
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 29, 2017

Mahathir Wants Najib To Appoint Mukhriz As DPM II

Basically, Mahathir wants to make sure that Mukhriz contests the next general election as an Umno or Barisan Nasional candidate. Mahathir knows Mukhriz can only become Prime Minister if he is in Umno and not if he is in PPBM or Pakatan Harapan. So this deal is more important to Mahathir than it is to Najib. What Najib gains is the removal of a nuisance named Mahathir who keeps raising the same issue again and again in his attempt to oust him and to make sure Mukhriz becomes Prime Minister. Mahathir, however, gains far more. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
As mentioned in the previous article, ‘Mukhriz’s political future getting bleaker by the day, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s political dynasty is doomed and Mukhriz’s chance of becoming Prime Minister is zero if through Pakatan Harapan. If Mahathir wants to save his political dynasty and salvage Mukhriz’s future it has to be through Umno and Barisan Nasional and not through PPBM and Pakatan Harapan.
If Mahathir wants to see his dream come true it has to happen now and not some time in the future. Time is not on Mahathir’s side so it is now or never. Once Mahathir is gone Mukhriz will immediately become a non-entity. Mukhriz is relevant only because by accident of birth he happened to have been born Boboy son of Mahathir. So it has to be a quick-fix solution — before Mahathir dies. And for that to be viable it has to be a solution through Umno and Barisan Nasional and not through PPBM and Pakatan Harapan.

Mahathir is prepared to abandon Pakatan if Najib agrees to the deal he has proposed

So Mahathir is now proposing a deal with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Mahathir feels he can still save Mukhriz and his political dynasty and still make Mukhriz Prime Minister. But he must first hammer out a deal with Najib. And Mahathir has to pretend that he is not desperate for the deal to happen and that the deal benefits Najib rather than him.
Mahathir is proposing a deal that he feels is too good for Najib to say no to. But then that is vintage Mahathir – he always feels he is far cleverer than everyone else. This is basically Mahathir’s interpretation of a win-win situation and he feels Najib might find the deal very attractive since it removes a huge thorn in his side.
Foremost in this deal is Najib must appoint Mukhriz as Deputy Prime Minister II. And this must be done before the next general election or GE14. Further to that Mukhriz must be given a Cabinet post — Finance, Home or Defence Minister.

Mahathir will stop attacking Najib if Najib agrees to leave his sons alone and makes Mukhriz the DPM II

But that is only as far as the government posts are concerned. On top of that Mukkhriz must also be given a party post. And what Mahathir has in mind is the post of Secretary General. And this must also be done before the next general election.
In return, Mahathir will stop attacking Najib and will change sides. Mahathir will not only turn on Pakatan Harapan but he will also provide political funding for Barisan Nasional to help finance the general election. But Mahathir must have a say in the selection of candidates.
After the general election Najib must ensure that Mukhriz wins an Umno Vice President’s post in the party election and it must be with the highest votes. That will be Mukhriz’s first step up the Umno ladder to Deputy President and eventually to the Umno Presidency.

Najib must make Mukhriz the DPM II and the Umno Secretary General, and then must help him win an Umno VP’s post with the highest votes

Najib must also agree to stop pursuing any further action regarding the RCI findings into the Bank Negara forex disaster plus the government must drop any other investigations into his family’s wealth. To sweeten the deal even further, Mahathir will force the resignation of Lim Guan Eng before GE14.
If Najib rejects the above deal then Mahathir will proceed with his plan to remove Najib from office before the general election. So it is either accept the deal or face death, the carrot and the stick approach. Mahathir will use the MACC and AGC to finish Najib off, like what he tried to do in early 2015 but failed.
Mahathir’s strategy is to use threats and blackmail, his usual modus operandi, to get the MACC and AGC to agree to do his bidding. This has always been the way Mahathir gets people to do what he wants.

Mahathir’s usual modus operandi is threats and blackmail and this is how he is forcing the MACC and AGC to get rid of Najib

Mahathir is blackmailing, Dzulkifli Ahmad, MACC’s Chief Commissioner, and has threatened to release damaging video footage of him in a week or so if he does not agree to play ball. Faridah Begum K.A. Abdul Kader has also been compromised and Mahathir has hard evidence of her transgressions that can hurt her husband if the AGC also does not play ball.
All Mahathir needs is control of the MACC and AGC to finish Najib off. The AGC may be easier to control because Faridah Begum has been caught with her knickers down. Dzulkifli, however, is another kettle of fish. He is more degil so Mahathir may have to release the so-called sex video next week.
Basically, Mahathir wants to make sure that Mukhriz contests the next general election as an Umno or Barisan Nasional candidate. Mahathir knows Mukhriz can only become Prime Minister if he is in Umno and not if he is in PPBM or Pakatan Harapan. So this deal is more important to Mahathir than it is to Najib. What Najib gains is the removal of a nuisance named Mahathir who keeps raising the same issue again and again in his attempt to oust him and to make sure Mukhriz becomes Prime Minister. Mahathir, however, gains far more.

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