
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

No Change In The Education System - Anak2 Tuan-Tuan Akan Tetap 'relatively' Dunggu

How many of you can remember science labs in our schools. Do you know that schools in Malaysia do not have science labs anymore.  This is what I have been told. If so, our schools will just become more backward. Here is a secret : Nothing is going to change. This is the Mahathir 2.0 style of government. Nothing will change. 

Today an old friend of mine who has school going kids sent me his child's school time table with this comment : 

'Salam Brother, ini jadual waktu anak aku, apa mau jadi ni?'

Here is the time table. You can zoom in.

Obviously what he is referring to are the Agama / Arab subjects.

Not counting PJ, PK and Seni there are 38 class study periods in a week.

As you can see Agama / Arab has the largest number of class periods.
Agama / Arab takes up 11 periods a week.  That is almost 30% of total study time.

If a class period is 40 minutes, 11 periods a week of Arab / Agama adds up to 440 minutes or 7 1/3 hours.  Four weeks (one month) is 29 hours a month. 

For a NINE month school year, that is 261 hours of studying Arab / Agama.

From Darjah Satu until Darjah Enam, that will add up to 1,566 hours of Arab / Agama.

Assuming the sekolah menengah also teaches about the same number of Agama / Arab class periods, then Malay / Muslim kids would have spent 3,132 hours in their school career studying Arab / Agama. 

The first thing to ask is 'Nauzubillah Ya Allah Ya Rahman, what is so complicated and difficult or important and essential about kelas Arab / Agama that you have to teach 11 periods a week, 261 hours a year, 3,132 hours in an 11 year school career - to our school children?

After 1,566 hours of Arab / Agama at primary level and another 1,566 hours at secondary level ALL the school kids will have enough religious indoctrination to become :

a. ostard wal retards
b. potential ISIS suicide bombers
c. atheists / agnostics (This is happening a lot in Middle East countries).

Why is the religion so complicated that schools have to teach 11 class periods a week for days, months and years?

Tuan-tuan tak faham Al Quran ke?  

Surah 20:2

Maa - Tidak 
anzal na - kami menurunkan 
alaika - atas kamu
al quraana - al Qur'an
li tashqa - untuk menyusahkan kamu

Kami tidak menurunkan al Quran atas kamu untuk menyusahkan kamu.
We did not send down the Quran upon you to cause you hardship.

The Quran and the Islam in the Quran are so easy. 

So why do you manufacture a religion that is so complicated and difficult that young children must study religion for 1,566 hours over six years in primary school alone? 

Pasal apa agama jadian tuan-tuan ini sudah jadi begitu complex, complicated dan difficult? 

Fahaman agama tuan-tuan seolah bercanggah dengan Al Quran yang mengatakan bahawa Al Quran itu tidak di turunkan kepada kita untuk menyusahkan hidup kita (Surah 20:2).  

The first thing is while the Malay Muslim kids are learning 11 periods of Agama / Arab per week the non Malay kids (Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Dusuns etc)  learn other things which are hopefully more useful for their future.

In Tamil and Chinese schools (whereby Tamil schools now score the highest grades in Science and Maths)  the Tamil and Chinese students spend an extra 261 hours a year learning other more economically useful subjects (more of Science, Maths, English, Geography, etc).

So every year the non Malay kids learn 261 hours of other more useful subjects - compared to the Malay kids.

That is a 1,566 hours difference in primary school and perhaps another 1,566 hours in secondary school.   A total of over 3,132 hours of extra hours of learning more useful subjects between non Malay versus Malay kids in an 11 year school career. 

Also keep this in mind. The agama fellows say 'kita tidak boleh menggunakan akal dalam hal agama'.   

You cannot use your brains in religion. 
Religion and brain do not mix. 
Religion is faith. 
No reasoning is required. 

So after 11 years and 3,132 hours of kelas Agama / Arab your children would have become seriously "tidak berakal".  Compared to the Chinese and Indian kids who will have an extra 3,132 hours more useful training.<132 akal="" b="" dengan="" hours="" learning="" menggunakan="" of="">

Jadi jangan hairanlah bila anak tuan-tuan besar nanti mereka akan bekerja untuk anak China dan India yang belajar lebih banyak matapelajaran yang berguna sewaktu di bangku sekolah. (Bukan semua orang Melayu boleh menjadi penjawat awam, pekerja GLC, askar, polis, Grab Food atau jadi wakil rakyat.)

Saya cadangkan kelas Agama di ajar di luar waktu sekolah, secara sukarela oleh masjid dan surau yang terlalu berlambak dalam negara kita tetapi tak cukup saf penuh pada waktu sembahyang.  Marilah menjadikan masjid dan surau tempat yang lebih berguna dan lebih bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Islam.  Gunakanlah masjid dan surau untuk mengajar agama / arab secara sukarela kepada anak-anak tuan-tuan. (Janganlah minta duit pula - mengajar agama pun nak untung duit ke?)

Then the extra 11 class periods a week in school can be used to teach more maths, science, power mechanics, metallurgy, electronics, computer programming, logic, philosophy, reason and rationality, marketing, psychology, basic accounting, geology, carpentry and other useful subjects to school children.  

Tuan-tuan faham ke situasi ini? I hope so lah.

Kalau tak faham takpe lah. 
Grab Food masih ada jawatan kosong.

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