
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Brader Hishamudin Rais Duku Brader Anwar Ibrahim - Will PKR Team Up With PAS / UMNO ?

The issue of PKR's cooperation with PAS does not seem to go away.  Since PKR is prepared to work with PAS in Kelantan and Selangor (at least) and since PAS is working with UMNO in the coming elections, indirectly it means a PKR - PAS - UMNO nexus in the making.

It is also possible that a PKR - PAS - UMNO - BN working arrangement may develop AFTER the outcome of the elections. 

I think the terms of such an arrangement with PAS - UMNO will be very similar to what has already been suggested in PKR's negotiations with Tun Dr Mahathir's Pakatan Harapan ie a pardon for Brader Anwar and his rehabilitation into the political mainstream. 

In other words PKR will be betting on TWO HORSES ie Pakatan Harapan as well as PAS - UMNO.  In both cases the main menu on the table will be a Get Out Of Jail Free card for Brader Anwar. A full pardon of his wrong doings.

Surprisingly (but not without precedent) Brader Hishamudin Rais, who is well known as Brader Anwar's staunch supporter (who once went to jail because of his support for Brader Anwar) has criticised Brader Anwar openly about his indecisiveness and wishy washiness.

Here is Brader Hishamudin Rais' media statement about Brader Anwar from The Malaysian Insight yesterday :


CARA Ketua Umum PKR Anwar Ibrahim mengurus kepimpinan punca parti itu berpecah teruk hari ini sehingga menjejaskan Pakatan Harapan (PH), kata Hishamuddin Rais.

apa yang berlaku dalam PKR hari ini akan mengganggu Pakatan Harapan pada saat dan masa kritikal menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14).

perbezaan pendapat ini berpunca dari cara dan pendekatan atau method Anwar Ibrahim mengendali dan mengurus pimpinan,” katanya 

“Contohnya: Dalam satu perkara yang sama Anwar memberi pandangan, memberi arahan yang berbeza-beza dari satu sosok kepada yang lain.

“kepada Si Polan A Anwar memberi pandangan lain dari yang diberi kepada kepada Si Polan B. Dan berbeza dari yang diterima oleh Si Polan C.”

Hishamuddin mengulas pergolakan terbaru PKR dalam isu kerjasama dengan PAS.

Anwar memberi arahan berbeza kepada setiap pemimpin bukan pendekatan baik.

“Cara atau method dan pendekatan memimpin seperti ini tidak baik. Ianya tidak melahirkan keputusan yang kompak dan tuntas.

“Hasilnya ialah cerai berai,” kata Hishamuddin yang ditahan (ISA) pada 2001 kerana menyokong gerakan reformasi Anwar.

Anwar mengeluarkan kenyataan dalam isu kerjasama dengan PAS.

Disebabkan kenyataan Anwar tidak jelas, Rafizi Ramli mengeluarkan “tafsirannya” mengenai apa yang beliau fahami.

Latheefa Koya juga mengeluarkan tafsiran mengenai kenyataan Anwar 

Hishamuddin berkata, disebabkan Anwar berada dalam penjara, maklumat diperolehinya terhad bagi membuat keputusan politik yang tepat.

Katanya, daripada terus menyebabkan PKR berpecah belah sehingga menjejaskan PH, Anwar seharusnya memanfaatkan masa lapangnya untuk membaca, menulis dan berfikir untuk melahirkan magnum opus yang dapat memberikan manfaat kepada rakyat Malaysia.

“Rakyat tidak mahu lagi mendengar kisah dirinya disepak atau dirinya dibogelkan atau dirinya dihina. Zaman kisah itu sudah tamat,” katanya. – 4 September, 2017.

My comments : Basically Brader Hishamudin Rais is saying that Brader Anwar is of no use to PKR and Malaysian politics anymore. 

Brader Anwar best fade away into history and go away and write his memoirs. That is the gist of what Brader Hishamudin Rais is saying.

Right now the PKR is pretty broken up. Talk is Rafizi Ramli really hates the guts of Azmin Ali.

Wan Azizah the president is not even a wall flower anymore. More of faded wall paper.

Her daughter Nurul Izzah has family issues that so far have been kept out of the media limelight.  

Minus Anwar Ibrahim, PKR will just break up into pieces. 

The only strong point going for PKR now is Azmin Ali's able and capable stewardship of Selangor as Menteri Besar. 

Ever since he became the MB, Azmin Ali has not made a single mistake, misstep or said a single wrong word as the MB. I recall that within days of becoming the MB, Azmin resolved the issue of some Christian Bibles that were seized by some religious retards. Azmin very publicly and personally handed over the Bibles back to the christian folks.

There is a construction frenzy in Selangor and new developments are shooting up everywhere.  All under the capable leadership of YAB Menteri Besar Azmin Ali.  Azmin Ali is definitely PM material.  Way ahead of Brader Anwar Ibrahim.  

Other than Azmin, the other PKR guns are just making noises. One of the big guns is believed to be contemplating "emigration" to the UK.

Nurul Izzah is hardly seen in her Lembah Pantai constituency. Without her father she would never have made it even in the kitchen polls.  Now minus two votes already. 

Brader Anwar's indecisiveness (as bluntly put by Brader Hishamudin Rais) only compounds PKR's weakness.  Hence Brader Anwar is leaving a side door open just in case he has to quietly slip outside and make a quick deal with PAS. Or even with UMNO. 

Politics is the art of the possible. 

Brader Anwar can even cut a post-election deal with PAS and UMNO.  If there is a close call or a closely run election result or a hung Parliament,  then we will see the tiger's stripes, the leopard's spots and Dracula's fangs. 

I think only Bersatu, Parti Amanah, DAP, Parti Warisan Sabah and Hindraf will likely hold the course steady. 

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