
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 13, 2017

OIC Summit On Jerusalem Collapses Before It Starts : Arab Leaders, MO1 Not Attending.

Image result for najib for OIC Meeting in Istambul

Turkey chides ‘weak’ Arab reaction ahead of OIC
Reuters Dec 13, 2017

Turkey criticised feeble Arab reaction to US' Jerusalem move
Trump’s announcement angered many Muslim countries

Erdogan invited leaders from 50 Muslim countries
Arab countries very weak responses 
Egypt, UAE send foreign ministers 

Saudi yet to say how it would participate

Several Islamic countries not said who would attend 
Others not said who they would send

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to attend 

Arab countries scared of Washington.
are very timid of United States

Arabs have delicate ties with Turkey 
Erdogan supports Islamist movements they oppose.

My comments :  How come MO1 and Hippo are not going? They do have Christmas sales in Istanbul. 

I already predicted this would happen. The Al Saud camel jockeys depend 100% on the Americans for their survival.  If the US tells them to switch to Jamnapari goats, they will do so in a jiffy. 

Is our Defense Minister attending this summit? 

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