
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 14, 2019

YB Mat Sabu Presiden Parti Amanah Menjelaskan Kenapa Orang Islam Ketinggalan

Here is a short video clip of YB Mat Sabu the Minister of Defence who is turning out to be quite a star performer.  He may need some polishing up in his English but listen to him closely - he speaks much sense. 

You can also click on the link:

Before I say anything let me qualify myself. For the sake of this conversation I will use the term Islam loosely. Meaning all the Sunnis, Shias, Salafis, Sufis etc who populate the world. Note that the Sunnis, Shias, Salafis etc do kill each other for their beliefs. That certainly cannot be Islam. That is why I say I am using the term ‘Islam’ loosely.

The Quran is the real Islam. 
That is a certainty. 

The rest of what is outside the Quran contributes to my discussion here :


1. The first reason why the Muslims (and in Malaysia the Malays) have failed is because of the “tidak boleh  menggunakan akal dalam hal agama”. It simply means ‘do not use your brains’. 

This is in direct contradiction with the Quran which says:

Surah 10:100 ‘And it is not possible for anyone to believe except with the permission of Allah. Allah will cast doubts on those who do not use logic (aqal)’.

The Arabic aqal refers to the mind, the intellect, reasoning, rationale, logical thinking. If you do not think then please do not consider yourself a ‘believer’. 

There is no such thing as ‘unthinking’ believers. 
And yet that is exactly the life support system the ostard wal retards depend on for their survival.

2. Once they have convinced the people that they should not use their logic or thinking it is much easier for them to achieve the next phase of the devolution: the ‘tahu  bunyi  tahu warna boleh jadi ostard wal retard’. Those who can think the least become the biggest retards. That is why they say the stupidest things like ‘MP’s declaring assets is ‘kominis’ 

There is no such thing as an ‘educated’ religious scholar. Educated means you learn things through proof, evidence, scientific methods and logic. They do not follow any of these methods. Their only stock in trade is their  tidak boleh menggunakan akal’ bullshit underlined by ‘if you do not believe what I say you will go to hell’ People who are taught using these methods are not educated. They are just moron retards. 

That is why in any Islamic society the best and the brightest become the doctors, engineers, the business people and such. People who achieve real things in life. The dumbest and the most stupid become the religious leaders. Tahu bunyi tahu warna boleh jadi ostard wal retard.

That is why when you go and listen to their sermons in the mosques for that one hour it is most likely that you are listening to the most foolish, the most stupid, the most unqualified fellows for one full hour. Your life becomes wasted for one hour. Worse than that you also become stupid. 

3. The “rubbish” they claim as ‘knowledge’ (nauzubillah) has ZERO evidence. It all boils down to "my grandfather heard from his grandfather who heard it from his grandfather"

Also known as grandfather stories. I say thambi ada sikit evidence kah? Yilek. Bukti semua  yilek. An entire religion can be built up based on ZERO evidence. This is only possible when the flock (err . . . that means YOU) is also fantastically stupid.

4. And to keep the masses dumb (as well as preserve their rice bowl and also keep their heads on their shoulders) they do not allow questioning.  Questioning is suicidal for ‘religion’. 

Well this does not apply for the Quran.   The Quran says, 

‘Why do they not study the Quran with care? If it were from other than Allah then they would have found inside it many contradictions’ Surah 4:82.

This is an open and direct “challenge” to study, research, criticise and debunk the Quran. The Quran is NOT afraid of being questioned, examined, ridiculed and criticised. No big deal. ‘Go ahead punk, make my day’.

The satanic ostard wal retards go the other way. You question them and they lock you up in jail. Enakmen Jenayah Syariah and crap like that. The 3,5,6 Laws (aka Blasphemy Laws). If you say or believe in anything the retards do not agree with they can jail you for THREE years and/or fine you RM5000, and/or whip you with SIX strokes of the cane.  They criminalise questions, criticisms and simple thinking.

5. Finally they kill people who have different thoughts. This is not only in the satanic behaviour of the ISIS satan’s and the Salafi satan’s but it is in their mainstream beliefs ie that people who do not believe as they believe can be declared apostates and then killed. This satanic idea has no basis in the Quran at all. 

The net result of all this is that the ostard have become retards. And the people who listen to them (err . . that is YOU) also become retards. That is why you cannot even behave like a normal person in normal society.

You have to dress weird, talk weird, wish wash wish wash all the time, you cannot even sit at the same table as other human beings, you think you are going to some happy hunting ground in the sky (ha ha ha are you in for a big surprise - I have inside information, I read the Quran). 

You are just a bunch of stupid nit wits. The only way you can live your life everyday is by building a cocoon around yourselves. Inside this cocoon you need other ugly caterpillars like yourselves to keep you company. Just a group of fuglies wriggling up against each other. The cocoon civilisation.

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