
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Yoursay: No need for abuse, the law also applies to foreigners

YOURSAY | ‘M’sia’s name is shamed every time migrants return home and talk about the atrocities they faced here.’
Anonymous #13571680: There are too many deaths in Immigration Department detention centres and police lock-ups. Something is not right.
These deaths should be thoroughly investigated by independent authorities.
Deaths in these places are always suspicious, and this suspicion cannot be removed just by statements from directors-general. Instead, these only tend to confirm wrongdoing on the part of the officials.
Vijay47: All of us here in Malaysiakini, the citadel of free speech, liberty and justice, know that we are decent, honourable philosophers dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone.
But a review of many of the comments here shows us to be what we really are, a bunch of out-and-out racists with a monumental lack of intelligence for good measure.
Racism is always what the other guy does – Umno, PAS, ummah and the like – never us ‘paragons’ of racial harmony.
We say Africans, students or otherwise, are dark-skinned anyway, and are here on fake visas. We say they carry out scams and other illegal activities, so it is perfectly in order to shoot them if they so much as blink an eyelid.
We law-abiding citizens do not need them to dirty our neighbourhood and clutter up our gentle lifestyles.
Never mind that the rest of the world sees us as master dealers in drugs, champions in human trafficking, accomplished in credit card swindles; we say the dark-skinned Africans must be chased out.
Never mind if a motorist is shot for jumping the lights, we say he deserved it; never mind if a 16-year old is machine-gunned for driving his sister’s car, he deserved it. Never mind. Until it is you or your brother or your son.
Perhaps things in Malaysia could be better without the foreigners, let us chase them out. We could start with those China dolls, cunning shameless women who display their wares to local idiots, cheat them of their money before moving on to the next victim, leaving broken families in their wake.
Yes, let us do it. After getting rid of the darkies, of course.
Tropic Plunder: @Vijay47, I agree with your principles but I noticed there are few immigrants from Africa in Singapore. Is their government racist? Or have they evaluated the matter before resulting in this outcome?
Anonymous 2892747847378: Let’s stop looking at Singapore as an excuse for our abhorrent treatment of foreigners in Malaysia.
Whether an individual is a Malaysian, immigrant, foreign student or tourist, their rights should be respected.
Anonymous 770241447347646: Immigration Department director-general Khairul Dzaimee Daud denying the mistreatment of detainees and any discrimination against foreigners exist in detention centres is like turning a blind eye to the problem.
It has been going on for years and there have been even deaths.
It is time to put a stop to this. Foreigners have rights too. There are laws that can be used to prosecute them if their documents are not in proper order. Not beatings, kicking or any other form of abuse.
Corruption is another form of abuse. Some of these officers look for easy money. Especially from undocumented migrants or those with expired visas.
Malaysia’s name is brought to shame each time migrants return to their home nations and talk about the atrocities they faced.
We are supposed to be a developed nation, but at times some of those who work in these detention centres behave like they have no humanity left in them.
Let us stop with these denials. Stop allowing these few bad hats destroy the nation’s reputation.
Rembrandt: This Immigration Department director-general cannot just deny there is abuse by his staff.
To him it’s like, if you can’t provide evidence don’t make accusations. He is not going to the ground to find out if the problem is real, why his officers are doing this and stop his staff from going rogue.
In any other country, the people would demand his resignation.
Myop101: That’s why we need Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to also look into any authorities wielding enforcement powers, and not just the police.
At least with transparent and proper independent investigation, the IPCMC can clear the names of our enforcement agencies. Right now, it is their word against those of the alleged victims.
I’m not taking sides, but Nigerian student Orhions Ewansiha Thomas died in detention after being held for days, although he had a valid visa. It is definitely cause for concern.
The Way It Was: Well, some Africans are up to no good, but the same goes for some rogue elements of the police force and immigration officers.
I won’t be surprised some of those crying foul got their money stolen by men in blue.
Newday: Bad men in the police force, bad men in the Immigration Department, bad men from Africa? Yes, but not all.
Malaysia appears to take no heed of its own bad men and appears to glorify some – former premier Najib Abdul Razak and his deputy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi come to mind.
Would the prison guards bash them when they eventually land inside? Of course not, they will probably be seen as heroes by the morally corrupt running the prison system.
Just A Malaysian: The ‘belief in God’ stated in our Rukunegara has failed to inculcate in us decency and moral values. Instead, we pray a lot and still act like beasts. - Mkini

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