
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 14, 2017

Tun Endon’s Cousin Whacks The Sultan Of Selangor

Hussein Abdul Hamid, pro-Pakatan Harapan supporter, cousin of the late Tun Endon Mahmood Ambak, whacks DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, the Sultan of Selangor.

WTF does this Idris of Selangor thinks he is doing?

On Nov 2, Sultan Sharafuddin said he viewed Mahathir’s speech with the utmost seriousness, anger and disappointment.“Based on the video clip of the speech which has gone viral on social media, the allegation by Tun Dr Mahathir clearly insulted and bracketed the Bugis as a people who originated from pirates, robbers and criminals. The members of the Selangor Royal Council believe the speech was very extreme and could incite feelings of hatred and a negative perception of the Bugis people to the extent of causing disorder. This allegation indirectly insulted the ancestral roots of the Selangor sultanate which was founded by the Bugis,” he said.
Idris you and your father are not exactly the paragons of Bugis virtue are you? I will not go into what your late Father did as the dead can no longer defend themselves…but you Idris, is fair game! How many wives have you had? How many girls have you fornicated outside your marriage bonds? You are the head of Islam in your state…huh…you and your f*@king son are as familiar with liquor as the Arabs are familiar with that ayer Zam Zam…are you not? And as for being robbers and criminals….how many tenders and business opportunities have you and your family sapu? You think your Selangor rakyat are stupid and do not see what you and your family do with your useless lives? The Selangor Sultanate might have been founded by the Bugis but you have not done us Bugis any favours nor can we be proud of what you have done in Selangor.

Hussein is cousin to Tun Endon, wife of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

You said that in as far as the Bugis issue was concerned you only spoke after you had the facts! I have a lot of facts about what you have done in your time as Sultan and so have many others. What if we start putting what we already know about you and your family into the public domain…do you think you can stomach the shame and disgrace? Fikir sikit Idris before you open your bloody mouth and start talking about things you should not talk about…..and getting involve in politics is one of the things you better not do.
You are not one tenth of the man that Tun Dr Mahathir is! You do not have to consent to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah’s decision to return the awards they had previously been given by you…they want to return their award…you terima aja lah! Pretty soon I hope it will not be Tun Dr. Mahathir that has to consent to you still being the Sultan of Selangor!
Idris by going after Tun Dr Mahathir you have consented to put yourself in the firing line of us bloggers…..so let the games begin.

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