
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Umno assembly: When national matters were put on hold for GE14


By Mohamed Ghouse Nasuruddin
The Umno general assembly is a national event that is keenly followed by its members, the opposition and the rest of the country.
Umno members’ deliberations and decisions affect the governance of the nation and have an impact on the people.
The assembly can be instrumental in effecting policy changes as the prime minister and his deputy, as well as all the top ministers are from Umno.
Seeing that there are economic, social, education, security and other pertinent issues plaguing the country at the moment, the general public expected this general assembly to address and provide solutions to alleviate these issues.
Further, as in a normal annual general meeting, the general public was hopeful the delegates would on their behalf query the ministers and other supreme council members who were elected by the members to be ethically and morally accountable for the workings of their portfolios.
But this year’s meeting deviated from the norm.
Instead of serious rational deliberations that tackled pertinent and pressing national issues, the assembly became a festive event and an occasion for fun, revelry and camaraderie.
During the three days, matters of national importance receded into the abyss of nonchalance as the delegates were inebriated with bacchant-like stupor that only heightened the generosity of accolades that suppressed rationality.
The heady atmosphere subjugated the delegates’ critical faculties, leading to the suspension of disbelief. It was a bacchanal festival and Mid-Summer Night’s Dream all in one.
This year, the focus of the assembly was on winning the 14th general election, which demanded unity among members and undivided loyalty and submission to the leadership.
For this, all other national matters were put on hold.
Pre-assembly statements, announcements and advice, closed-door meetings, door gifts and other ritualistic events primed the delegates into a pliant and receptive mood.
Among these were the suggestions by Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein that the two top posts remain uncontested.
And Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron advised the delegates against criticising the leaders and only to focus on the upcoming general election and, more importantly, show a force of unity by not raising dissenting issues that question the credibility of governance.
Thus, praises and accolades were heaped on the leaders in addition to pledges of undivided loyalty.
The leaders of the various wings, the speakers and the supreme council members extolled the virtues of the leadership and the importance of casting aside personal animosity and acrimony and to submit unequivocally to the directives of the leadership.
At times, the atmosphere became quite unreal, almost theatrical.
However, the organisers of the Umno annual general assembly were successful in creating a therapeutic effect on the delegates through the numerous rituals and merrymaking and for a brief three days lulled them into a world of make-belief.
Mohamed Ghouse Nasuruddin is an FMT reader.

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