
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 22, 2017

Over my dead body, Najib tells US


PUTRAJAYA: Even if it meant cutting up his body into several pieces, Prime Minister Najib Razak said today he will not budge from his stand in defending the rights of the Palestinians.
Najib said this at the Save Jerusalem Rally, as he urged all Malaysians to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians in Palestine.
“We will not budge, we will not budge in our defence for the plight of the Palestinians; returning Jerusalem to them (as promised by the late Salahuddin Al-Ayubi).
“Even if it means cutting me up into pieces, leaving behind only one piece of ‘meat’, we will not budge,” he said.
In this case, Najib cited historical changes to the Palestinian map since 1947 which showed the Zionist regime’s continuous attempts to encroach on the land.
“When I look at the map, the areas occupied by the Palestinians were reduced in 1947. By 1967, it had shrunk even more.
“We must stay united in defending the Palestinians. One day, may they regain their land as it was in 1947,“ he added.
Najib also called on all Malaysians to set aside their political differences.
“Today, we are gathered here to fight for a single cause. I urge all political parties in the country to put aside their differences and stay united in this cause.
“It is a historical day today, that all have gathered here today, regardless of religion and race, united in our stand.
“I understand that our Christian friends are also here today in solidarity with us.
“We believe that championing the cause of the Palestinians would also mean that believers of other religions will also be able to practise their beliefs in harmony,” he said.
Najib, who is also Umno president, said he had, from the very beginning, expressed Malaysia’s stand against Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The last time was during his winding-up speech during the Umno general assembly.
The resounding support from Umno delegates for the cause led him to raise the matter again at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation emergency meeting on the issue.
At the end of the rally, Najib also announced that similar solidarity rallies would be held on the third Friday of every month at all mosques across the country.
The Malaysian government had earlier declared that the government stood firm in its stand against Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
It also said it would not reverse its decision although the US had threatened it would be taking note of the countries that voted in support of a UN resolution criticising the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. -FMT

1 comment:

  1. Mohon dimaafkan sebelumnya....!! terpaksa sy ngeposting disini karna sy sudah mengalami skrg bagaimn rasanya tinggal di perantauan jd TKW. Anak dan suami di tinggal di kampung. Sy dulu 4 tahun 5 bulan tinggal di Taichung Taiwan.. hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata selalu menharap. tp tdk ada hasilnya sm sekali. Cuman gali lobang tutup lobang trus. dulu.. pengen pulang ke indo gaji tidak seberapa. Tetapi namanya juga rejeki itu tidak ada yg tau. Yg penting kita betul-betul yakin dan percaya Pasti ada jlan keluarnya. Halal tidaknya hanya tuhanlah yg menentukan. Kebetulan waktu itu sy istirahat di kamar buka facebook dapt nmor telpon Mbah Suroto di halaman tki sukses. setelah sy baca ternyata beliau murid Eyang Guru Jugo dari gunung kawi. dengan adanya Pesugihan Dana Ghaib ini dan Pesugihan Anka ghaib/Togel 2D sampai 6D pilihan..., sy memilih jalan Pesugihan Dana Ghaib saja karna tidak ada tumbal menumbal. alhamdulillah ternyata benar2 terbukti hasil nya dari Mbah. skrg sy bsa buka usaha kecil-kecilan di rumah.. ya allah terima kasih rejekimu ini yg enkau berikan. Mungkin ada teman pengen merubah nasib nya seperti sy. ini nomr nya Mbah Suroto +6282291277145 karna tidak ada salahnya kita berbagi. sy sudah merasakan manis pahitnya tinggal di perantauan. Trmksh


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