
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 4, 2017


Image result for holy quran

This post will be more easily understood by Muslims. However non Muslims, especially Christians, may also find this useful.

I thought of starting a new "column" of sorts in this blog. 'Words from the Quran.'

There is so much misconception about the Quran and Islam. It can all be dismissed by a simple reading of the Quran.

Reading any translation (any translation at all) does give you a general feel of the layout and the outlay of the Quranic message.

However the "guidance"  from reading translations is suspect.

One has to read the Quran in Arabic to know exactly what words are used and where. 

(You DO NOT NEED TO UNDERSTAND ARABIC, YOU JUST NEED TO READ THE QURAN IN ARABIC). And then you compare with what the translations say.  

Very, very unfortunately the Christian Biblical influence is extremely very strong on most Western translations of the Quran (Latin, English, German, French etc).  

This is understandable because many early translators of the Quran into western languages were Christians like 
  • Robertus Ketenensis (Latin)
  • Andrea Arrivabini (Italian)
  • George Sale (English)
  • Salomon Schweiger (German)
  • Andre du Ryer (French) and others.

And sadly these christian Biblical influences into Quran translations have held until today.  Today even Muslim translators of the Quran (like Abdullah Yusuf Ali etc) have continued with this tradition of using "borrow words" from the christian Biblical tradition. 

For example, Biblical Christian words like 'soul', heaven, hell etc have been liberally used to translate rooh, jannah and naar respectively. 

Literally jannah means a garden. The word shares roots with 'jinn'.  
Naar means fire. 
Rooh appears to be conscience. 

Today,  just some quick thoughts on the word wahiy (or wahi).

From the christian Biblical convention, wahiy is translated as "revelation".  

Again in the christian Biblical tradition, "revelation" is related to the Divine.  Revelations come from god.  

Here is a quickie about the word wahiy from Wikipedia :

Waḥy (Arabic: وحي‎, also spelled wahi) is the Arabic word for revelation. In Islamic belief, revelations are God's Word delivered by his chosen individuals – known as Messenger prophets – to mankind.  

In Islam, the Quran is considered a wahy given to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. The word awha (أوحى awḥá) occurs in a number of shades of meaning in the Quran, each of them indicating the main underlying idea of directing or guiding someone. The word "wahy" (revelation) is derived from awha.

So, wahiy is deemed as 'God's Word delivered by his chosen individuals - known as Messenger prophets - to mankind'.

However when you read the Arabic Quran (the original text) this does not seem to be the case.

The word wahiy is used to describe conversations / communications between people as well.

Here is a verse from the Quran :

Surah 6:112  And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring (yuhiya) to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.

In this verse the word yuhiya (wahiy) is CORRECTLY TRANSLATED  as 'inspiring'.  NOT translated as revelation.

In this verse, there are those among mankind and the "jinn" kind who inspire (yuhiya / wahiy) each other with fancy language to deceive (inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion)

Just for the road, here are TWO MORE verses from the Quran where the word wahiy is used to refer to communications involving men and the "devils".

First is the story of the prophet Zechariah (Nabi Zakariah).  

Here is Surah 19:11

In this verse 19:11, Zechariah comes out of his chamber and communicated (fa - awhaya  / wahiy)  to his people about a matter.

Then in  Surah  6:121 :

In this verse 6:121 the "shayaateena (satans) la-yu-hu-na (inspire / wahiy) ila aulia ihim - their allies".

The satans inspire their allies to deceive them.  The word used is la-yu-hu-na, derived from wahiy as well.

So here we see the different grammatical forms of the word wahiy used to describe communications between human beings and also by the satans. 

So in the Quran, the word wahiy is not used EXCLUSIVELY for communication from Allah to the messengers / prophets.

Even ordinary humans can wahiy among each other.

Wahiy means inspiration, ideas, thoughts, communication etc. There is nothing divine about the word wahiy.   It is just another Arabic word used in the Quran. 

Here is a small task. Remember these verses Surah 6:112, 6:121 and 19:11.  Make an effort to ask your muftis or those with PhDs in Arabic or religious studies to explain to you.

Do not waste time asking the ostard wal retards. If they knew anything, YOU my friend,  will not be so messed up.

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