
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Will Saudi King Step Down Soon? Assassination Attempt Against Saudi Crown Prince - It Has Started

Image result for Saudi Crown Prince Orders Preparations for Kingship Celebrations

Saudi Crown Prince Orders Preparations for Kingship Celebrations

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman formed team to prepare succession
after sick father steps down in near future, Palestinian newspaper reported.
al-Manar daily quoted sources close to royal family 

King Salman to step down and name his son Mohammed as new king.
world leaders will be invited to ceremony to introduce new Saudi king.

bin Salman ordered increase supervision over Saudi royals  

especially sons of Abdullah bin Abdolaziz, to prevent any coup.

last month bin Salman escaped assassination attempt in Jeddah
Mer'at al-Jazeera quoted assassination attempt by one Saudi prince

western diplomat said crown prince not harmed 

prince who made the move was arrested
Bin Salman's ambitious acts to dethrone rivals created wrath among Saudi princes.

July, al-Ray al-Youm newspaper quoted Saudi royal family 

Salman to step down in next five months.

first step was replacing former crown prince Mohd bin Nayef
second step king to travel to villa in Morocco for 2 -month vacation 

entrust new crown prince with country

bin Salman will be Saudi king during August 

will be test for him until King confirm quitting 

sources added countdown will start October - December 

King will officially step down under pretext protecting Saudi interests.

Western media said last week King recorded message to declare successor.
Sources in Royal family disclose King pre-recorded statement 

power in favor of son Mohammed bin Salman in next few weeks 

former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef still under house arrest.
Bin Nayef would like to take family to Switzerland 

king and son decided he must stay, "he wasn't given any choice."

Bin Nayef under house arrest to keep him out of circulation 

no visitors allowed except close family members.

June 20 bin Nayef summoned to meet King Salman in Mecca.
king ordered him to step aside because of his alleged drug addiction.

'I want you to step down, your addiction dangerously affects your decisions'

bin Nayef health issues aggravated after attacker blow himself up in 2009. 

bin Nayef had shrapnel in his body, depended on morphine 

treated in clinics in Switzerland on three occasions in recent years.

My comments :

Two recent news reports say that :

1. British PM Theresa May has stressed the need to end Yemen's civil war and discussed the importance of complying with international humanitarian law in a meeting with Saudi Arabia's foreign minister. 

2.  Newly-leaked emails written by two former top US officials show that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince and defence minister Mohammed bin Salman “wants out” of the war he started in Yemen

The Saudi attack against Yemen is a serious misadventure. My view is that the whole Yemen attack  was a macho  'wag the dog' situation for bin Salman to show that he was in charge. It was a bad mistake. 

Three years after the attack, the Yemenis have taken the war firmly back into Saudi Arabian territory. The Yemenis are more firmly entrenched inside Saudi Arabia and do not look like they will be leaving.

To stop the war, Saudi Arabia must concede huge chunks of border territory  to Yemen.  This is why I think the Saudi King Salman is stepping down in favour of his recalcitrant son Mohammed bin Salman.  This Yemen War will cost them not only their jobs but also their heads.

Plus, the Yemenis are certain to demand war reparations for all the murder and mayhem Saudi Arabia has caused inside Yemen over the past three years. 

Hence the first assasination attempt against Mohamed bin Salman in Jeddah - which has been hushed up.

Isnt there anyone else in Malaysia who will speak up for the 10,000 Yemeni men, women and children who have been murdered by the Saudi Arabian aerial bombing over the past three years? 

Are people so stone cold?  
This is the 21st century already.
I fones, Whatsapp, Instagram, American Idol? 
No savvy?

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