
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 5, 2019

Syed Akbar Ali: Spitting Into The Wind

According to Kit Siang, Guan Eng, Anwar, Ezam, Azmin, Latheefa, Syed Husin Ali, Johari Abdul, and many more of those ‘Reformists’ from the 1998-1999 era, Mahathir, Mukhriz, Daim, Rafidah, Liong Sik, Samy Vellu, etc., are all corrupt. In fact, Anwar has six boxes of evidence against them which can send them to jail for a very long time.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
These Pakatan Harapan people need to be very careful when they spit at Umno or Umno leaders lest they end up spitting into the wind.
Today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s chief blogger, Syed Akbar Ali said: “No Contests – The UMNO Disease Infects Bersatu.”
Actually, that No-Contest rule or culture in Umno was introduced when Mahathir was the Umno President (or rather the Umno Baru President). So, it was something that Mahathir brought into Umno and now has been imported into PPBM, for obvious reasons: which is, PPBM is an offshoot or splinter of Umno (and DAP and all the Chinese in Malaysia know this).

Mahathir’s chief blogger Syed Akbar Ali is spitting into the wind

In his blog posting titled “Congrats MACC And Latheefa”, Syed Akbar said:
The MACC needs to go after more of the main players. The main players are made up of the big wigs (almost all of whom are politicians). But the MACC also must charge the supporting players. There are many of them.
How far back is Syed Akbar talking about? Just over the last nine years from 2009 to 2018? Or over the last 15 years from 2003 to 2018? What about over the last 37 years from 1981 to 2018?
According to Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim, Ezam Mohd Noor, Azmin Ali, Latheefa Koya, Syed Husin Ali, Johari Abdul, and many more of those ‘Reformists’ from the 1998-1999 era, Mahathir, Mukhriz, Daim Zainuddin, Rafidah Aziz, Ling Liong Sik, Samy Vellu, etc., are all corrupt. In fact, Anwar has six boxes of evidence against them which can send them to jail for a very long time.

Kit Siang and Anwar named Mahathir and Daim as the most corrupt persons in Malaysia

In Wan Haron Wan Hassan’s article published in Free Malaysia Today, he said:
Politics makes strange bedfellows. Shared interests can bring together people with little in common. We are not quite sure which party is shipwrecked and which is the monster. Both parties are desperate: to survive and move forward they have to enter into a marriage of convenience. Never mind the fact that the marriage is not borne out of genuine love, but out of harsh necessity and the reality of the situation.
Actually, Wan Haron could also be talking about DAP and PPBM (or Kit Siang and Mahathir). The Pakatan Harapan unholy alliance is worse than the Umno-PAS alliance. So Wan Haron, just like Syed Akbar, is also spiting into the wind. And this video demonstrates it correctly.

Wan Haron also said, “Since the death of Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, PAS has lost the soul of its struggle. Leaders have become more worldly in their approach, ready to trade principles with political exigencies. Many things that were once considered sacred to PAS are now negotiable. Religious edicts, too, keep changing.”
Well, when PAS asks Malays to focus on the Afterlife and not be greedy for power and wealth in this world, you call them extremists and Talibans. Now you condemn PAS for being too “worldly”. So which one do you want PAS to be: the “Taliban” PAS or the PAS that balances between this world and the next world?
Semua PAS buat tak betul. Pakatan Harapan saja yang betul. Sembahyang pun salah. Minum arak sampai mabuk pun salah. Jadi yang mana yang betul? DAP saja betul ke?

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