
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 22, 2017

Jahabar And Faridah Use FMT To Attack Dzulkifli

But that is not the most interesting part of this whole thing yet. What is interesting is the fact that the so-called SOURCE who gave all this information to Free Malaysia Today is Jahabar Sadiq of The Malaysian Insight. My deep throat in Free Malaysia Today confirmed that Jahabar gave them the information and asked them to publish this story because The Malaysian Insight cannot do it themselves. The Malaysian Insight needs to be seen as if it is keeping its side the ceasefire so Free Malaysia Today must fire the shots of the second round of attacks on Dzulkifli.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

The sharks are back and they are in a feeding frenzy and want the MACC Chief Commissioner’s blood

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Jahabar Sadiq and Faridah Begum K.A. Abdul Kader come back snapping at the heels of the MACC Chief Commissioner, Dzulkifli Ahmad, like two sharks on a feeding frenzy.
After the ‘stand-down’ deal that was agreed upon a couple of months ago, which was brokered by a certain state ruler who they went running to and asked for help, we thought Jahabar and Faridah had given up in trying to get rid of Dzulkifli. Apparently they just took a short breather and have not yet given up. Now they are back with round two in the attack on Dzulkifli.
And this is quite unfortunate because when I met His Royal Highness in London last month I made it very clear to Tuanku that I am prepared to observe a ceasefire as long as the other side wants one. After all it is they and not me who is asking for a ceasefire. However, I cautioned Tuanku, if they continue the attacks then I will do so as well. And I told Tuanku that this message can be delivered to the other side.
Free Malaysia Today’s news report today, however, proves that the stand-down has been violated and the other side is not honouring the ceasefire. In that case I, too, need not stand-down and can continue with the counter-attacks.
In fact, I received a phone call from one of my deep throats in Free Malaysia Today warning me that the second round of attacks on Dzulkifli is about to start and the intention is to pressure Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak into sacking the MACC Chief. And I have informed the head of Najib’s Boffin Boys about this.
So we knew two days ago about today’s planned attack and yesterday I told someone who is considering doing some technical work for Free Malaysia Today that they are playing both sides of the field so he better be very careful.
And, true enough, today it happened.

Jahabar and his sister, Faridah, are now using Free Malaysia Todayinstead of The Malaysian Insight to attack Dzulkifli

Free Malaysia Today started their report by saying:
The Judicial and Legal Service Commission is believed to have proposed to the prime minister to advise the king to remove Dzulkifli Ahmad as the anti-graft chief for his alleged relationship with a married woman. Sources said commission members took that position to preserve the integrity and to maintain public confidence in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). A source said it would now be left to Prime Minister Najib Razak whether to accept or reject the recommendation of the commission which met in early December.
Can you see how Free Malaysia Today writes just like Sarawak Report? Nelson Fernandez must have gone to the same school of journalism that Clare Rewcastle Brown went to. Or maybe Free Malaysia Today and Sarawak Report are receiving funding from the same financier.
This part is even more interesting:
“The prime minister has to give cogent reasons to the eminent members of the commission if he is rejecting their proposal and Dzulkifli remains,” a source told FMT.
In short, this SOURCE told FMT that if Najib rejects the proposal to sack Dzulkifli then he must explain why by giving cogent reasons. ‘Cogent’ means logical, convincing, powerful, etc. So Najib cannot just refuse to sack Dzulkifli. He must explain with logical, convincing and powerful arguments as to why he refuses to sack Dzulkifli.
The fact that the proposal is not legally binding, so the PM is not obligated to take the ‘advice’, was never mentioned. So that means if the PM does not sack Dzulkifli he need not explain why or give cogent reasons. However, they are making it sound like it is a legal obligation and if the PM refuses to sack Dzulkifli then he must face the jury and defend himself.

They are giving the impression that Najib has no choice but to sack Dzulkifli or else explain why

Isn’t that putting Najib over a barrel and tying his hands so that there is only one course of action left open to him — which is to sack Dzulkifli or else face condemnation? And if you read the rest of Free Malaysia Today’s news report below you can see where they are going with this and what game they are playing.
But that is not the most interesting part of this whole thing yet. What is interesting is the fact that the so-called SOURCE who gave all this information to Free Malaysia Today is Jahabar Sadiq of The Malaysian Insight. My deep throat in Free Malaysia Today confirmed that Jahabar gave them the information and asked them to publish this story because The Malaysian Insight cannot do it themselves. The Malaysian Insight needs to be seen as if it is keeping its side the ceasefire so Free Malaysia Today must fire the shots of the second round of attacks on Dzulkifli.
This information that Free Malaysia Today published is highly confidential and is known to only a handful of people. And one of these people who would know about this is Faridah Begum, who has the advantage of ‘pillow talk’. And Faridah, who is the shareholder and director of Inside Media Sdn Bhd, the owner of The Malaysian Insight, is Jahabar’s sister.
In fact, the meeting was conducted in the Attorney-General’s Chambers so you do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out where the leak came from. Did not Jahabar make a police report against MCMC alleging that his statement regarding the millions in cash he received from his financiers was leaked?
That is why Jahabar does not dare publish this news in The Malaysian Insight. He cannot go crying like a baby and lodge a police report alleging that his statement to MCMC was leaked and then go and leak highly confidential and classified information that he got from his sister.
Nelson Fernandez had better have a good story to tell when they come to Free Malaysia Today’s office looking for him. Maybe Nelson is not aware that certain classified information automatically comes under the Official Secrets Act even if those documents or files are not stamped ‘RAHSIA’.

