
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 22, 2017


Inspired By A Thief, MARA Digital Mall To Pelingkup, Despite **Strong Malaysian Economy** – The Ismail Kotak Ikan Business Model Collapses
If it is not happening already someday soon business schools studying disastrous business management techniques will be writing volumes of case studies focussing on “The Malaysian Experience”.
The bullshit really has to come to an end and it is happening now.
Malaysian Airlines wanted to get the giant jumbo Airbus A380 that can take up to 500 passengers. After buying the A380, MAS found out that they did not have enough cashflows to sustain such an aircraft.
But they did not buy just one or two A380s. They bought SIX !! (Some say eight??)
Why half a dozen?  Maybe because it was easier to say  ‘Give me half a dozen’.  Now they want to sell ALL the Airbus A380s.   That was the Khazanah school of management.
Yesterday we heard that the Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia have all shut down.
Today the news is that the MARA Digital Mall is also facing difficulty.
Here is Free Malaysia Today :
touted as competitor for (ICT) mall Low Yat Plaza two years ago
today Mara Digital Mall struggling with decline in sales and patrons.
aka “Low Yat 2” launched Dec 8, 2015
following dispute at Low Yat Plaza in July that year
youth stole RM800 Lenovo smartphone from shop there.
Mara Digital Mall caters specifically to Bumi entrepreneurs
reserved specifically for Malay-Bumi traders
Last Dec Ismail Sabri said Mara Digital Mall recorded turnover RM18.4m
He said this proved wrong cynics who said mall would not last long
traders now seeing decrease in sales
lack of product variation, competitive prices, slow publicity.
despite mall’s strategic location near Sogo and Jalan TAR
a manager said customers eventually returned to Low Yat Plaza.
Mara Mall could not compete with Low Yat  products at lower prices
We can’t lower prices because we are required to get supplies from sole vendor.
(Huh?? What kind of business model is this? Mail Punya Kepala Hotak Ikan?)
“If given freedom to choose suppliers, might be able to lower our prices”
products at Mara Digital generally 10 – 12% more expensive than Low Yatnot first time concerns have been raised
Dec 2016 traders worried inability of sole supplier WGN
to ensure supply of products would affect consumer confidence
customers complained items they wanted not available
customers grumbled each time “no stock” excuse
My comments : Its time we spoke about that sekolah tahfiz arson and murder case.
All the devil worshippers are dancing around the fire.
No one is addressing the issue that the boys involved in the arson and murder were drug addicts and drug pushers. The Police have already investigated the drug links.
Why did the boys get so mad that they were willing to burn down the school?
What triggered their anger?
Was it a turf war?
Is it because someone did not pay them money for the drugs?
Or someone was asking for a bigger cut?
What is the real story?
What was their motive?
This cannot be like that other case.
No motive was recorded.
They just blew up that woman for the heck of it.
And we are supposed to believe that version.
So what is the real story behind the MARA Digital Mall?
The Digital Mall  was inspired by a thief.
A thief had stolen a handphone at the Low Yat Plaza. The traders had caught the thief. The thief then went home, got his bunch of friends and returned to the Low Yat Mall and beat up the traders. The thief and his friends were Malay, the Low Yat traders were Chinese. In no time the dumb ass Dumbno idiots made it a racial issue.
It was nothing more than thievery. A theft.
In defence of the thief, Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan made the grand announcement that he would set up a bumiputra only digital mall to compete with Low Yat.
The Digital Mall followed the Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan business model : all the bumi traders would have to buy their products from a sole supplier only.
To make a long story short,  how much longer will this MARA Digital Mall last?
Three months? Six months?
How can you hope to survive if your prices are 20% higher than not only Low Yat but any other IT mall?
Plus, havent you morons heard of Lazada?
You can buy a handphone for RM200+ on Lazada – delivered direct to your house.
Tak payah pergi ke Low Yat pun. 
Here is another funny “business model” story.
 A bunch of “mamak semua bumiputera” types had made a bunch of money selling off a “cuci jamban contract”. Worth billions.  I kid you not.
 To diversify,  they used a tiny amount  of  their “skim cepat kaya” money to venture into other businesses.
 They soon bought a restaurant operation, complete with menu and recipes, fully equipped kitchen, full staffing, an existing customer base and a good track record.
 All they had to do was just manage the business, do some promotion and maybe open new outlets. It could have been a great success.
 Then the disasters began to pile up.
 First they let go some of the hard working staff and replaced them with the ‘busy texting on the handphone’ type of staff.
They also appointed managers and supervisors who were graduates of the ‘managing in absentia’ school of management.  Maybe the same school Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan attended.
Other weird things happened. Since they were ‘koporat’,  the finance department ordered the restaurant to buy all their supplies for one full month. Their ‘koporat’ culture insisted that “for efficiency” all procurement must be done once a month only.
So the restaurant was forced to order ONE MONTH’S SUPPLY OF CHICKEN.
Then they found out there was not enough refrigerator space to store 500 chickens !! They shoved the chickens everywhere.
Then the refrigeration also rosak. The “managers in absentia”  were not present to manage the situation.
To make the story short, the restaurant shut down in about three months.
The story is not over.
They have not paid the chicken supplier.
They have not paid rent.
They have not paid GST.
The retards always tell us that if you want to know about religious mumbo jumbo, then ask them. Because they are the mumbo jumbo experts.
In the same way, if you want to learn about business, why not ask the people who know about business and are already successful in business in the country?
Is that also too difficult to understand?
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my

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