
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Yoursay: Racial undertones in Harapan’s friendly fire over Seafield riots

YOURSAY | ‘At least Umno was honest in its bigotry, not hiding behind platitudes like New M’sia.’
Ghostwhowalks: PKR Seberang Jaya assemblyperson Afif Bahardin seems to be yet another who cannot understand what Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said.
It is precisely as ridiculous to call for de facto National Unity Minister P Waythamoorthy’s resignation because of the Seafield temple farce as it is to ask Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman to resign because of the Harimau Malaya defeat in the AFF Suzuki Cup Final.
In any case, Afif should answer these questions: Who started the initial problem at the Seafield Sri Maha Mariamman temple? Who are the 50 hired thugs who entered the temple to cause trouble? Who instigated the thugs to cause trouble?
Was Waythamoorthy’s correction of the initial police’s statement incorrect? If he is truthful in his answers, he will see how misguided his response is.
ABC123: Ramkarpal was not asking Syed Saddiq to resign over the AFF Suzuki Cup defeat.
Ramkarpal's point was if Waythamoorthy has to resign because of an event he had no direct control over, then by the same logic, Syed Saddiq has to resign because of an event he has no direct control over.
The DAP lawmaker was using that to illustrate the flawed logic and hypocrisy of those calling for Waythamoorthy’s head – he was not actually asking Syed Saddiq to resign over the football match.
Ramkarpal was illustrating the flawed logic, not comparing both events. Understand?
Lepak: It was the principle Ramkarpal was referencing, not the actual event. Once again, this is no different from Umno treating people like idiots by dishonestly misrepresenting something.
If events connected with the Seafield temple riots – including correcting a misleading statement by the authorities about this being an Indian-on-Indian event – can be blamed on Waythamoorthy, thus failing his national unity portfolio, then losing an important football match could be pinned on Syed Saddiq, since he did not fulfil his duty as the sports minister to win the tournament.
Maybe your prime minister should also resign since it is equally ridiculous that a government put in place by an overwhelming non-Malay vote is led by the head of a small-trying-to-be-big-party which specifically excludes non-Malays from membership.
This is just bullying – the Indian minister is the easy target, especially since he doesn't belong to any of the big parties.
Breaking the racial walls? Then somebody from your side should have the gonads to stand up and call this for what it is – the abuse of a brave firefighter's death to continue spreading racist poison.
At least, Umno was honest in its racism - they didn't hide behind platitudes like ‘rule of law’ or ‘New Malaysia’.
Abasir: Three things have become crystal clear with this latest outburst. Afif, despite his medical degree, is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
This is why he is unable to understand the meaning of the word “akin” used by Ramkarpal to point out the ridiculousness of Syed Saddiq’s bleating.
He is evidently the product of the country’s failed education system, which was destroyed by former education ministers, Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim.
As a recent loser in the party polls, who is aligned to PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali and therefore to Mahathir and Syed Saddiq, he is deliberately ignoring the advice of his party president to cease and desist, and perhaps also signalling his readiness to jump ship to Bersatu.
There are thousands of these bumpkins running loose in Harapan and it is because of them that this country will fail.
Mahathir, who unleashed this lot by mischievously inserting Syed Saddiq into the government, must be held responsible for the inevitable disaster that awaits us all.
Gerard Lourdesamy: How to break the racial walls when Afif and others in Bersatu and Amanah are looking at the firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim’s death with a racially tinted lens?
Let the police investigate and charge the culprits. Why jump the gun and attempt to demonise every single Indian, including cabinet ministers, for Adib's death?
The attack on the temple was allegedly perpetrated by Malay gangsters. Why did the police initially say it was the work of rival Indian gangs?
What were the response time and effective measures undertaken by the police to contain the situation on the first night and the second night of the incident? Why did the police allow 10,000 Indians to gather at the temple on the second night?
Waythamoorthy did not instigate, encourage or condone the attack on Adib. So why is he being singled out?
If there is so much discontent, ask the government to form a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate the incident. But why this constant baying for Indian blood?
Anonymous_4056: Afif, if there is a lapse of security with more than 20 cars burned and rioters allowed to roam the streets, and you do not blame the police for its allegedly exceedingly slow response, then who do you blame?
In demanding for Waythamoorthy’s head on the chopping block, surely Afif is behaving worse than an Umno warlord.
God Save Us: If this is the intellectual mettle of a PKR assemblyperson, I would urge the party leadership to promptly sieve the chaff from the wheat, lest it suffers the same fate as Umno.
It is worrisome that young people such as this – obviously the product of the special privilege mentality – are intellectually deficient and demonstrate not just zero leadership potential, but an astute ability to propagate racial division and disharmony.
There is no place for this in a future just Malaysia. Maybe the likes of Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah Anwar and Khairy Jamaluddin forming a new party comprising forward-thinking, young and idealistic liberals might not be such a bad idea after all.
RZee: Is Afif conceding that the call for Waythamoorthy’s resignation is based on racial lines? I just don’t get it otherwise.
Why is there a need for one cabinet minister to call for the resignation of another resignation for saying that the police arrived late at the scene? Is it because a minister cannot say such a thing? Of course, a minister is entitled to say this.
Is it because the statement caused the riot? Of course, it did not. Is it because the statement caused the firefighter’s death? Of course, it did not.
Wildflower: All these young politicians trying to score brownie points by being in the limelight. Cheap shots. The people are not amused.
Campaigning is over. Just do some work for a change. - Mkini

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