
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Yoursay: MCA delusional about nation's pursuit of happiness

YOURSAY | 'Wee Ka Siong can continue to live in his bubble for all I care…'
Beman: “We have ideas and we have ways, we will lead the people to a brighter future,” said MCA president Wee Ka Siong.
Who are the "we"? Umno? BN? MCA? In spite of all the shortcomings of the current government, it is any time better than the kleptocracy which existed before May 9, 2018, and which would have eventually led the nation to bankruptcy.
Where were you then? You were too busy protecting your ministerial position to show even a wee concern for the well-being of the people and the country.
It is not too late for you to change but you must first gain back the credibility you have lost before you can talk about leading the nation again. Empty talk is of no help to you here.
Ferdtan: This is the most ridiculous statement that ever comes from any politician. Is he delusional?
Wee, keep on believing that your party is doing well and no change is necessary to regain public support is a sure sign of the end of the grand old party.
In psychiatry, denial is a disease. 'Denial' is whereby seemingly intelligent and sane adults vehemently deny truths despite being confronted with a body of irrefutable data.
Quo Vadis: Yes, what utter rubbish! When you have finally lost the one seat you now have in Parliament, it will be time to dwell on “ideas and the ways we will lead the people to a brighter future.”
Or did you mean, “further despair, helplessness and hopelessness”?
Anonymous: Over 60 years in the government and yet they are still trying to dig their own grave.
No wonder you only got one seat in Parliament. If these people have some dignity left, they should just pack up and shave their heads and join the monkhood, and donate all their allegedly ill-gotten money to charity.
Talking nonsense is not going to help, but I think it is a blessing in disguise as if they did do something and change, it would give the present government a run for the money.
Quigonbond: ‘Good ideas’ to run the country like keeping quiet about 1MDB, watching debts stacking up so that the gravy train or pork barrel continues to run, and letting Umno dictate racial extremism in the country?
Wee can continue to live in his bubble for all I care, as long as his generation of MCA politicians never sees federal power again.
Mano: Oh, really? We are - unfortunately for you and MCA/BN and fortunately for us - we are very happy.
Yes, there are minor and major glitches but we have confidence our new leaders, albeit some old, will get us through.
These problems that we are facing are problems you and gang deliberately created. Once again, I reiterate, the rakyat are happy that we dumped you.
RZee: Isn’t MCA being contradictory? First, they say they didn’t listen to the people who voted them out and chose Pakatan Harapan (who by the way was listening to the people), and then say that Harapan is not making the people happy.
So are they saying that the people must now vote MCA back in? The people went to the streets. Where was MCA? The people were divided into race and religion camps. Where was MCA?
The then PM and BN and MCA caused the biggest theft of the century. Where was MCA? The then PM, BN and MCA compromised our institutions, the police and distorted the documents and the truth. Where was MCA?
The country is in this mess because MCA remained silent. Indeed, MCA Youth should go the streets, as suggested, to protest their own dishonest leadership.
We Are Concerned: Wee, look yourself in the mirror. Don’t blame others. And stop talking nonsense.
What we have been suffering today is because of the failures of MCA and BN.
Be humble and ask for forgiveness and you will rise again.
TehTarik: Does Wee have any data to back his claim that Malaysians are less happy? What has the fall in the price of rubber got to do with the Harapan government?
If people were so happy when BN was around, why did they vote MCA and BN out in GE14? MCA was almost wiped out.
If MCA/BN were so great in running the country, why are we so mired in debts and almost financially bankrupt? Why did MCA remain silent about the 1MDB scandal before GE14?
Please answer these questions before you condemn the Harapan government, which has only been in power for about six months, whereas MCA was in the government for more than six decades.
Wee, the people are not so naive and stupid to believe your rhetoric.
Anonymous_d9ebfdab: Would not it be better to say, "We are sorry to let you down. But we are going to do things differently now. We are going to listen to you more. Time will tell, but please give us time to prove ourselves."
Instead, you point finger at the current six-month-old government.
The Wakandan: MCA ideas are just that - ideas. They can become NGO and come out with ideas, then maybe it would be good. As a political party, they are zero.
Kleptocrats are losers, which is what MCA politicians are. I suggest we do not take their bait about DAP or Harapan.
Harapan can only fall if they, in turn, become kleptocrats themselves.
Behsaikong: With just one seat out of 222 parliament seats which you won with a majority of 303 votes, you want to tell us about the people's pursuit of happiness?
Which planet are you from, Wee?  - Mkini

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