
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Strange Animal Behaviour Again, Volcanic Activity In Pacific And Indian Ocean Rim

During one of those  "significant earthquakes"  in Sumatera last year,  we could actually feel the earth shaking at our home at Bukit Jalil. I was woken up by the bed shaking slightly.  Instinctively (from the 2004 shocker) I placed my palms on the wall and could feel that  they were vibrating -  slightly but you could feel it.  Then after that we had serious leaks in the piping. Some pipe joints in the walls had shifted and water began to drip through the ceilings below.  We finally moved out of the house earlier this year.  So earthquakes in other countries can affect us.

The appearance of that 4 metre crocodile in the Klang River by the LDP is evidence enough that crocodiles are surviving in the highly polluted Klang River. My guess is they have moved upstream from the river mouth area and from along the coast near Klang.  Crocodiles inhabit our mangrove shores, including in the Kuala Sepetang area in Perak. 

What is strange is that the crocodile left its cover and showed itself alongside a noisy highway by the Klang River.  That is not usual behaviour.

Here is a video of more unusual animal behaviour. I received this video yesterday. (I hope you can see it. I do not have a link.)  

This is from Bukit Rasah in Seremban. A herd of wild boars (four adult females and about 12 baby boars, totalling 16 in all)  have left the cover of the forest and are foraging beside houses in Bukit Rasah, Seremban.    Again this is also unusual animal behaviour. 

Presently there is some volcanic activity going on in Bali, Indonesia, Vanuatu and elsewhere.

Above : Australian Broadcasting Corporation report circa 27th September 2017. 
Below :  Reuters report about Bali dated  22nd September 2017.

A Kerala 'scientist' predicts a major earthquake in the Indian Ocean region by 31st December 2017.

Wild animals are able to detect natural disasters especially earthquakes and other earth movements long before they happen.    In such cases they may leave their usual environments and seek refuge elsewhere. 

For days after that huge earthquake on Boxing Day in 2004 there were aftershocks bouncing all around the Indian Ocean.   Joggers near the dam in Gombak  noticed squirrels  running and jumping all over the place.

Do  keep an eye on unusual animal behaviour.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatu...
    Mohon maaf bilah kedatangan saya mengganggu. Perkenalkan nama saya Widia Ningrum asal magelang seorang mantan PRT duluh kerja di kota malaka malaysia selama 8 tahun lamanya. Singkat cerita..saya sangat berterima kasih kpd MBAH KARTABAYA atas bantuan beliau melalui pemasangan nomer togel 6D Nya alhamdulillah saya menang RM,257.000 uang indo kurang lebih 770 juta. saya tidak menyangka kalau saya bisa sesukses ini dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH KARTABAYA, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang alhamdulillah kini sekarang saya sudah punya rumah dan usaha sendiri itu semua atas bantuan beliau. Saya tidak tau harus berbuat apa untuk membalas kebaikan beliau karna banyakNya orang yg saya telpon dari google untuk minta bantuanNya tidak ada satu pun yg berhasil malah hutang saya tambah banyak. Beliau juga bisa membantu melalui pesugihan uang gaib tanpa tumbal, Pelet, Pelaris, Nomer togel 4D/5D/6D.. Bagi anda yg diluar negri maupun dalam negri butuh bantuan beliau jangan takut atau maluh segerah hubungi MBAH KARTABAYA di nomer 085280923347 / +6285280923347 Semua akan berubah Karna kesuksesan ada pada diri kita sendiri. Yakin dan percaya bahwa itu semua akan tercapai berkat bantuan dari mbah dan muda2han anda cocok dan beliau bisa membantu anda seperti saya. Sekian dan terima kasih atas tumpangannya semoga dengan adaNya pesan singkat ini semua bisa merubah nasib...



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