Faridah Begum, is sister to Jahabar Sadiq, who is Free Malaysia Today‘s ‘source’

Faridah knows that she and her business partner, Harbir Singh Gill A/L Ajaib Singh, are under police investigation. Last week I sent Bukit Aman a third set of documents about their involvement in Inside Media Sdn Bhd plus a dozen other companies. Faridah and Harbir are dabbling in millions without any explanation as to where all those millions are coming from.
The same goes for Jahabar. Inside Media Sdn Bhd is a RM2.00 company and yet millions are flowing into The Malaysian Insight. Where did all these millions come from? And Inside Media has not filed its accounts with the Registrar of Companies in spite of the company being registered more than three years ago.
They are trying to make a big deal out of the alleged crime of holding hands. And they want to pressure the Prime Minister into sacking Dzulkifli for the ‘crime’ of holding hands. Faridah’s crime, however, plus of Jahabar as well, is conflict of interest and of receiving millions in cash ‘under-the-table’ and with no proper accountability and transparency.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Faridah and Jahabar are standing on thin ice, which can crack at any time. Instead of trying to drown Dzulkifli in the icy waters, Faridah and Jahabar should instead focus on how they can get off the thin ice they are standing on without going under.
Nelson is a not a brave soul. If the authorities pay him a visit to check on who Free Malaysia Today’s SOURCE is Nelson will sing like a canary and finger Jahabar. Nelson can avoid jail if he fingers his source and claim he was not aware that the information he was given is covered under the Official Secrets Act. And once Jahabar is fingered his sister will take the fall together with him.
The moral of this whole story is: never deal with idiots. And Jahabar Sadiq is an idiot who thought he could hide behind Free Malaysia Today so that his hands and those of his sister can remain hidden. Malays calls this baling batu sorok tangan. And we know why they are so determined to kill Dzulkifli but we shall not talk about this yet. Let the police complete their investigation and then maybe we shall talk about that later.

Remove MACC chief for alleged misconduct, judicial commission proposes

It is up to the prime minister now whether to accept or reject the recommendation by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission but he must give cogent reasons to the commission if Dzulkifli Ahmad is to be retained.

(FMT, 22 December 2017) – The Judicial and Legal Service Commission is believed to have proposed to the prime minister to advise the king to remove Dzulkifli Ahmad as the anti-graft chief for his alleged relationship with a married woman.
Sources said commission members took that position to preserve the integrity and to maintain public confidence in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
A source said it would now be left to Prime Minister Najib Razak whether to accept or reject the recommendation of the commission which met in early December.
Under the MACC Act 2009, the king appoints the chief commissioner on the advice of the prime minister but nothing stops the government from revoking it prematurely.
“The prime minister has to give cogent reasons to the eminent members of the commission if he is rejecting their proposal and Dzulkifli remains,” a source told FMT.
According to the commission’s website, the current chairman is Arpah Abdul Razak, who is a retired senior civil servant.
Its members are Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali, Chief Judge of Malaya Ahmad Maarop, Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjum, Federal Court judge Azahar Mohamed, Court of Appeal judges Hasnah Mohammed Hashim and Rhodzariah Bujang, and High Court judge Kamaludin Md Said.
The commission secretary is Zainal Abidin Ahmad.
Apandi, when contacted via a WhatsApp message, did not confirm or deny that such a decision had been taken.
“You should ask the chairman or the secretary of SPKP (the Malay acronym for the commission),” he said, adding that he was currently overseas.
Apandi (pic above) further said the people had the “right to know, right to ask and right to be informed…”
FMT attempted to get in touch with Zainal to verify if the commission had made such a decision and, if it was in the affirmative, whether it had been communicated to the prime minister or Chief Secretary to the Government Ali Hamsa. However, there was no response.
Similarly, there was no response from Ali.
Under the Federal Constitution, the commission’s functions, among others, are to appoint, promote, transfer and exercise disciplinary control over members under the Judicial and Legal Service.
Dzulkifli’s alleged misconduct comes under the purview of the commission as he is still an officer of the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) although on secondment to the MACC.
Dzulkifli, 49, who was previously head of the National Revenue Recovery Enforcement team in the AGC, took over the post in the MACC from Abu Kassim Mohamed on a five-year contract on Aug 1 last year.
Meanwhile, Inspector-General of Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun on Dec 3, said police were in the final stages of investigations into Dzulkifli’s alleged affair with a woman who was married to a police officer.
However, he declined to comment whether police had recorded Dzulkifli’s statement.
Since October, the AGC had returned the investigation papers to the police three times to collect further evidence.
“I have no comment on that. There were some results we had to get and some forensic issues that we had to resolve.” he had told the media.
Dzulkifli was at the centre of a controversy after a series of video clips surfaced, showing him holidaying in Bali with a woman who is not his wife.
Police are investigating him under Section 498 of the Penal Code for enticing a married woman.
He has neither confirmed nor denied being the man in the clips, only saying he would not bow down to “dirty tactics”.
The woman said her divorce had nothing to do with Dzulkifli.

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