
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 4, 2017

Lost for answers, BN's tactic is to label all critics 'haters'

YOURSAY | 'MCA ignores the real haters and the divisive politics played up by their master.'
Anonymous 568201438363345: Politics of hatred, you say? Our country has not been so divided since Merdeka, and MCA publicity chief Chai Kim Sen wants to talk about the politics of hatred?
Chai, you don't even have the right to talk about it as you are one of the biggest supporters of this kind of politics. I bet you haven't the slightest idea what I'm talking about.
Anonymous #13114320: Hatred for MCA is not just from the opposition. In fact, the majority of the Chinese in this country hate you, MCA, for doing nothing much for the community and just enriching yourself only.
So don't blame DAP, they are just helping to speak out for the Chinese masses out there. And for whom do you speak?
Bornean: MCA dares only to question small and insignificant things, such as a funny video, but dares not ask about RM2.6 billion and the 1MDB/SRC International scandals.
Basically: 'Politics of hate' is what MCA-BN is now using, after they have run out of excuses for their pathetic performance over the past 50 years.
It's like, you can't answer for your errors and crimes when questioned, and start crying tears to get sympathy. How pathetic.
Hplooi: So it seems the new 'talking point' by the Umno 'black ops' team is to paint Malaysians who differ or who have lost hope, etc, as "haters". It is like US President Donald Trump drawing moral equivalence between white supremacist fascists and those who oppose them.
Chai, where the heck was MCA when hate was thrown at the Chinese for the past four decades? Don't tell me you cannot remember?
Did you say anything when Umno, year after year, allegedly threatened to bathe their small-wavy blade in Chinese blood? Did you, and for good measure the PM, even admonish or even raise a cursory reprimand of hate groups threatening Christians, Chinese, Indians, etc, all of which has happened within the last decade?
Remember the cow-head incident, the Allah banner, rumours of Quran-burning, rioting at a state assembly and so on? Till today, there has been not even an apology for any of the incidents. So who are the haters, really? Yet are we, the critics, now being blamed for the hating?
Will we be also blamed when the 1MDB fiasco comes home to roost spectacularly?
While he is talking, the real hate groups are till today still running around spreading their hate (and enjoying official protection), while we are now being blamed for the hating.
If you really want to read about hate from Malaysians, go to some of the pro-Umno blogs. Or, read Utusan Malaysia's Awang Selamat column with regard to citizens who are not constitutional Malays.
Anonymous_1400076912: Oh dear, Chai's getting upset because he simply can't stomach the truth that's in the parody. So he lashes out at those whom he blames as "haters" and in so doing, completely ignores the real haters and the divisive politics that's played up by his master.
Chai, how blind can you get? No wonder you and all those despicable running lackeys in MCA are rejected by the Chinese.
Carpe Diem: MCA should show its bravado first by standing up to the past calls to “balik tongsan” (go back to China) and acts of stepping on cow's heads. Then you earn the right to condemn.
Headhunter: You have no right to talk about unity when the anchor party you're with is the one that promotes hatred and its members fancy themselves as the superior race.
Fair&Just: What hatred? Who goes around running amok after blocking other cars and slapping the Chinese at their whim and fancy? And the victims even had to apologise to the attackers.
If you want to bow and kneel before your dedak masters, go ahead. Let the rest of the Chinese with backbones live with dignity and pride despite all the bullying, oppression and suppression.
Ericncl: After 60 years of independence, Chinese Malaysians and other minorities are still treated as second class, if not third class, citizens.
Chinese parents have to work very hard for their children's education. Places in public universities for the community are limited, and job opportunities in the public sector are also limited.
Well-to-do parents send their children overseas to further their education, hoping that they will remain there. MCA had been in Malaysia for a very long time, but what do they do for the Chinese Malaysians when we are treated as 'pendatang'?
We are fourth-generation Malaysians, but are we treated as Malaysians by the present government?
Anonymous 2391893268077917: Chai, I don't hate MCA, I just despise you and your party.
Each time you and your colleagues open your mouths, the more we are convinced that you are just a bunch of fawning minions who have no principles, who know not what is right and what is wrong, but are just too eager to line your own pockets and have no hesitation to sell your souls to the devil for a shilling.
Anonymous 2475521497239348: Neither the Chinese community nor the opposition created this so-called hate. We have been unhappy for a long, long time already.
Seeing MCA, which was supposed to help and protect the Chinese community, having no guts to say or do anything, always giving in to Umno's high-handedness.
If MCA had been brave and had virtuous leaders, not those who only have self-interest, people would back you.
They continue to stay in the BN coalition, with no principles and no guts to correct the wrongs of the rest of the team. MCA is stupid to be blindly loyal to a corrupt regime. Please don't blame the opposition parties. You brought it upon yourself.
We want leaders with integrity and of good moral values. We want change and we are willing to take a chance with Pakatan Harapan. The country has reached a do-or-die situation.

Leo: It's just so convenient to pass the blame to the opposition, while MCA is incapable of doing what the community wanted them to do for far too long. Our voting trend demanded a major change in the government.
It will persist until we see real change. - Mkini

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