
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 18, 2017

Yoursay: EC’s unprecedented haste to push through new boundaries

YOURSAY | ‘Let them do whatever they like. It is the voters who we will have to win over.’
Kim Quek: The High Court had only granted a stay of judgment on Dec 7, and now, one week later, the Election Commission’s (EC) appeal against the stay decision is already up for hearing at the Court of Appeal, leaving the Selangor government with no time at all to file its reply to EC’s application.
There is no conceivable justification for such unprecedented haste when the EC has all the time in the world to complete its work by September next year.
The hidden political hand is obvious, unless the court gives credible explanations for its highly irregular and irrational decision to hear the appeal in such hurry.
Leading judge Idrus Harun’s refusal to recuse himself is regrettable, as he has not only sat on three other cases involving EC, ruling in EC’s favour in each of them, but has also said in one of his judgments that “the EC should not be hampered in carrying out its functions”.
Under the circumstances, how could this court measure up to the dictum that “justice must not only be served, but must also be seen to be served”?
HangTuahPJ: Let them do whatever they like. It is the voters who we will have to win over. And there should be no such thing as postal votes. Be there to vote.
And the voting at armed forces bases/stations should be conducted by EC staff together with representatives from political parties. They should not allow the armed forces to conduct their own voting.
We need more people to join Invoke to undergo training as polling agents, counting agents (Paca), etc.
NTA: To some, it may be apparent that the EC, BN and their people are working hand-in-hand to gerrymander the electoral constituencies before the next election.
They appear to be working in unholy haste.
Touche: Umno is determined to win Selangor back at all costs. Pakatan must stop EC from electoral fraud and gerrymandering at all costs.
Kim Quek: What amazed me was that Prime Minister Najib Razak could have uttered lies of such crassness that not even a Mugabe would have uttered it – Chinese Lim Kit Siang over-lording Malay Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mohamad Sabu; and that Malays would be reduced to pariah if Harapan wins.
Had Najib so under-rated the Malays of the present time that he thought they would buy his story?
Good heavens, Najib and his crop of Umno leaders must be more diffident of winning GE 14 than we thought.
Anonymous_4056: Kit Siang, everything Najib says in the Umno general assembly is not meant for you or Malaysians in general.
It is purely for stupid Umno members and simple kampong folks. A higher amount of BRIM will do the trick.
JBond: Lim, more endorsements by the Malay community in programmes that DAP have helped or funded must be publicised to change the perception that your party is anti-Malay.
Get the young Malay leaders in your party to go to the grassroots of marginal constituencies to swing a few percentage of the vote. Action speaks louder than words.
Slumdog: For someone who is just an aide to PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor, he sure seems to have a big voice and always plenty to say, even if it is nonsensical.
Is Rizal Mansor saying that he is privy to what is being discussed within Pakatan Harapan?
The reason component parties in BN do not squabble with one another for power and positions is because Umno beats the minor parties into submission.
That's why Malaysians never hear of any dissent from MCA, MIC, Gerakan or any other minor party on contentious issues.
Fairnsquare: It is not Harapan's strength that will swing the votes to them, but Umno’s weakness in the form of 1MDB.
Until that is resolved and the truth is revealed - whatever it may be (but definitely not an Arab donation) - Umno’s future is bleak.
Rizal, being an aide to Rosmah and not an elected representative of the rakyat, does not carry any weight. Comments from irrelevant persons is not what Umno needs at this time.
Sara Wak: Nothing can compare to the desperation of Umno who took to brandishing a "wall of shame" with giant pictures of opposition leaders at their recent general assembly.
To them, it’s a wall of shame, but to us, Umno was actually recommending those people as the new heroes.
BN component parties do not squabble with one another for power and positions? You think we don't know BN component parties have zero say; they are forced to sit throughout your general assemblies every year to hear you all hurl indignities on other communities.
Vgeorgemy: In a democracy, the political parties must assert their ideological presence by seeking power to better serve its constituents. We lack such vibrancy in our politics since Merdeka.
But we are seeing such ideological competition among Pakatan Harapan components by providing rakyat-centred programmes.
Negarawan: It is an open secret that Rizal is the mouthpiece of Mrs MO1.
Question for Rizal: Who is running Umno - Mr MO1 or Mrs MO1? Is Mrs MO1 going to run for elections as an Umno candidate?- Mkini

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