
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Why I Did Not Apologise To The AG

What is even more comical is the fact that Faridah talks about ‘moral values’ and attacks Dzulkifli for allegedly holding hands with a woman. Those who know her when she was still just a reporter and before she ‘married into power’ knows what type of moral values she has. This is not about moral values. This is about getting rid of Dzulkifli so that Guan Eng’s case can be buried deep underground and finally the file can be stamped NFA (no further action).

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Since the last article in this column (‘Jahabar And Faridah Use FMT To Attack Dzulkifli’) was published six hours ago, Free Malaysia Today has removed the article ‘Remove MACC chief for alleged misconduct, judicial commission proposes’ where it said, “It is up to the prime minister now whether to accept or reject the recommendation by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission but he must give cogent reasons to the commission if Dzulkifli Ahmad is to be retained.”
It appears Free Malaysia Today realised its mistake and is aware that it may have committed a crime under the Official Secrets Act. According to Nelson Fernandez, the article was ‘sneaked in’ without his knowledge or approval and hence he removed it. He also chewed up the person responsible for putting up what he considers an ‘unverified article’ that has ‘no credible source’ and for making Free Malaysia Today look just like Sarawak Report.
Anyway, the point is, this brings me back to the meeting I had with His Royal Highness the Sultan where Tuanku asked whether I was prepared to remove the three articles I wrote regarding the Attorney General and tender an apology. I replied I have no problems doing that if this is what Tuanku titah but the issue is this entire episode goes beyond just those articles. In short, there is a bigger fish to fry here.

Kit Siang is trying to save Guan Eng by compromising Faridah Begum and getting rid of Dzulkifli Ahmad

My concern is that the opposition, in particular Lim Kit Siang, knows about this whole issue and had, in fact, known for some time. And they are using this information they have to compromise the corruption case against Lim Guan Eng. Undoubtedly Kit Siang wants to save Guan Eng and make sure he does not go to jail. So we have to make sure this does not happen.
Guan Eng was charged with two counts of corruption on 30th June 2016. That is almost one and a half years ago. But there does not appear to be any urgency to get this case settled and if we are not careful the case may go on for seven years like Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy 2 trial. There is even talk that the charges against Guan Eng may eventually be dropped after the general election.
The long and short of it is, Faridah Begum K.A. Abdul Kader may have found herself in a sticky situation where they can use her to compromise the case against Guan Eng. Since she has allowed herself to get caught with her knickers down she is a danger to those around her.
Even worse is the fact that the opposition is using her to get rid of the MACC Chief Commissioner, Dzulkifli Ahmad. It is not enough that Faridah is compromised. Dzulkifli has to go as well. So Kit Siang and gang are able to kill two birds with one stone — Faridah Begum and Dzulkifli as well.

Kit Siang ‘owns’ Jahabar Sadiq and his sister, Faridah

So this is more than just about the three articles that the AG is not happy with. This is about making sure that no one can use whatever is going on to delay Guan Eng’s case for seven or eighth years or get the charges withdrawn altogether. And this currently seems to be the direction this is going.
The fact that Faridah owns Inside Media Sdn Bhd, which in turn owns The Malaysian Insight, is on record — plus the fact that Harbir Singh Gill A/L Ajaib Singh is her proxy. Jointly they own more than a dozen companies and considering Faridah, just like Clare Rewcastle Brown, was merely a mediocre reporter in her previous life raises a lot of questions.
And the question is: how did she come to own so much money? Is she on someone’s payroll or is she doing under-the-table deals? If the MACC opens a file on her she is a dead duck. So before that happens she has to make sure that Dzulkifli is removed.
What is even more comical is the fact that Faridah talks about ‘moral values’ and attacks Dzulkifli for allegedly holding hands with a woman. Those who know her when she was still just a reporter and before she ‘married into power’ knows what type of moral values she has. This is not about moral values. This is about getting rid of Dzulkifli so that Guan Eng’s case can be buried deep underground and finally the file can be stamped NFA (no further action).

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