
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 10, 2017

DAP members come to Zaid’s defence, report lodged against Jamal’s threat

DAP members lead by Lim Lip Eng (middle) gathered outside of Dang Wangi police station to show solidarity for Zaid Ibrahim
KUALA LUMPUR: A group of DAP members, led by Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, lodged a police report here today against Sungei Besar Umno division chief Jamal Yunos for threatening to “smash the head” of former minister Zaid Ibrahim.
DAP central executive committee member Ronnie Liu said that he, Lim and the other members had gathered at the Dang Wangi police station here after making a report to show solidarity with Zaid, who is also a DAP member.
“I personally think he used his right to speak out as a Malaysian, and to me he has no intention to run down anybody,” he said, adding that Zaid was defending Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Zaid had been criticised for “advising” the the Sultan of Selangor on Twitter after Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had reportedly said that Mahathir’s political agenda was motivated by “deep hatred” and that “his anger will burn the whole country”.
In response, Zaid had tweeted: “The Selangor sultan should be careful with his words. No one is immune when the country burns.”
His tweet had caused an uproar, especially among Umno leaders and members who called for action to be taken against Zaid for his criticism of the sultan.
On Wednesday, Jamal and his followers had staged a protest and burnt two life-sized effigies of Zaid in front of the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) entrance.
He had said that Zaid’s action in “advising” the sultan was unacceptable.
“We have to teach Zaid a lesson for his rude and extreme action.”
On Friday, the Red Shirts leader, armed with a sledgehammer and a cutout of Zaid, said people in Selangor had lost patience over the fact that no action had been taken against the DAP politician.
He had then threatened to “hammer” the former minister’s head if no action was taken against him for his criticism of the Selangor sultan, prompting Zaid to tweet that he would seek to meet with Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi, who is also home minister, as soon as possible over “his safety and that of his family”.
Jamal was arrested last night after attending the last day of the Umno general assembly at the PWTC.
He has been remanded for two days to facilitate police investigations.
Jamal is being investigated under Section 504 of the Penal Code, and Section 14 of the Minor Offences Act, Malaysiakini cited Dang Wangi district police chief Shaharudin Abdullah as saying.
Section 504 of the Penal Code covers insult with intent to breach the peace and carries with it a prison term of up to two years and a fine.
Section 14 of the Minor Offences Act covers insulting behaviour and is punishable with a fine of up to RM100.
Liu and the DAP members urged police to probe Jamal for alleged criminal intimidation.
Meanwhile Lim, who is also a lawyer, said Jamal’s statement was a clear threat and insult.
“I handled a case where a businessman was accused of insulting the prime minister and wife by holding a Chinese placard saying ‘chicken and hippo go to hell”.
“If that warrants a criminal charge, what more about Jamal?” he asked.
Lim said Zaid had told him that he did not lodge any police report against the controversial Umno leader.
It was earlier reported that Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua had distanced himself from Zaid’s controversy, saying members were free to express their opinions but they should also be prepared to deal with the repercussions. -FMT

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