
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 7, 2019

DAP Chinese Want Malays To Move Away From Islam And In The Belief Of Allah

Using Chua’s empirical evidence method as opposed to rationalism, reason or reflection, that would mean God does not exist. Using the empiricist view of God, it would mean since there is no scientific evidence that God exists then God cannot exist.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
TK Chua is a typical DAP-Pakatan Harapan Chinese. What he wrote in Free Malaysia Today (read below) is not only consistent with what he has been writing all these years but is also consistent with the mentality of most Chinese, whether from Pakatan Harapan or Barisan Nasional.
The main issue to what Chua wrote is:
Malaysians, in general, are never free from the shackle of ideological dogma or religious bigotry. From young, we are inculcated in a certain way to preserve our so-called values and identity. We completely ignore the empirical evidence around us.
Yes, “the shackle of ideological dogma or religious bigotry” and “empirical evidence around us.”
Empirical evidence is information that verifies the truth (which accurately corresponds to reality) or falsity of a claim. In the empiricist view, one can claim to have knowledge only when based on empirical evidence. This stands in contrast to the rationalist view under which reason or reflection alone is considered evidence for the truth or falsity of some propositions. Empirical evidence is information acquired by observation or experimentation, in the form of recorded data, which may be the subject of analysis, for example, by scientists.(Wikipedia).

Philosophers such as Immanuel Kant propagated empirical evidence to prove something instead of having blind faith based on dogma or doctrine such as in religion

Using Chua’s empirical evidence method as opposed to rationalism, reason or reflection, that would mean God does not exist. Using the empiricist view of God, it would mean since there is no scientific evidence that God exists then God cannot exist.
Atheists consider the belief in religion and God as an imprisonment of the mind. That is why Chua said “the shackle of ideological dogma or religious bigotry.” Shackles of dogma means imprisonment of the mind. And Chua wants us to free our minds or remove “the shackle of ideological dogma or religious bigotry.”
In essence, that would mean we become a pragmatic person rather than a dogmatic person, which is what Muslims are since they are tied to the dogma or doctrine of Islam (some may call it aqidah or akidah).
Chua asked, “Which of these countries talk about religion day and night?”
What Chua does not realise is (good) Muslims are asked to think of God or Allah with every breath they take. Each time you breathe in, you are supposed to whisper “lā ilāha illā allāh” under your breath. I am sure Chua would be most surprised to know that (good) Muslims breathe in and breathe out the Kalimah Syuhada.

Can we move away from ideology to good old pragmatism?

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today
Malaysians, in general, are never free from the shackle of ideological dogma or religious bigotry. From young, we are inculcated in a certain way to preserve our so-called values and identity.
For this reason, politicians have never failed to capitalise on race, religion, parochialism and now ideology to exploit to the fullest the gullibility of the people. Never mind that in the process the nation has gone to the dogs, so long as they are able to go on plundering the nation.
We completely ignore the empirical evidence around us – from Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore to now China.
Which of these countries talk about religion day and night?
Which of these countries issue decrees and edicts on how people should live their personal life?
Which of these countries are fixated with VIP status and nobility?
Which of these countries are concerned with whether they are theocratic, communist, socialist or capitalist?
But, over time, have they not progressed and achieved much better than us despite their lack of natural resources?

To most Chinese, progress means more money in your pocket and not about morality or social justice

I think I know why; I think other countries in the region are not as hypocritical and phoney as us. Our politicians use religious and ideological sentiments to hoodwink and exploit the people routinely and habitually. Our people play into their hands because most are ignorant and naive to the core.
Seriously, why would most Malaysians still want to rant about religious piety when we are a nation most inundated with juicy sex videos involving politicians ever?
We like to talk about fairness, equity and social justice but for decades, we are more or less jumping on the spot with nothing much to show. We then blame the capitalists, the socialists and now the communists for all the ills besetting this nation. I think soon we may run of ideology to blame.
We talk the most in international politics as if we are the most righteous and holy nation – from Palestine, the non-aligned movement, rule of law to condemning the hypocrisy of superpowers and the West. But what have we got to show? Other countries in the region, including countries much bigger and more powerful than us, have stayed quietly developing their nations by leaps and bounds while we are still talking.

When money and power are supreme the people become just pawns in the game of politics

We have talked about competitiveness and meritocracy for years now. But have we moved an iota from 30 years ago? I don’t care about the political cost to some politicians or political parties anymore. I only know “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”.
It is about time for the nation to move ahead of archaic politicians who know next to nothing other than playing politics in its most rudimentary forms. Every day, we hear of some utopia that will come our way if only we adhere to their brand of ideology and belief.
We have clear empirical evidence for us to follow, but we choose to believe the Pied Piper who will take us to Timbuktu.

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