
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A not-so-subtle message for MO1?

YOURSAY | ‘One would have thought Sultan Nazrin would have waxed lyrical about Abdul Razak.’
Vijay47: Maybe there is some cryptic or not-so-cryptic message in the theme of the speech by His Highness.
The usual focus on book-launching events is generally to highlight the positive, to remember the influence or contributions of the person the book is dedicated to, not to express regret over how his vision did not bear sweet fruit.
One would have thought Johor ruler Sultan Nazrin Shah would have waxed lyrical about Abdul Razak Hussein and the Felda scheme he created, considering that such memories often brought tears to son Najib's eyes as he spoke of the closeness between his father and the settlers he cared so much for.
But on this occasion, nothing. Instead we are reminded of the failings that arose after the former prime minister passed away, of the painful disappointments in racial harmony, education, the fanning of religious and racial issues, and inevitably, widespread corruption.
Coming so close after inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar was firmly shown the door, maybe our royalty is at last giving Najib a not-so-subtle message.
Clever Voter: The nation has been cleverly hijacked by self-serving politicians, each having obligations to serve their respective sponsors.
The patronage system was realigned to perpetuate the abuses. Systems and institutions are reconstructed, including rules of law rewritten to make them legitimate. The end results are deserving citizens ignored, racism and religions being used to pursue self-interests and institutionalised, and worst, corruption and bribery becoming mainstream.
To address all these require more than just a change of government. Heads of state must insist on fairness and justice being practised.
While these are easier said than done, we need to start with 1MDB – the mother of all scandals – followed by simple expectations from heads of state on all four areas mentioned by Sultan Nazrin.
One would imagine the horror if they discovered the truth on what the politicians have done.
The Analyser: Let’s take another look at this scenario. If Abdul Razak was concerned about unity in the 1970s, that suggests that all this delusional talk about the unity of the past is just that... foggy memories.
If Abdul Razak was so concerned about unity, then it’s pretty clear he achieved little in that arena. The New Economic Policy (NEP)? Visionary was it or was it just another example of this weird Islamic philosophy that if you give people everything they want, it will improve their outlook on life?
That it was abused suggests the concept was faulty, right from the beginning. A bit like Felda, really. So let’s stop living in the past, let’s abandon Abdul Razak's dreams and let’s start building a Malaysia which respects what Malaysians want and what their dreams are.
Nobody in Malaysia respects the Malaysian people as anything but serfs to fill the coffers and indulge the idiosyncrasies of the elite.
Hearty Malaysian: The country is facing abuse of power through kleptocracy, people are suffering from increasing costs of living, fresh graduates can't find jobs but drive Uber/Grab cars; politicians in power are living off extraordinary levels of wealth.
Check-and-balance institutions and public services become the tools of the powers-that-be to support the corrupt government by giving excuses, instead of acting based on rules of law, without fear or favour.
The nation now needs more vocal monarchies to mobilise the people to stop these evil forces - or else Malaysia will sink even lower than Greece, Myanmar or Philippines at their worse time.
Justice: The party that governed Malaysia has not changed since independence. Therefore, the government of the day was and is still wholly responsible for all such failures and continued failings in our nation, as mentioned by Tuanku.
And who or which political party is that?
Mano: Daulat Tuanku. There were many of my secondary school mates from Chinese, Malay and Tamil stream in those yesteryears. We still have lasting friendship, trust and mutual respect for one another.
Please do not use the various school mediums as excuses for what is actually the mismanagement by the Education Ministry and ministers after ministers trying their best to run the ministry like a political party.
Anonymous 1719401496919916: Tuanku, please tell that to Malaysian Official 1 (MO1). We are at the mercy of failed policies of the government. However, nothing has been done to address that issue.
How are we to unite when minorities are being subjected to religious extremism and bigotry, racism, the reality of growing corruption in the country and discrimination by the powers-that-be?
The minorities have suffered for 40 years, Tuanku. How long more are we supposed to accept this? The country is almost 60 years old but we are still stuck on issues of the 60s.
RR: Leaders, whether politicians or otherwise, cannot pretend that nothing bad had happened over the last few decades.
We allowed corrupt and unrighteousness practices to fester. We are now talking when the dam is about to burst. Better late than never.
Anticonmen: The removal of equality is the root of all our problems. The fundamental tenets of our democracy, viz equality, freedom and justice, have been gradually dismantled by greedy men giving way to mismanagement, corruption and greed by a few.
All scriptures preach equality of souls before the creator but men, even those who profess religion, deny equality to others.
Aktan: Tuanku has identified the key issues that are ailing the country. But where is the real power to act?

The rakyat is in "tears" with the current government, with no one to turn to. Let's pray that one day someone is going to bell the cat. -Mkini

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