
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Newsweek's Swamp Story

By Paul Wolfowitz.

Trump met Najib, visit WSJ characterized as “Trump’s Malaysia Swamp.”
a meeting White House should avoid. . . . Even photo with Kim Jong-un better.”
Washington Post said visit “sets a new low"

Najib known for imprisoning opponents, silencing media, reversing democracy. 
subject of largest kleptocracy investigation ever by US Justice Dept
forfeiture of US$1b assets purchased with “misappropriated” 1MDB
1MDB controlled by “Malaysian Official 1” — widely known to be Najib. 
his responsibility for US$4b misappropriated funds
US$1b  laundered in US 
MO1 personally received US$731m 

Did Trump know this ?

Healy Baumgardner of “45 Group” — registered as foreign agent represent PM
She received US$250,000 for her services.
Malaysia paid lavishly to purchase influence
Obama’s 2nd term M'sia rewarded Democratic Party fundraiser handsomely 
Najib secured an Obama state visit to Malaysia 
unprecedented invitation from Obama for golf.

Najib paid millions to APCO 
a portion went to London-based “Fact Based Communications, Ltd.” 
hire Josh Trevino to organize bloggers to write blog posts 

game blew up when Trevino fired by Guardian of London 
for failing to disclose he was on Malaysian payroll 

latest development in 1MDB case
FBI agent Robert Heuchling filing in court in Los Angeles 
identifying witnesses could result in intimidation or threaten their safety
local officials, politicians arrested for disclosing information linked to 1MDB

press reports driver of former AG Gani Patail shot in public 
possible warning against assisting US govt in the case
find out who was responsible for inviting Malaysian swamp to White House

Paul Wolfowitz is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

My comments : Something does not tally. They have something up their sleeve. It will not be good for moron.

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