
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 3, 2018

Yoursay: Former auditor-general Ambrin - from hero to zero

YOURSAY | ‘The PAC, Parliament and the nation were lied to and misled.’
Gerard Lourdesamy: This is very serious since the audit report was subsequently presented to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and later classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
The PAC, Parliament and the nation were lied to and misled. All those involved directly or indirectly and who procured, aided or abetted in these crimes must be arrested and charged in court at the earliest. If found guilty, they should be stripped of their titles and pensions.
Former chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa and former auditor-general Ambrin Buang have lost all credibility and integrity.
The office of auditor-general is one of the highest public offices in the country equivalent to a judge of the Federal Court. The appointment is made by the king after consultation with the Conference of Rulers.
The auditor-general has absolute security of tenure and can only be removed by a tribunal on the like grounds as a judge of the Federal Court. Only a person of the highest integrity, impartiality and professionalism can hold this office of absolute public trust.
I am shocked that Ambrin not only betrayed his constitutional oath but also his loyalty to his sovereign, the rulers and the people of this country by being a willing participant to this deception, lies and cheating.
All involved ought to be treated as traitors to the nation. Only Allah SWT can show them mercy.
Ferdtan: Auditor-general Madinah Mohamad, appointed by then PM Najib Abdul Razak, said that Ambrin and then chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa had been summoned to a meeting with Najib on Feb 22, 2016, ordering the changes to the 1MDB audit report.
This tampering of the report is criminal abuse of power, parallel to the similar charge of PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim in 1999, a corruption case with no money involved, for allegedly interfering with the police investigation of him. At the end of the trial, he was sentenced to six years imprisonment.
Can Najib be charged with the same law for the tampering of the auditor-general’s report?
Panorama123: “I would like to thank the National Audit Department and PAC for producing a comprehensive, conclusive and definitive report” - statement by Najib in 2016.
A close review and scrutiny of the initial draft report and the finalised report given to PAC can easily reveal the level of “tampering” and the extent of “compromise” by Ambrin.
An auditor-general must always remain independent and cannot succumb to any pressure from Najib, the management of 1MDB or any government officials in producing a comprehensive, conclusive, definitive and independent report.
With such public revelations, Ambrin cannot remain silent but must disclose the actual situation soonest possible.
On this matter alone, the Attorney-General’s Chambers must initiate immediate action on those complicit as it constitutes a criminal breach of trust of the highest order. If true, bail can never be granted for such an offence.
Hbasill: Very simple. If you are honest and have not benefitted from your association with Jho Low, ou would have exposed Low and gone after him.
So it is obvious now that Najib protected Low because of the kickbacks he allegedly received and feared Low and the then CEO of 1MDB would divulge everything if prosecuted.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Imagine that. That was the sort of autocratic government we had where such critical reports can just be ordered altered at the will and discretion of one man.
It looks like no one could question these highly unethical acts and all those who thought they were forever safe under a BN government were happy to go along with such stomach-churning activities.
Headhunter: Even a layperson knew that the report was whitewashed to clear the fingering of the culprits. Why is the former CEO still not been charged with anything yet?
He was staunchly supporting MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) by his persistent denial that there was any hanky-panky within the organisation.
Why, he even organised roadshows and so-called public debate but turned chicken when challenged by DAP leader Tony Pua for a public debate.
Apart from Jho Low, he is another person who should be on the radar of MACC because of his intimate inside knowledge of the dirt on what transpired within.
I Love Malaysia: Najib could not have done it on his own. He does not strike me as someone who meticulously reads through the auditor-general’s report line by line.
Someone must have advised him. He then delivered the instructions to the intended department heads or individuals. Period.
ABC123: I’m very disappointed in Ambrin. I thought he was an honest man. Now he is revealed to be another Najib lackey who helped to cover up the alleged theft.
He even maintained the report was not edited. That seems like an outright lie now.
Jasmine: Yes, the biggest disappointment here is Ambrin. He could and should have resigned rather than remain silent, and later denying that the original report was not altered or tampered with.
The ordinary people had high regard for this man. Alas, one is now left wondering what skeletons he too had for Najib and gang to arm twist him into submission.
Malaysianmalaysian: To think, this "theft" went on because the very institutions that were put in place to be a check and balance were the ones that became compromised and "allowed" it to continue.
The rakyat need to wake up - no man or institution should ever have this much of power or influence ever again. Thank God for AG Tommy Thomas and team who have the ability and integrity to do what is right for the rakyat and country.
Frank: Indeed, everything is turned into a joke - as what has been said time and again in a surrounding where there is absolute power given to one and only one person.
And for sure, when it concerns the above news report, such thing is not one and only case during the kleptocracy regime. Or, should I say since 1957?
A basket case pretending it is a model to the world. It’s heartbreaking.
Ravinder: What supernatural powers Najib had that he could make even an upright person like Ambrin crumble?
This has to do with the culture of absolute, unquestioning loyalty to the pinnacle of power as if that pinnacle is God himself and must be protected and defended at all costs, regardless of morality, ethics, legality.
Something is very seriously wrong with the teaching of religion and culture to these people. Instead of teaching them to stand upright against any kind of wrongdoing, they have instead been taught not to question their superior even if they know for sure the superior is wrong.
They are even prepared to tell lies to defend their demi-God superior. These are men of no principles. - Mkini

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