
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Rohingya - bagai ketam cuba mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus.

Image result for rohingya

The Myanmar government states that only 4% of Myanmar's 54 million people are Muslim. That is 2.16 million.

According to the US State Department's 2006 international religious freedom report, Myanmar's non-Buddhist populations were underestimated in the census. Muslim leaders estimate that 20% of the population may be Muslim. 
(OSTB : 20% means 10.8 million Muslims. Even if say only 10% of the Myanmar population is Muslim, that is 5.4 million Muslims out of a 54 million population).

What many of us in Malaysia (especially the government including Dr Mahathir) should be aware of is that there are at least SIX groups of Burmese Muslims or Myanmar Muslims. Here is a list :

1. Bamar Muslims are a community descended from inter-ethnic marriages between Indian Muslim males and Burmese females.  They are the largest Muslim group in Myanmar and form more than 50% of the total Muslim population in the country   

Culturally, Bamar Muslims are the same as the Bamar Buddhists including their lifestyle, clothing and language.

(OSTB : More than 50% of the Muslims in Myanmar are Bamar Muslims.   That is between 2.7 million to 5.4 million Bamar Muslims. These people are Myanmars - they speak the Myanmar language, they also look and dress like the Myanmar people.

The question is why do we not have any Bamar Muslims as refugees in Malaysia? How come? Why arent there any Bamar Muslim refugees from Myanmar seeking refuge in Malaysia. Can Dr Mahathir answer this? Why are there only Rohingya Muslims?

2. Kamein, a government-recognized ethnic minority native to Rakhine state.

(OSTB : The Kamein Muslims are Myanmars - they speak the Myanmar language, they also look and dress like the Myanmar people.

Again why do we not have any Kamein Muslims as refugees in Malaysia? How come? Why arent there any Kamein Muslim refugees from Myanmar seeking refuge in Malaysia. Can Dr Mahathir answer this? Why are there only Rohingya Muslims?)
3. Indian-descended Muslim community of Rangoon. 
4. Panthay, Burmese Chinese Muslims.
5. Muslims of Malay ancestry in Kawthaung. People of Malay ancestry are locally called Pashu regardless of religion.

(OSTB : Indian Muslims, Panthay Chinese Muslims, Malay Muslims in Kawthaung are still Muslims.

Why do we not have any Indian Muslim Myanmars, Panthay Chinese Muslims, Malay Muslims in Kawthaung as refugees in Malaysia? How come?  How come the Malay Muslims in Kawthaung, Myanmar do not want to run away and return to Malaysia? 

How come we only get Rohingya Muslims?   Can Dr Mahathir answer this? Why are there only Rohingya Muslim refugees?)
6. Rohingyas, in northern Rakhine, Western Burma. The Rohingya population is mostly concentrated in nine northern townships of Rakhine State: Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Akyab, Sandway, Tongo, Shokepro, Rashong Island and Kyauktaw.

Rohingyas in Myanmar: 400,000 (November 2017)
Bangladesh: 1,300,000+ (March 2018)
Malaysia: 150,000 (October 2017)

(OSTB : We will get closer to the solution of this problem when we realise that the Rohingyas are a Bengali people from the Chittagong area in East Bengal.  Rohingyas speak a Chittagong dialect  of the Bengali language. Until today Chittagong is the cultural and linguistic capital of all Rohingyas. They are distinct from the Myanmars.  Many Rohingyas who travel to Malaysia come by way of Bangladesh.  

The land that they inhabit - below the Arakan Yoma or Arakan Mountains - has been ruled by the Myanmar kings throughout history. It is not as if the Myanmar kings did not have a presence in Arakan. The name is Arakan. The anglicised version is Rakhine, and Rohingya in the Chittagong dialect.

Had the British - who are the cause of almost all conflict zones around the world - dissected Arakan and joined it with the District of Chittagong in East Bengal - this problem would be different. But the British could not ignore the Burmese presence and sovereignty in Arakan in the past).

The Burmese also have a historical hatred for all things Indian because for centuries  Burma has been dominated by the Indians - in business, economics, among the elite in society and as advisors, generals and military strategists serving the Burmese kings.

Islam has had a presence in Burma since circa 1000 AD.  And Islam has spread among the Burmese people as well.  As mentioned above over half of Myanmar Muslims are the Bamar people - those of Indian Muslim - Burmese ancestry.  And they number anywhere between 2.7 to 5.4 million.

The Bamar Muslims do not seem to have as much trouble with the Myanmar Buddhists as the Rohingyas.

In Myanmar there are many well known historical mosques, many of which are large and grand structures. Examples are  "Half-broken" Mosque, Panthe Mosque, Mandalay Battery Ward Mosqueetc.  

 Masjid Jamek Bengali Sunni in Yangon.

