
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 22, 2017


The truth is, The Malaysian Insight has a mole lurking within its ranks and it was this mole who leaked the information to both JMM and MCMC. So it was not MCMC who leaked the information to JMM but a deep throat within The Malaysian Insightwho did so. And the reason the mole or deep throat did this is because they are not too happy regarding the fact that The Malaysian Insight is receiving dirty money from dodgy sources.

Amongst Tun Muhammad Ghazali Shafie’s famous sayings is ‘the silence is deafening’. And in The Malaysian Insight’s case this is certainly true. By making a police report alleging that there is a leak in the statement he made, Jahabar Sadiq, the editor of The Malaysian Insight, more or less admitted that what was leaked is true. And in spite of this ‘confession’, there is total silence from the ranks of the Pakatan Harapan people.

Jahabar Sadiq is like a cat on a hot tin roof with the revelation that he received millions in cash ‘under-the table’

Incidentally, for the younger generation who may not know who Ghazali Shafie is, he was the person who tried to prevent Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad from becoming Prime Minister because, as Tunku Abdul Rahman said, the day Mahathir becomes Prime Minister will be the beginning of the end for Malaysia. Corruption, abuse of power and racism will become dominant and will emerge as the new Malaysian culture. The Tunku knew what he was talking about, as history has now proven.
Anyway, the silence can be said to be deafening because the silence says more than any number of words could. If this was not The Malaysian Insight, by now Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli, and all the usual Pakatan Harapan chorus girls would be singing and dancing on stage calling for transparency, accountability, a thorough investigation, a special task force to be set up, and maybe even a Royal Commission of Inquiry to be held to look into the allegation that The Malaysian Insight received millions from unknown sources, and in cash.

Jahabar made a police report alleging that MCMC leaked information to Azwanddin to hide the fact that there are moles or deep throats in The Malaysian Insight

The thing is, Jahabar made a police report alleging that the statement he made to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission or MCMC was leaked. This was what The Star reported last week:
The chief executive officer and editor of The Malaysian Insight (TMI) claims that a statement given to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has been leaked. Jahabar Sadiq lodged a police report over the alleged leak at the Sri Hartamas police station on Friday morning (Dec 15).
This came after he discovered that his statement was reported in the Malaysian Gazette on Thursday (Dec 14), quoting non-governmental organisation Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) president Datuk Azwanddin Hamzah. Jahabar claimed that Azwanddin had leaked and twisted several facts he made in his statement to MCMC.

READ MORE HERE: TMI boss claims statement to MCMC leaked

The truth is, The Malaysian Insight has a mole lurking within its ranks and it was this mole who leaked the information to both JMM and MCMC. So it was not MCMC who leaked the information to JMM but a deep throat within The Malaysian Insight who did so. And the reason the mole or deep throat did this is because they are not too happy regarding the fact that The Malaysian Insight is receiving dirty money from dodgy sources.
Not everyone does not care about the source of their money. Muslims believe that whatever you earn and which you feed your family becomes ‘darah daging’. So, if the money is tainted then your family’s darah daging also becomes tainted. That is how true Muslims see things although so-called ‘liberal’ Muslims do not care and will say money is money, never mind where it comes from.
The issue is, if the money is legitimate why does it need to be transacted in cash and why to Jahabar personally and not to The Malaysian Insight in a legal and transparent manner? You do ‘under-the-table’ cash transactions only if you want to hide the transaction and not leave a paper trail. Legal and legitimate transactions can be done openly through the banks.

Jahabar drinks too much and talks too much so he cannot keep secrets and that is how the information regarding his source of funds got leaked

The other issue involves principles. The Malaysian Insight alleges it is fighting against kleptocracy. But then it is being funded by dodgy money from unknown sources. That can only mean the money must be illegal and the funders are not who they say they are. How can you claim to be fighting crime when you are committing the same crime you allege you are fighting against. Using money gained from kleptocracy to fight kleptocracy sounds downright ridiculous and hypocritical.
Actually the Malaysian police know who is funding Jahabar and The Malaysian Insight. And this is what Jahabar is worried about — that the truth regarding his and The Malaysian Insight’s financiers becomes public knowledge. In fact, the police even has documents regarding who owns The Malaysian Insight and is behind the entire operation. So Jahabar is really in deep sewage here.
Jahabar knows he cannot escape this one. So what he is trying to do is to refocus the whole issue to who leaked the information instead of focusing on what was that leaked information. The leaked information is about Jahabar receiving millions in cash and in ‘under-the-table’ transactions. That Jahabar cannot explain. So he wants people to talk about the source of the leaked information rather than the leaked information itself.

The Malaysian Insight is not just a news portal but also houses DAP’s Red Bean Army cyber-troopers

The Malaysian Insight is not just a news portal. It is also where DAP parks its Red Bean Army. So DAP transfers millions to Jahabar to not only pay for The Malaysian Insight’s operation but for the salaries of the Red Bean Army cyber-troopers as well. That is what Jahabar does not want people to know.
In other words, The Malaysian Insight is technically a ‘subsidiary’ of DAP. It operates as a shadow media unit of DAP. DAP has the overt operation, The Malaysian Insight, and the covert operation, the Red Bean Army.
It is actually a very clever set up. This is what countries like the United States also do. The overt operation does the legal stuff and the covert operation the illegal stuff. So all the Malay, Islam and Royal Family bashing and the hate campaign against the government can be done by The Malaysian Insight through its Red Bean Army operation.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
– http://www.malaysia-today.net

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