
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 15, 2017


Javanka – referring to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump – has tons of fanatic followers across China. They’re a role model couple to young and ambitious Chinese women. But both individuals are also very controversial figures in their own country. The fact that both Jared and Ivanka are senior advisers to Trump screams nepotism and clash of interest.
Jared Kushner, who helped broker the first meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump, his father-in-law, last April was supposed to be involved in preparation for the U.S. president’s state visit to China this coming November. The New York Times reported that Mr. Kushner has declined China’s invitation to visit.
There’s little doubt that the trip’s cancellation will disappoint a legion of Chinese Javanka fans. But little did the Chinese fanatics realize that unlike in China, such combo combination – father-daughter-son-in-law – is despicable and despisedin the United States. Apparently, some officials in the White House decided enough is enough; therefore, dropping the couple.
Jared Kushner with Ivanka Trump - White House
After plotted against the White House’s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, leading both high profiled individuals on chopping-board, Jared Kushner eventually becomes the most powerful and feared person in the White House. After all, he can’t be fired by the Commander-in-Chief – for obvious reason.
The nepotism gets more complicated as Ivanka happens to be President Trump’s favourite daughter. Ms. Trump, 35, a former model, entrepreneur and hotel developer, has her father’s ear. The Trump family runs the Oval Office as if it was a Trump Corporation. There have been many occasions where Ivanka took his father’s seat when President Trump had to step out, triggering outrages.
Often casually dropping by daddy Trump’s meetings in the Oval Office unannounced – just to “say hello” – Ivanka has annoyed even the Republican leaders. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had already been “shell-shocked” by President Trump, who didn’t find the First Daughter’s habit and behaviour inappropriate, let alone offensive.
Ivanka Trump with Donald Trump - Walking Together
Jared Kushner with Donald Trump - Sitting Together
In fact, by Eric Trump’s own admission, Trump launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles on a Syrian airbase because the U.S. president was influenced by the reaction of a “heartbroken and outraged” Ivanka. It was the First Daughter’s tear which had moved the U.S. Commander-in-Chief for a military attack, never mind the lack of proof Assad gassed his people.
That speaks volumes on how powerful Jared and Ivanka is. And that’s why Beijing loves the couple very much. If Javanka could be bribed, blackmailed and controlled, which is highly possible considering Kushner family has its fair share of corruption and scamming; China could pull strings from behind and make Trump administration a powerful puppet.
Jared Kushner, who married Ivanka Trump in October 2009, secured a multimillion-dollar Manhattan real estate deal with a Soviet-born oligarch whose company was cited in a major New York money laundering case now being investigated by members of Congress. In May, his sister – Nicole Meyer – was exposed of pitching her family’s ties as part of a road-show to raise money for the Kushner business.
Jared Kushner with Ivanka Trump - Nepotism
Mr. Kushner isn’t as innocent as he looks. His father – Charles Kushner – was convicted in 2005 of witness tampering, illegal campaign contributions and tax evasion. And now after released from prison, his father is back running the Kushner property empire along with 2 fellow inmates – Avram Lebor and Richard Goettlich – who scammed money using Ponzi scheme.
John Kelly, the new Chief of Staff of the White House, knew about this defective problem in Trump administration, therefore, did not think Kushner would be an appropriate channel to hook up Beijing with Washington going forward. Mr. Kelly, a retired United States Marine Corps general, realized Kushner is potentially anational security threat if his power is left unchecked.
Kushner wasn’t supposed to be involved in planning trips for the U.S. president in the first place. Such job is traditionally done by the U.S. Secretary of State or National Security Adviser. Furthermore, there’s a probability and possibility that both Kushner and Trump family businesses could benefit from Jared’s increasingly close relationship with China.
Jared Kushner - Nicole Kushner Meyer Seeking China Investment into New Jersey Real Estate Project
Jared Kushner with Ivanka Trump - Laughing
In May, while Nicole Kushner Meyer was seeking more than US$150 million in investment in a luxury apartment complex known as “One Journal Square”, the sister of Jared Kushner was exposed of urging wealthy Chinese investors to sink millions into the New Jersey real estate project, which offers US residency through EB-5 visa program. The Kushner family was later forced to apologize.
Due to exposure of Kushner’s involvement in secret meetings with Russian officials and web of financial dealings, members of President Donald Trump’s legal team have now suggested that the White House senior adviser Jared Kushner should resign. Obviously, the security risk is real because as a senior adviser, Kushner has the “top-secret” designation, the highest clearance level.
Even if Kushner could be trusted with national secret, he could easily be bribed in business deals. Already, after Priebus and Bannon were fired, Trump administration made a U-turn after ill-advised by Kushner to invite the world’s biggest crook Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to the White House – indeed an unusual move by a U.S. president.
Najib Razak Corruption - Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump
Donald Trump has now opened the floodgates, essentially sending a message to the world that the U.S. is alright with international corruption and money laundering, even if such acts were conducted using the U.S. financial system, as long as the crooks pay a cut to his administration, or even to the Trump or Kushner family for that matter.
– http://www.financetwitter.com

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