
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 7, 2017


Here is an interesting piece of research by Cynthia Farahat - an Egyptian scholar and researcher on political Islam who now lives in the US. This is a critics view. What is important is what type of evidence she presents to back up her findings. Do read the article.

Al-Azhar University world's largest Sunni Islamic educational institution
where many of world's most brutal terrorists received formal religious training
to be expected, given the nature of the material taught there. 

Al-Azhar has thousands of affiliated mosques, schools, learning centers, and universities around the world, such as Islamic American University in Michigan. 

The institution unofficially controlled by Muslim Brotherhood for decades.

297,000 students studying at al-Azhar University in 2013 and 2014. 
2015 there were 39,000 foreign students studying at al-Azhar. 

students taught theological legitimacy of 

gruesome ways to torture non-Muslims to death

numerous Egyptian public figures, intellectuals called for terrorism investigation of al-Azhar University

Egyptian historian Sayyid Al-Qemany called govt to designate al-Azhar terrorist organization.

2015, El-Youm el-Sabi, Egyptian newspaper, published investigative report about curriculum at al-Azhar University. 

one of the books, called al-Iqn'a fi Hal Alfaz ibn Abi Shoga'a (Convincing arguments according to Abi Shoga'a), taught to al-Azhar's high school students states, "Any Muslim can kill an apostate and eat him, as well as kill infidel warriors even if they are young or female and they can also be eaten, because they are not granted any protection." 

treatment of non-Muslims the same book say, "To preserve one's self from the evil of an infidel, any Muslim can gouge their eyes out, or mutilate their hands and legs, or sever one arm and one leg."

Al-Azhar prepares graduates in modern world with theological legitimacy of cannibalism and rape.

Even Muslims aren't safe from al-Azhar's teachings. 
another book states, "Any Muslim is allowed to kill a fornicator, a warrior, or a [Muslim] who misses prayer, even without permission of the [ruling] Imam."

Muslim Brotherhood dominates the organization. 
Muslim Brotherhood uses university to recruit hundreds of thousands of students to adopt ISIS-style beliefs

  • Brotherhood used Al Azhar to train young for combat 
  • 2006 video showed 50 masked members of Brotherhood in black uniform 
  • performing military exercises in front of head of al-Azhar 
  • resulting in govt investigation and arrests 
  • became known as "case of al-Azhar militia"

many of world's most brutal Islamists either worked for al-Azhar or graduated from it. 

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau is a graduate from al-Azhar.

Brutal terrorists trained at Al-Azhar include (clockwise from top left) 

  1. Al-Qaeda founder Abdullah Azzam, 
  2. 1993 World Trade Center bomb mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman
  3. Nazi-aligned mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini
  4. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.

  • 1st leader of al-Qaeda, Abdullah Azzam (1941 –1989) studied at al-Azhar. 
  • spiritual mentor of Osama Bin Laden and leader of al-Qaeda
  • Omar Abdel Rahman (1938 – 2017) "the Blind Sheikh"  scholar at al-Azhar. 
  • Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin Husseini (1897-1974) studied at al-Azhar 
  • Abu Osama al-Masri, mastermind of Russian plane crash over Sinai in 2015

al-Azhar involved in spreading violent Sunni Wahhabi sect
institution uses Egyptian blasphemy law to imprison critics 
al-Azhar declared Islam el-Behery "an apostate of Islam." 
According to al-Azhar theology, apostasy punishable by death

Al-Azhar responsible for fatwa resulted in murder of Farag Fouda (1945-1992)
After uproar, university president forced to resign
but militant teachings remain untouched

Al-Azhar responsible for imprisonment of scholar Sheikh Mohd Abdallah Nasr
who adopted non-theocratic modern interpretation of Islam
landed him unprecedented 13-year prison sentence for blasphemy 

Incredible charge in al-Azhar's court case against Mr. Nasr, is that he criticized Khalid ibn el-Waleed (585 – 642 AD) for being a rapist and cannibal. During a televised debate with radical al-Azhar University scholars, Mr. Nasr scrutinized el-Waleed for decapitating a Muslim poet, Malik ibn Nuwayrah, cooking his head, and eating from it, before raping Nuwayrah's wife. 

Mr. Nasr's criticism of the Muslim warrior and cannibal was among the official reasons for his conviction. Speaking to al-Azhar scholars Mr. Nasr said, "you wonder where terrorism is coming from? It's from your religious heritage."

Egypt must immediately halt government funding of Al-Azhar.
China demanded  Egypt  deport its students studying at al-Azhar. 
protect itself from possible terrorist recruitment at al-Azhar

Al-Azhar University global security threat. 
investigate al-Azhar and affiliated institutions for terrorism 

If serious about combating militancy, must immediately halt funding al-Azhar 
daily terror indoctrination of future Rahmans, Azzams, and Shekaus.

Cynthia Farahat is a fellow at the Middle East Forum and a columnist for the Egyptian daily Al-Maqal.

My comments :  While doing some background info check I found this about al Azhar :

"The Cairo-based Al-Azhar University has denied media reports released by one of its professors over the appointment of 6,000 teaching assistants whom belong to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The university’s media centre said in an official statement today that those teachers were not appointed during the Brotherhood’s rule and that they had been appointed during the transitional period, following the 2013 military coup, stressing that the appointment was approved by the university’s president at the time, Sheikh Osama Al-Abd."

Alamak !! One of Al Azhar's own professors leaked the information to the Press! That 6000 Muslim Brotherhood members were appointed as teaching assistants. 

Also,  Hashim Salamat the founder of the Moro Islamic Leberation Front was trained at al Azhar.  The Moros have not gone anywhere.

Terrorist leader of Al Qaeda, terrorist leader of Boko Haram, terrorist leader of the Moros, terrorist leader who plotted WTC bombing are or were all graduates of this same university.

So were Nik Aziz and  Bawang. After 27 years of misrule by PAS, Kelantan is now set back by 40 or 50 years. 

And Bawang has shown that his principles are made of rubber. 

They do not teach any real or good Islamic values. 

And obviously they read all kinds of kitab syaitan at that university - none of which have anything to do with the Quran.

The Quran never says that you can rape anyone, especially the prisoners of war.

Would you like to know what the Quran says about how to treat the prisoners of war? 

I should know because I have written about it in my latest book Kafir Who?  - which has not been banned yet.   About the Quranic injunctions on the treatment of the prisoners of war I referred an article written by a Brian Bertosa published in the Journal of the Canadian Armed Forces :


Here are some relevant parts :

Quran 47:4-5

When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take a ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens.20

This is possibly the single most normative verse in the Quran concerning prisoners of war.21 It certainly provides the most extensive instructions of all the verses to be examined regarding their treatment: nothing other than release upon the payment of ransom, or gratuitous release, are envisaged here. After the cessation of hostilities, all prisoners are to be released gratuitously in any case.22

Quran 76:5, 8-10

[5] But the righteous... [8] give sustenance to the destitute, the orphan, and the captive, [9] saying: ‘We feed you for God’s sake only; we seek of you neither recompense nor thanks: [10] for we fear from our Lord a day of anguish and of woe.’

Quran 9:6

If an idolater seeks asylum with you, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God, and then convey him to safety. For the idolaters are ignorant men.

So you see nowhere does the Quran say that you can rape the female pows or that you can kill them and eat them.

But if you keep reading these kitab syaitan, then you will behave like a syaitan. 

But you will think that you are the greatest gift to mankind.

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