Rescue Station involved in the incident, there are anxiety and symptoms of trauma especially the driver of EMRS vehicle.

When we asked him questions, he would give us blank expression, apart from his answers seem to be jumbled up and that guilty feeling for causing (in his mind) his colleague Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim to sustain serious injuries,” he said.

He said this to reporters after the Bicara Tokoh: Achieving High Performance Fire Organisation: The X Factors at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), here, today programme here today.

Also present were USIM vice-chancellor Datuk Dr Musa Ahmad and State Fire and Rescue department director Norazam Khamis.

Muhammad Hamdan said even though firefighters’ leave had been frozen in preparation for the monsoon season, exemption from work would still be given to personnel who was still traumatised, depending on the assessment of the fire station’s chief.

He would also seek cooperation from the Health Ministry and the Malaysian Armed Forces’ counsellors, in efforts to help the traumatised personnel as he believed both the ministry and armed forces had the expertise and experience of managing officers who went through traumatic events.

In another development, he said Muhammad Adib had shown positive developments and had begun to respond by nodding or shaking his head and hand signs though he still could not talk due to tubes in his mouth.

“Even though his condition is still categorised as critical but stable, Muhammad Adib’s recovery process has been amazing,” he said.

Muhammad Hamdan also expressed his gratitude to those who helped Muhammad Adib in terms of physical, mental, and contribution as well as prayers from all Malaysians who wanted to see his speedy recovery. — Bernama

Link : https://www.thesundaily.my/local/firefighter-still-traumatised-by-temple-incident-GX231787

My comments : 

Yang berikut ini adalah Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid.

Datuk Muhammad Hamdan Wahid, KETUA Pengarah 
Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia

Dengan begitu jelas sekali Datuk telah beritahu wartawan :

“And his answers seem to be jumbled up. (He also feels) guilty for causing (in his mind) his colleague Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim to sustain serious injuries,” he told reporters

Kenyataan Datuk ini telah dilaporkan oleh Bernama, The Star, The Sun dan akhbar lain.

Jika kita buangkan perkataan dalam kurungan (brackets) yang dimasukkan oleh Bernama, kenyataan Datuk tidak kurang jelasnya :

"..guilty for causing his colleague Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim to sustain serious injuries,” he told reporters"

Kita boleh rumuskan bahawa  :

"the firefighter, the one behind the wheels of the Emergency Medical and Rescue Services (EMRS) unitwas still a state of fear and anxiety"

adalah watak utama dalam tragedi ini. 

Dalam kenyataan 7hb Disember itu, Datuk juga telah berkata : 

“Even though his condition is still categorised as critical but stable, Muhammad Adib’s recovery process has been amazing,” he said.

Keadaan pada malam itu kecoh, liar dan mengelirukan. Kita semua adalah manusia biasa, yang boleh panik, membuat silap atau bertindak dengan gopoh. 

Oleh kerana peristiwa ini telah mengakibatkan kemarahan dan ketegangan terutama sekali antara kaum saya ingin seru kepada Datuk dan LAPAN AHLI pasukan Datuk yang terlibat dalam perkara ini ia itu :

“all eight firefighters from the Subang Jaya Fire and Rescue Station involved in the incident.."

untuk senantiasa amalkan sikap jujur dan professional apabila Datuk dan pasukan Bomba yang terlibat dipanggil memberi saksi di Inkues yang bakal di adakan untuk putuskan perkara ini.  

Sebagai orang Islam kita perlu ingat kalimah Allah swt :

Surah 4:135  

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang yang sentiasa menegakkan keadilan, lagi menjadi saksi (yang menerangkan kebenaran) kerana Allah, sekalipun terhadap diri kamu sendiri, atau ibu bapa dan kaum kerabat kamu. Kalaulah orang (yang didakwa) itu kaya atau miskin (maka janganlah kamu terhalang daripada menjadi saksi yang memperkatakan kebenaran), kerana Allah lebih bertimbang rasa kepada keduanya. Oleh itu, janganlah kamu turutkan hawa nafsu supaya kamu tidak menyeleweng dari keadilan. Dan jika kamu memutar-balikkan keterangan ataupun enggan (menjadi saksi), maka sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa yang kamu lakukan.  

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