
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 8, 2019

Yoursay: Immigration detainees deserve better treatment

YOURSAY | 'Let's have a little more care and sympathy for our fellow human beings.'
Kiwi: “In the past, (investigation) was according to the queue as operations were carried out daily. After this, if there are any detention involving children, we will immediately investigate without waiting for the queue…,” said Immigration Department director-general Khairul Dzaimee Daud.
Apparently, he is not answering the question on human rights. We are not expecting five-star service, but all basic human rights need to be accorded to any human.
It’s a shame we only choose to be religious when it’s convenient.
Rembrandt: Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you. Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should put himself in their shoes and feel their suffering.
I hope he will look into this and have some compassion for human beings. They are not animals.
Ben Avatartan: Malaysia must show the world, by example and by deed, that it treats detainees humanely and provides basic amenities like clean water and food.
These people are not criminals, but victims of economic conditions in their home country.
Just a Malaysian: It is a double-edged sword. Treat illegals well, and they will swarm our country and return again and again after deportation.
Make them fearful, and we run the risk of cruelty to humankind. It is a hard balance to achieve.
Honest: @Just a Malaysian, you should pray very hard that neither you nor your descendant will ever be in the same shoes they’re in. No one would voluntarily want to become an illegal immigrant, even if given a better choice.
You were just fortunate to be born in Malaysia, to the right family who can sufficiently provide for you.
My point is that being cruel to detainees is wrong and criminal, period. These cruel wardens should be prosecuted for abuse. There is no double-edged sword about this.
Keropok Ikan: It’s time to have a royal commission of inquiry on our Immigration Department excesses.
Those corrupt and incompetent must be sacked as soon as possible, and must not be allowed even an Uber licence. They are shaming Malaysia at the international level.
Anonymous #33227154: Yes, Muhyiddin and his ministry must investigate this. We have to balance between humanity and deterrence of illegals.
Any abuse by our immigration officers should not be tolerated.
PB: Indeed, this is not how we should treat human beings. This is outrageous.
We have to be our better selves, and that means being humane. I hope the Home Ministry can find it in itself to reform. This shames all Malaysians.
Mosquito Brain: The detention camp/centre wardens are the lords. If our law enforcers cannot treat our own detainees well, how do you expect them to treat illegals well?
Come on, stop playing the same song but with a different tune.
Anti-Frog: I find it hard to believe that this is happening in our beloved country Malaysia. How could we, people with religion and believing in God, treat another fellow human that way?
We boast of praying five times a day, going to the mosque on Friday, but yet we behave like animals in the zoo. What is wrong?
No Truth Please: No matter what type of religion you belong to, can we have a little more care and sympathy for our fellow human beings?
It is so sad to see these people being so badly mistreated by some officers.

Evin K: This has been a long time coming for all Malaysians - finally!
The beginning of the end to Tenaga Nasional Bhd's (TNB) super-monopoly on energy is warmly welcomed by all of us.
The influx of energy suppliers into the country will not only keep things competitive but will bring arrogant and complacent energy players like TNB to heel.
That, and the fact that energy suppliers can collectively share data and technology in keeping energy prices affordable for all Malaysians.
In the short run, energy players must offer peak and off-peak rates to homes, to begin with. This is long overdue.
Renewable energy is the way forward. Malaysia has the potential to join the growing number of countries that are self-sufficient in terms of energy.
Indeed, 100 percent renewable energy should be the long-term goal - we must look into hydro, solar and wind power as alternative sources of energy more seriously.
Malaysia Baru is starting to kick into gear - albeit slower than expected, but surely.
Idiocracy: Energy reform is certainly welcomed and more important than water reform.
Malaysia water reform was a financial scam to enrich wheeler-dealers. Less than five percent of our rainfall is used as potable water, and yet we have water shortages. New money was used to buy old assets with no improvement in services, quality and tariff.
The energy industry also has independent power producers (IPPs) who bill TNB, regardless of demand. The rakyat is at the mercy of these energy tycoons who rub shoulders with government leaders.
Perhaps soon, we will have 2MDB to acquire these IPPs. How else are you going to release TNB from the shackles of these IPP cronies? It sounds like a lucrative exit strategy for crony tycoons.
It’s about time the Pakatan Harapan government becomes more people-centric and looks at the grassroots economy and encourages the development of small and medium enterprises, especially green technology.
Enough of enriching cronies and undoing mistakes later on. They don’t pay back enough to the nation. They park their assets overseas and reap the profits elsewhere with their political masters.
DoIR: A monopoly after so many decades can result in slackness, inefficiency and no competitive spirit.
Wastages and leakages usually are not accounted for, as there is no comparison. Compare the monopoly then by Malaysia Airlines, and now with AirAsia as its competitor. The differences in airfares can be more than double, especially on domestic flights.
Clearly, being open to other competitors will certainly further reduce our costs of living, which the Harapan government has promised to do. I hope the study doesn’t take too long to understand the benefits.
Yong Yeok Fong: Hahaha... looks like we’re copying Singapore. Yes, Singapore consumers have enjoyed savings of up to more than 20 percent when the energy sector was liberalised.
If only Malaysia copied Singapore’s other attributes much earlier, Malaysia would be an economic powerhouse! -Mkini

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