And here is something interesting. In the 1800s, Burma had their own small version of 'tabung haji' which cared for Burmese Muslims travelling to Mecca :

King Mindo-ne (1854 to 1878), during his rule built Peacock rest house in the Holy City of Mecca, for the Muslims from Myanmar who went there on Hajj pilgrimage to stay comfortably while they were there for about one and a half months. That act was testimony in Myanmar history of how Myanmar kings looked after their Muslim subjects.

My view is the Rohingya issue has political undertones which has been exploited and amplified by the religious extremists.  The Mother of all Islamic Terrorism ie Saudi Arabia has been funding Salafi / Wahabi hatred in Myanmar just like they have been doing the same in southern Thailand. And in our very own Darul Terroris up north, in Indonesia, Mindanao etc.  The Wahabi influence has made things worse even in Myanmar.

Hence to approach the Rohingya issue as a  "Islam versus the Myanmar Buddhists" problem is exactly playing into the hands of the Wahhabi syaitans. Better be careful. Jangan jadi bodoh.

What is needed is a political solution. 

To tell the Myanmars to excise out the Arakan region and hive it off as a Rohingya state is a non starter. And the remaining less than 500,000 Rohingyas who are dirt poor, mostly illiterate have no capacity to govern themselves.  ISIS, Al Qaeda, Salafi terrorists etc will make a beeline for Arakan. Before you know it there will be an ISIS and Al Qaeda infested state wanting to join ASEAN.

The other cheaper and simpler solution is for the Rohingyas to assimilate into Myanmar society. Rohingyas do not speak the Myanmar language or they speak it sparingly. Speak the Myanmar language, send their children to Myanmar government schools etc.   But all this is shooting in the dark for us.

We cannot be busybodies and start telling the Myanmars how to solve this problem. This is their political problem. And there are many sides to this problem.  We do not understand their issues. Neither are we going to resolve the issue by hosting 150,000 Rohingyas in Malaysia. 

Then things like this will happen :


militant Rohingya actively fundraising in Malaysia 
RM80,000 from Rohingya in Malaysia, according to police.

arrest of four Rohingyas uncovered extortion racket 

to fund Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa)
operates in seven states in Peninsular Malaysia

Rohingyas have links with Isis cell 

involved in terror plot to attack Hindu temple

Rohingyas make up 54% of 176,000 refugees in Malaysia

Rohingya security threat causing disquiet among Malaysian security agencies
money sent to Bangladesh via hawala and Western Union

Hawala is alternative remittance channel outside traditional banking

Arsa operates in Myanmar as well as Bangladesh.
not only in Bangladesh but have training camps along Myanmar border 

Arsa emerged 2017, attacked 30 police posts in Rakhine state

Armed with machetes Arsa killed 12 security forces
triggering ferocious crackdown by Myanmar
700,000 Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh

Hundreds were killed in the so-called military clearance operations.

Rohingyas give money to Arsa because they have been threatened

Rohingyas extorted in Kedah, Penang, Perak, S'gor, K'tan, Terengganu and Johor

Arsa members “gangsters” 

arrested by police for threatening people
go to shops where Rohingyas gather to extort money

refugee arrested in Kedah key figure in extortion racket

Arsa resorted to criminal activities to keep its finances rolling

money for weapons, salaries of important militant figures, intelligence 

Arsa evolving as militant group 

pro-Isis Rohingya planned to launch terror attacks in Malaysia charged in court

Mohamad Husin Jamal strong supporter of Arsa and Isis

slapped with charges – supporting terrorist group to launch attack

Arsa directly radicalised many Rohingya 

Isis terrorist plots in Central Asia linked to Rohingya
Rohingya easy target for radical preachers to carry out terrorism

OSTB :  Read this part again :

Rohingya security threat causing disquiet among Malaysian security agencies

Kenapalah bodoh dunggu suka  cari pasal macam ini?
As though we do not have our own problems? 

Our security boys especially the Police are becoming aware that they have more work to do now trying to protect "keselamatan negara Malaysia" from Rohingya terrorism.

It has become a headache for our Police. 
Macam lah Polis tak ada kerja lain. 

So the dumbass politicians allowing in the 150,000 Rohingyas is now creating terrorist problems for Malaysia.   

This is what is called stupidity at its maximum. 
Bodoh cari pasal.   

The Rohingya terrorist group ARSA is already operating inside Malaysia. 
This is a pro ISIS terrorist group.

They operate militant camps along the Bangladesh Myanmar border.
They collect money from Malaysia and send it by hawala to Bangladesh.

So it is Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Bangladesh.

This is not our problem. 
Why do we want to get involved.

Akhir kalam, we are generally stupid. 
Lazimnya kita ini bodoh.
A stupid people trying to solve the problems of other more dumber people.
So who is dumb and getting dumber.
Please learn to cuci bontot sendiri.
Dont worry about cuci bontot orang lain. 

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