
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 28, 2018

Yoursay: Bersatu, let AGM be open and transparent

YOURSAY | ‘If what is said isn’t fit to be heard in public, then it shouldn’t be said at all.’
Anonymous_535f5eec: Closed-door policy is a guaranteed way to produce racists, bigots and extremists.
Each person will "courageously" feed off the other and Bersatu will be indistinguishable to Umno and PAS.
I can see it happening. Can't you?
Ordinarycitizen: Bersatu, if what your party wants to say is not fit to be heard in public, then that means those things shouldn’t be said at all by any member of your party in the first place.
If your message can’t stand up to public scrutiny, you got to examine yourselves.
Chefoo: We voted for Pakatan Harapan and its component parties for a new Malaysia. But Bersatu is now showing its true colours.
Why do you need to have debates behind closed doors when you professed openness and transparency in all matters?
So when it suits you to be racist and get your people to support you, you swing and dance to their tunes? I will not support Bersatu from now on.
The Wakandan: Yes, just when Harapan is calling for transparency, here we have a party that cannot stand the glare of openness and scrutiny.
This party is an obstacle to a new Malaysia. Their policy cannot be supported and encouraged by Harapan, which could only lead to the deterioration of the coalition.
Just be warned, Bersatu. Harapan does not want a racist party, neither does it want an Umno-type party in its coalition.
If Bersatu feels that they still have to promote the Umno agenda, then they are not compatible with Harapan aspiration for the new Malaysia. If that is the case, then Bersatu should consider leaving Harapan.
When invited to Harapan in the first place, the party should have been clear about the coalition’s aim for reforms and for the country to escape the shackles of BN racial policy which resulted in unbridled corruption.
4Malaysia: Speaking your mind is not your real problem. Speaking behind closed doors should not be your problem.
You should not feel that you "need" to work with other races. You must sincerely "want" to work with other races.
Your real biggest problem is your values.
As the only race-based party within Harapan that does not seem to understand New Malaysia, the party who wants to accept Umno defectors and the party with arguably to most ineffective MPs (for example, Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman), you have the wrong values.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Bersatu is within its right to conduct its general assembly according to its wishes. And having its debate behind closed doors must be seen in a positive light for now.
There is nothing wrong in helping the poor Malays but that need not necessarily be the banner to sustain Bersatu. The lesser of race baiting the better for Harapan.
We have had a ringside view of how politics of race and religion and endemic corruption and bigotry destroyed Umno/BN. That ought to be a lesson for Bersatu if it has ideas of perpetuating any such strategies to retain Malay support.
Perpetuity of special rights and privileges is one reason the Malays continue to lag behind despite 50 years of New Economic Policy (NEP). The practical way forward is to wean them out of the entitlement mentality.
That ought to be Bersatu's mission rather than hiding behind closed doors that would be seen by some delegates as enabling extreme views.
No Fear Nor Favour: Bersatu, be open and transparent. Let the public judge your sincerity.
Ikanbilisman: This is the biggest stage for Bersatu to prove that they do not carry the Umno DNA.
Its members should talk about how to move the Malays forward, be competitive and lead, and not about rights and entitlements.
Slumdog: With great sarcasm, Umno vice-president Khaled Nordin conveyed an honest assessment of Umno members who jumped ship to infect Bersatu with their money politics, greed, corruption and racist ideology.
BrightSpark: Khaled sounds like a desperate man seeking to justify himself any which way he can.
But there is some truth in what he says and I am of the opinion that Bersatu should not accept any Umno frogs at all. These defectors should be left out in the cold until the next elections.
Chriskwan-sabah: Yes, I fully agree with Khaled; many, not all, the Harapan MPs are not team players. They attacked one another in the press, in Parliament, hoping to gain a few brownie points.
BN MPs were more disciplined in that. Credit must be given to them, whether they said anything or play dumb, they didn’t attack their own kind in Parliament or openly in the press.
Annonymous: Yes, Khaled, for once you are absolutely right.
Given some time, Bersatu too will become like Umno and these Umno defectors will not only corrupt Bersatu into a racist and corrupt party, but will also destroy the Harapan coalition.
Lakhy Perth: Bersatu should turn itself into a multiracial party.
With Bersatu in the ruling coalition, it will immediately send a new narrative of multiracial progressive politics in the country and send all these “frogs” to either embrace the new politics or push them out to the peripherals.
Quo Vadis: Many a truth is often spoken in jest or disguised in sarcasm.
Walking down the main road in an affluent suburb, I see the tattered BN GE14 banners among the debris and rubbish impeding the flow of brackish water in the monsoon drains. Not a living thing can survive in this filth, not even bacteria.
It’s poetic justice for 61 years of misrule. Those who have eyes, let them see; those who have ears, let them listen to the unspoken word, coming out loud and clear. - Mkini

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