
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 14, 2017

MCA Youth chief accepts DAP lawmaker's challenge to a debate

MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon has accepted DAP lawmaker Teo Kok Seong's challenge to a debate over the issue of Chinese education and matters affecting people in the Seremban constituency.
Teo, who is Rasah MP, made the challenge after Chong slammed two DAP state assemblypersons for not performing their duties.
There has been speculation that Chong will contest in Seremban against the incumbent MP Anthony Loke, who is also Negeri Sembilan DAP chief. Teo, on the other hand, is assisting Loke to counter MCA's challenge.
Chong today sent Seremban MCA chief Siow Koi Voon and Negeri Sembilan MCA Youth chief Leaw Kok Chan as his representatives to respond to Teo.
In an official letter to Teo, the senator also suggested that the debate is held at the Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall on Aug 4 at 8pm on the following issues:
  • Whether the national education policy is being fair to Chinese education.
  • The comparison between DAP and MCA on political contribution.
However, Chong (photo) later modified the second topic to just focus on Lobak and Temiang state constituencies.
He further counter-proposed that, instead of facing each other, both send a team of three members.
“The two others in our team are Siow and (MCA Youth legal bureau chief) Ng Kian Nam. Your representatives should be Lobak assemblyperson Siow Kim Leong and Temiang assemblyperson Ng Chin Tsai," Chong said.
Both Siow and Ng are also state lawmakers.
Chong further suggested that the event - in Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia - be held behind closed doors in order to “prevent any unwanted disruption”, but should be available live on the social media.

Asked to comment on the counter proposals, Teo said he would not accept it in full.
“I think the event should be open to the public. I am confident the audience can control their emotions,” the Negeri Sembilan DAP vice-chief told Malaysiakini.
On the proposal of a three-member team, he added: “My previous challenge is that I will take on Chong. But now it is three versus three. It appears that he has no confidence.”
However, Teo said he will discuss with other leaders before making a decision.- Mkini

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