
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 14, 2017

Yoursay: Logic thrown out the window with Dr M’s ‘Bugis pirate’ probe

YOURSAY | ‘Better for police to move on to more important issues, like 1MDB.’
Peninsular Rhino: BN is incensed that they cannot regain Selangor and is now intent on defeating Pakatan Harapan in the next general election. One way of doing this is to weaken Harapan as severely as possible by going after its leaders.
Yes, we see clearly the palace is being dragged through the mud using the “Bugis pirate” episode. Logical thinking is thrown out of the window. Linguistic analysis is ignored because it will not help the cause.
What Mahathir actually said is no longer important. The important thing is he mentioned “Bugis pirate”. That’s enough to go after him and put him away as he has been a thorn in Malaysian Official 1’s (MO1) side since the outbreak of the 1MDB scandal. He’s been obstructing MO1’s march to another five years of misgovernance.
People, say your piece at the ballot box, and put an end to piracy, whether by a “Bugis pirate” or any other criminal.
VGV: Why do the police have to question former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad for his remarks against PM Najib Razak?
The Bugis community is not at all involved in Mahathir’s remarks. What has that got to do with them?
Don't try to "harass" Mahathir because he is now in the opposition. Since the Selangor sultan had rebuked Mahathir, leave it as that and move on to other important issues, especially the 1MDB fiasco.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: To the police, please listen to Mahathir's speech carefully. The remark was not directed at the Bugis community at large, but specifically Najib. Don’t let Umno twist the facts.
Get a good Bahasa Malaysia expert to listen to Mahathir’s speech. Even my normal understanding of Bahasa tells me the remark was never intended for the Bugis community.
Whatsup: How could antics by those unscrupulous people be brought to this stage where an ex-prime minister who had done so much is humiliated to this extent?
Well, more and more people will support Mahathir as such shenanigans continue, while those who really destroy Malaysia enjoy their ill-gotten riches. This is another big-time blunder.
Rupert16: What a waste of time and resources to investigate something that is of non-importance, and just because the golden bird in the gilded cage felt slighted.
Slumdog: This must be a new standard in Malaysian policing; you leave it to the investigating officer to “determine the requirements”, whatever that means.
Tholu: Hooray Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Mohd Yunos! You are one sterling example of a Malaysian who can be extolled as a luminous citizen who steadfastly respects and strictly adheres to the principles of our Rukunegara.
You, as the leader of the red-shirt saviours of Ketuanan Melayu who stormed Petaling Street that was seen as a violent act against the Chinese traders there, upheld in enviable high esteem the principles of “keluhuran perlembagaan” (the supremacy of the constitution) and “kedaulatan undang-undang” (the rule of law).
Also no one could have challenged you in your sterling display of “kesopanan dan kesusilaan” (courtesy and morality) when you appeared in your bathrobe in front of the gates of the Selangor state government office, and also when you smashed beer crates at the same venue later.
Curse the persons who claimed that you and your die-hard followers were being a public nuisance and litterbugs. Mahathir and Siti Hasmah ought to be taught how to respect and be guided by the Rukunegara, just like you.
Cynical: Is torching and hammering cardboard cutouts of a person and threatening to hunt them down into compliance, but yet not getting charged for the offence in line with the principle of 'kedaulatan undang-undang'?
Gaji Buta: I think only palace personnel or officials should be allowed to lodge police reports pertaining to royalty.
Allowing others to act on their behalf may only disgrace them, as in this case. In fact, Jamal should be investigated for undermining the palace by second-guessing them.
Anonymous #13114320: Unless the police have too much free time, they should stop wasting time and stop Jamal from making such reports.
What is this country falling into? So many people with so much spare time to make numerous reports? Are they getting paid to make a living out of making reports and spending time in police station?
Someonroutthere: Isn’t it a crime to lodge frivolous police reports? The police should take offence that Jamal is making such a report - it looks like he’s making fun of them.
Cogito Ergo Sum: I wonder what harm can a US-based lawyer do to the already appalling situation we are in?
By denying this visit, there will more attention internationally on PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim's predicament.
Slumdog: When DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi visited Anwar in hospital, he promised to look into Anwar receiving post-surgery treatment until he fully recovered.
After he walked out the door, he denied Anwar access to US lawyer Kimberley Motley. Umno politicians are so predictable.
NTA: Will Zahid will be able to string together even a pretext of a legal argument as to why US lawyer Kimberley Motley should be denied access to her client?
Love God and Do Good: Najib said that he has nothing to hide.  Then why is he and his deputy afraid that Motley should meet her client Anwar?
Anonymous 2460391489930458: Stay around a little longer, Motley. There is so much more to discover in this country.
You will be amazed by the number of violations of international standards and norms by this present government.- Mkini

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