
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 16, 2017

The worthlessness of the OIC summit in Istanbul

On Dec 13, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, in his own words, dropped everything on his lap, including a meeting with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore, to attend the extraordinary summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul, Turkey.
The goal was to register the Muslim world's urgency and protest against the recognition of Jerusalem as the "eternal capital of Israel." The OIC meeting was hopeless for several reasons.
First, Najib had already affirmed to the rest of the world, that US President Donald Trump is his golfing buddy and his friend.
In his trip to Washington in Sept 2017, Najib even boasted that Trump personally sent him to his official car, of all places in the basement of the White House.
The above is not hearsay. It came right from the horse's mouth: Najib. It was Najib who showcased his tight bond with Trump.

Secondly, directly or indirectly, this has strengthened Trump's resolve to gift Jerusalem to Israel. The false step by Najib is no less damning than the mistakes of King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia.
Both the father and son praised Trump as a world-class leader when Trump made a trip to Saudi Arabia.
Emboldened by his relationship with King Salman and MBS, Trump went one step ahead of the duo.
He immediately flew to Israel, and promised a radical change in the US policy on the Middle East. Such a radical change was, of course, the gift of Jerusalem to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo), whose popularity was not only sagging in Israel, but is also widely considered a dishonest and ineffective Israeli leader.

Second, Najib flew to Istanbul to join a chorus of leaders to admonish and reprimand Trump. But was that really the case?
The US ambassador to Malaysia was not summoned to the Prime Minister's Office nor Wisma Putra for a thorough dressing down.
Even when the Umno assembly was ongoing, little attention was granted to the injustice of Trump.
Third, in a press release by Wisma Putra, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs merely affirmed that Trump should "reconsider his decision." Wisma Putra did not express its vehemence against Trump.
Fourth, instead, it was the opposition front that raised a huge outcry on Trump's utter betrayal to the Palestinians.
To the credit of Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, she saw the betrayal as sufficiently serious to call for the possible boycott of US goods and services in Malaysia.

Fifth, Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad (photo),  together with Amanah and Bersatu, challenged the whole treasonous act of giving Jerusalem to Israel when there are 86 countries, be they Muslim or non-Muslim, that do not agree with Trump. Even Pope Francis of the Vatican Council was against Trump wholesale.
Thus, what is the point of flying to Istanbul to block the proverbial horses that have been let out of the stable? Trump has betrayed the Muslim world not once, but from the very beginning of his presidency. He has passed the Middle East policy to Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, who is a known Zionist.
Sixth, it shocking that Umno and PAS still support Trump by not voicing out more openly, and by coming up with a series of measures to put a stop to this madness.
Fortunately, the 14th general election is just months away. Christians and Muslims, indeed all groups and races that are anti-Israel, can set things right: by voting out Najib, PAS and, indeed, Umno, for coddling the Zionist conspiracy.
Malaysian foreign policy has never seen such a disaster until now. It is time to correct it with a new government that is not beholden to US Zionist policy.

MOHAMAD SABU is president of Amanah.- Mkini

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