
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 18, 2017

PM Najib: Second, third Felda generations must have strong settlers' spirit

The second and third generations of Felda settlers must have a strong pioneering spirit or resilience so that they will not easily give in when faced with challenges and tribulations, said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
He said the pioneering spirit, blended with an open mind, knowledge, and skills as well as good values and morale presented a formula for bigger success in turning Felda into an economic powerhouse.
"Felda children can become human beings who can contribute to the concept of economic powerhouse,” he said when speaking at a function to fete the Felda community for 2017 in Putrajaya today.
At the function, the prime minister also launched the book titled ’Kisah Inspirasi Tokoh Profesional Generasi Felda: Bersama Merealisasi Transformasi’ (The Inspiration Provided By Professionals From The Felda Generation: Achieving Transformation Together).
Najib said the impact by Felda had far exceeded the original objective of the Federal Land Development Authority formed 57 years ago.
"Maybe at that time (the early formation of Felda), the national leadership had seen the solution to the poverty problem: How to break the deadlock from the pressure posed by poverty through land reformation.
"After so long, the concept had not only been successful in terms of resolving the poverty problem but also resulted in spillover effects through the creation of 317 land schemes which led to social mobility among the second and third Felda generations,” the prime minister added.
He said the social mobility had made Felda unique as it generated reforms not only among the first generation but also the second and third generations.
"Some of them had achieved the highest position in government such as the director-general of public service, senior deputy secretary-general, entrepreneurs and some had become elected representatives. This clearly shows that social mobility is a long-term effect of Felda,” he said.
Najib said he hoped the spillover effects were not only achieved in the form of physical transformation but also the transformation of the minds of the second and subsequent Felda generations.

"We don't want them to be tied down to the village mentality cocoon. We want them to have a mind that had undergone a major transformation,”he added.
In the speech, the prime minister also announced an allocation of RM200,000 for psycho profiling, which is a study of the thinking of the Felda generation throughout all Felda land schemes nationwide.
The psycho profiling targeted all family members of the Felda settlers from the first generation right up to the third generation. It is expected to be completed within six months.

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