
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 16, 2017

Hadi urges rejection of DAP gov't as 'not clean', 'non-Muslim'

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has again attacked his former Pakatan Rakyat partner DAP, saying it cannot run a clean government, and should not aspire to have its leaders as prime minister as they are not Muslim.
“DAP cannot be a government that is clean, and there are many reports about their irregularities.
“In fact, for DAP leaders to become the prime minister if the opposition front wins the 14th general election (GE14) goes against the reality in Malaysia, where the concept of an Islamic country means Islam must be in power.
“That is important. Only Islam is fair to all,” he was today reported telling Berita Harian in an interview at his home in Rusila last night.
“The people of Penang can also feel for themselves (the pain), and it can be measured,” he claimed further.
He was responding to allegations by the ruling party that DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang (photo) aspires to be the prime minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election.

According to the report by the Umno-linked Malay daily, Hadi said he would reject any prime minister who is not Muslim, as PAS' aim is to ensure the country's leadership is Muslim.
“This is important. We want to maintain the leadership of Muslims in this country.
Last week, Hadi made a similar attack against DAP claiming the latter's 'Malaysian Malaysia' concept was an attempt to sideline Muslim power.
His statement came hot on the heels of the Umno general assembly last week, at which attacks against DAP were at the fore.
During the ruling party's last AGM before the general election, Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil warned that voting for Pakatan Harapan would lead to rule by “Emperor Lim”, referring to the DAP Gelang Patah MP.
"There are only two choices - a government led by Prime Minister Najib Razak through BN, or the opposition led by Kit Siang, 'Maharaja Lim'," Shahrizat said in her policy speech at the Wanita Umno general assembly in Kuala Lumpur on Dec 6.
Lim: Hadi propping Najib?
In response, Lim berated Hadi for “jumping on the Najib bandwagon, spreading the lies” about his alleged desire to be prime minister.
“In the past week, both the Umno-owned and controlled printed and online media had been trying desperately to generate a controversy over the dual themes of Najib’s speech at the recent Umno general assembly, and which was repeated ad nauseum during the five-day Umno assemblies, that I want to be prime minister, and that if Umno loses in the next general election, the Malays and Islam will perish in Malaysia.

“But the well-funded Umno propagandists and cybertroopers are not achieving much success,” said Lim in a statement.
“Now Hadi is coming to the rescue,” he said.
Lim said this was a far cry from Hadi's early days, when he had blamed Umno for the plight of Malays and Islam in Malaysia.
On another matter, the DAP veteran also ridiculed Hadi for commending Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro for attending the Istanbul OIC extraordinary summit.
Maduro, noted Lim, has been named “2016 Person of the Year” by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), for having done the most in the world to advance organised crime activity and corruption.
“When Hadi can glorify Maduro, [...] Malaysians can better understand why he could form a political alliance with Najib and be an apologist not only for the 1MDB scandal, but Malaysia becoming a global kleptocracy.”- Mkini

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