
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Why Are The Chinese So Upset With Mahathir?

But then why vilify the Umno Malays? Was it not PPBM’s Rais Hussin who said the MACC will not go after all those Umno people who cross over to Pakatan Harapan? In other words, leave Umno and join PPBM and you will be given immunity and will not suffer punishment for whatever crimes you may have committed, or which we say you have committed even if you have not committed any crimes.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Over the last few days, Malaysians appear upset that Umno leaders (MPs and ADUN’s included) are resigning from their party in droves to become ‘independents’. This is the condition set by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad — that they must resign from Umno and become independents first before they can be accepted into Pakatan Harapan, or PPBM in particular.
By why are these Pakatan Harapan people upset, especially the Chinese? This was already known back in September that, by December, 30-40 Umno leaders are going to cross over to PPBM after a short stint as ‘independents’ — so that, what is rapidly becoming Umno 3.0, can become the largest party in parliament. For three months the resignation of 30-40 Umno leaders were already in the cards. So why get upset when it finally happens since this was already planned and known three months ago?

The Malays appear more skilled than the Chinese in Sun Tzu’s art of war

Of course, when we tell Malaysians what is going on in the corridors of power they curse and scold us and say we are bullshitting. They would rather believe what they would rather believe than hear the truth. They even point out that our previous prediction about how many seats Barisan Nasional was going to win in GE14 was totally wrong, so how can they believe what we say now?
These naïve Pakatan Harapan people need to understand the difference between ‘prediction’ and ‘red herring’. We are not in the business of making predictions. That is the job of gypsy fortune-tellers. Our job, as Sun Tzu taught us, is to confuse and divide the enemy and attack them when they are weak and retreat when they are strong.
So when Rafizi Ramli confidently announced that PAS was going to win ZERO seats in GE14 (yes, ZERO seats) while we responded that Barisan Nasional was going to win about 135 parliament seats with the balance going to Pakatan Harapan, what did you think would happen? Well, look at the Terengganu and Kelantan election result below and figure that one out for yourself.
The plan to turn PPBM into Umno 3.0 was mooted months ago. Negotiations between ‘Team Mahathir’ in Umno and PPBM (and separate negotiations between ‘Team Anwar’ in Umno and PKR) were held soon after GE14. And the target date for the ‘transformation’ was December 2018. And, within the next 60 days or so, the Registrar of Societies (RoS) is going to deregister Umno so that PPBM can take over fully as the new Umno.
So why are the Chinese cursing these Umno people who are crossing over? The Chinese are calling them rats, frogs, bottom feeders, and much more. The Umno people who have resigned from their party are being vilified. Read what TK Chua wrote below.
Sites like Finance Twitter is even being very racist and Islamophobic about this issue. They use terms such as ‘gangster Zahid and extremist Hadi’, as if being a pious Muslim equates to being an extremist, which is an insult to Islam. They also accuse Umno of being ‘Islamic-centric’, as if being Islamic-centric is akin to being a pariah.
PPBM’s Rais Hussin said all those Umno people who cross over will be given immunity from prosecution, just like how Chin Peng spared those Chinese who gave financial aid to the CPM
Yes, the Chinese are no-holds-barred in attacking Umno and those Umno people who have resigned and will continue to resign from their party to become ‘independents’. The Chinese appear very upset that PPBM is proving to be Umno 3.0 after all.
But then why vilify the Umno Malays? Was it not PPBM’s Rais Hussin who said the MACC will not go after all those Umno people who cross over to Pakatan Harapan? In other words, leave Umno and join PPBM and you will be given immunity and will not suffer punishment for whatever crimes you may have committed, or which we say you have committed even if you have not committed any crimes.
This is just like the deal the Chinese made with Chin Peng. The Chinese can continue to support the British Malaya administration but they must also give financial support to the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM). Then the CPM guerrillas or CTs will leave them alone and not kill them. So, the Chinese supported both the government and those against the government. And today the Chinese control 90% of Malaysia’s economy because of their ‘wisdom’ in playing both sides.
Have the Malays ever cursed the Chinese for their ‘survival instinct’? Have the Chinese not benefited financially from playing both sides of the fence? If Chin Peng wins the Chinese will benefit. And if the British win the Chinese will also benefit (which, in fact, they did). You work with whoever is in power and survive, like what the Chinese did during the pre- and post-Merdeka years.
So, when Umno died the Malays shifted to Umno Baru. Now that Umno Baru is on its death bed the Malays shift to PPBM a.k.a. Umno 3.0. So, why are the Chinese cursing the Umno Malays for this? Did not the Chinese shift from MCA (1949) to Gerakan (1969) and now to DAP?

PH should stop stupid argument it’ll accept only ‘good’ ex-Umno men

TK Chua, FMT
I am disappointed Umno has disintegrated so easily. It shows Umno politicians are in politics for only one thing – to be in power and to ride the gravy train. There is no integrity, principle and tenacity. The interest of this nation and the welfare of its people are all tradable so long as their personal interests are protected.
To accept Umno politicians so easily and quickly into Pakatan Harapan (PH) also indicates the same haplessness in PH. I guess PH politicians have begun the “proxy war” in earnest. Each of the component parties within PH is now looking forward to recruiting MPs and assemblymen from outside rather than strengthening their cooperation from within.
I wonder how much is enough for PPBM and Amanah, when they have been given the opportunity to punch way above their weight. What else would keep them satisfied when they are already holding so many important portfolios in the Cabinet, including that of prime minister, home, defence, education, rural development, agriculture and health?
I think it is time for PH to stop the stupid argument, i.e. PH only accepts “good” Umno MPs and assemblymen. If they are any good, let them remain in Umno to be an effective opposition. If they are good, they should have joined PH before the election, not after Umno was defeated. If they are good, they should have realised Umno’s mistakes. If they are good, they should have stayed back to rebuild the tattered party to serve the nation and the people.
Accepting elected representatives from Umno into PH is just too expedient and too opportunistic. It means accepting Umno’s ethos and mentality rather than forcing the party to change.
It means PH is no different from Umno/Barisan Nasional – that politics is about enjoying power and riding the gravy train, not serving the national interest and taking care of people’s welfare.
Umno MPs and assemblymen jumping ship is akin to the illicit drug trade – both the sellers and buyers are at fault. Umno wants an easy way out to avoid punishment or to get back onto the gravy train. Some PH component parties also want an easy way out to reinforce their power and influence. In the process, no reform takes place in Umno. In the process, PH component parties would focus on consolidating power rather than serving the people and the nation.
My friends have urged me to be patient with the PH government. Maybe I am just alone in this: my initial euphoria post-May 9 has since long gone.
I see the coalition as directionless, not really competent or knowledgeable, afraid of making unpopular but right decisions, and succumbing too easily to certain vested interest groups.
Not only that, now the coalition partners are busily trying to out-manoeuvre each other. They have essentially forgotten how they have come from the wilderness.

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