
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 17, 2018

Yoursay: Let the ‘good ones’ stay out of Harapan until next GE

YOURSAY | ‘People who voted for Harapan in GE14 wanted a two-party system.’
David Dass: About 70 percent of Malays did not support Pakatan Harapan. They chose to support Umno and PAS instead. Does that mean that they are bad people?
Many could not bring themselves to abandon a party they have identified with all of their lives. PAS has always had a group of die-hard supporters. Many of them were wary of supporting Harapan.
But post-election, the weight of overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing by Umno leaders would have caused many of them to change their minds about staying with Umno.
Malays are easily led or misled by their leaders. If their leaders now move to Bersatu, their constituents will follow.
Will they be contrite and repentant? Unlikely. But the followers should not be judged the same way as the leaders.
The leaders are uncomfortable with being out of power. And as Umno is in disarray lacking credible leaders, they think that being with Bersatu is a good option for them. After all, Mahathir was their prime minister for 22 years.
Harapan campaigned long and hard to win the hearts and minds of the Malays. The crossover of Umno leaders will bring them across. Mahathir understands them best.
The leaders must be vetted by the MACC and they must commit themselves to the reform agenda. They should also pledge support for the multiracial government of Harapan.
I'm Watching You!: Is Harapan becoming the new BN? What a shame, these leaders jump and pretend they were not part of the problem before.
Sorry Tun, I completely disagree they should be accepted in. If they are to be accepted, let them stand as independents, win the next election and then apply to join whichever party they want. No free ticket, sir!
Pat20231: I am betting that Tun has made a wise decision. This is primarily about the Malays who happen to be the majority.
Neglect the Umno MPs and hang them out to dry, you might find the so-called Islamic party come courting and sprouting the Islamic agenda that can get you followers.
Bring the MPs over and you get a good following among the Malays which is sorely lacking in Harapan now. I think Tun has, with one master stroke, strengthened his party, while finding enough ammunition to counter PAS.
Multi Racial: At this time, we still have people talking about race or religion. We have to move on from there. It has to be about doing what is good for Malaysia and Malaysians.
I do not have problem with politicians of a different race or religion becoming my PM or ministers. But I have problem if the politicians are corrupted or racist even if they are of the same race or religion as me.
These so-called Umno politicians have no principles. Former PM Najib Abdul Razak was proven corrupted and in spite of that, they continue to support him when he was the PM. Only after Umno lost in GE14, they spoke out. Even that I can live with it if they are not involved in any corruption or scandal.
So Dr M, it is all about quality leaders and not quantity. Indeed, Dr M, most of the current problems were in fact caused by you. God and Malaysians have given you a second chance to correct them.
Please do not screw it up.
Blessed Malaysian: I agreed there are good people in Umno but for now, let them stay out of the Harapan government.
If they are sincere, they can come back in GE15. Let them prove themselves for we don't want two-thirds majority in the government.
Kangkung: Good ones? These are the ones who, despite all the revelations about the corruption that was going on under Najib, decided to turn a blind eye.
They also supported Najib when he oppressed opponents to his rule and they did not even whisper a word when so many were terrorised by Najib. So, how could these be the "good one"?
Now, having left Umno, they did not even express a word of regret for having supported a kleptocracy.
Slumdog: Yes, what about former lawmakers and leaders who defended, supported and lied for Najib and attacked anyone who revealed or asked questions about Najib’s culpability in the plundering of 1MDB.
There are many in Umno who had committed wrongdoings but have not yet been investigated and charged. Does Mahathir accept these people into Bersatu?
Mahathir also needs to be cautious of those so-called independents. The day will come when these independents and former Umno defectors who have said that they will back Mahathir or Anwar will ask for ministerial positions for their support.
Ipoh Pp: Tun, let me remind you. You left Umno when you saw the dirt and didn't want to be associated with rubbish and thieves. That was great and that's why we supported you.
However, these frogs saw the dirt but preferred to stay on and contest on an Umno ticket. After having won, they now betrayed the party and the people who voted for them.
And you say they are good? They are mere opportunists and will stab you and Harapan in the back when the time comes.
It’s so sad you have to do this to all of us who voted for you.
Spinnot: People who voted for Harapan in GE14 wanted a two-party system. They want BN component parties to reform and be a constructive opposition to provide check and balance on the Harapan government.
No one wants them to die or be destroyed. No one wants a one-party Malaysia with only mosquito opposition parties.
Abd.Karim: People voted for Harapan, not Umno or PAS. These same Umno guys stood by the kleptocratic government to deny the rakyat of their fundamental rights. They didn't think it was morally right to stand up for truth and integrity.
If today we forgive and embrace them, we are sending the wrong signals to the younger generation.
The good should be rewarded and the bad punished.
Anonymous_ede84a93: Non-Muslims in Harapan are too idealistic to believe that the rule of law and efficient clean governance is what all races look for.
I think, no. I believe that many Malays prioritise their rights above everything else, and can accept corruption and abuse of power within certain limits. That's why for decades we slowly declined because the majority of the rakyat accepted Umno until Najib/Rosmah Mansor crossed the line.
Malays can never accept a non-Malay regime that is based purely on meritocracy because they are not ready for it. It will take several generations of nurturing (not handouts) and training before they are ready.
Prudent: Mahathir, you can't turn back the clock. If you deliberately or inadvertently re-impose on Malaysia the straitjacket of Umno's racism that has retarded both you and the nation during your first stint of 22 years as PM, you will likely fail.
If you do so, you will destroy your chance at political redemption, destroy any positive legacy that you still have and go down into infamy in the history of Malaysia. Your name will become a byword for deceit for future generations of Malaysians as Umno is now a byword for kleptocracy.
But the new Malaysia will survive by the grace of the true Almighty God and by His grace will break free from racism.
Anonymous #40538199: At least if the defectors declare their assets publicly, it will help the people to assess whether they are good or bad. - Mkini

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