
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 16, 2017

Yoursay: Najib hunting with the hounds over Jerusalem move?

YOURSAY | 'This shows the insincerity of the PM on the issue of Palestine.'
Vijay47: God works in mysterious ways, PM Najib Razak, and this is one such moment when in the face of widespread challenges, you have been given you an opportunity to prove that you are driven by firm belief and steadfastness, and not by the opportunism that same moment may offer. 
I do not share your sentiments on Israel and Palestine, but I would suggest that you do not act in half-measures, that you do not indulge in semantics over US administration and American investments, since they both emerge from the same source and reflect the same philosophy. 
Listen to your inner voice, Najib, take a decisive stand and do not be led astray by what was beneficial and what was not. 
It would only lead the world to again condemn you, on hypocrisy in addition to the other censures upon you. Today you, perhaps you alone, have the power to bring the US to its knees. 
Tell US President Donald Trump that if he does not rescind his decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, you will cease all trade with his country.
Rupert16: Najib, a telephone call to your golf buddy Trump should do the trick, considering your commitment to strengthen the US economy.
Jaguh: Why does everyone think that Najib is close to Trump? I have played golf with the CEO of a large bank, not once but twice, but am I close to him? No.
And what is Malaysia compared to Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Egypt, Pakistan and so on, which are the larger and richer Muslim countries that can pressure Trump?
Anonymous_40f4: Heads we win, tails you lose. This shows the insincerity of the PM on the issue of Palestine.
The Americans know the hypocrisy of these politicians, that's why Trump went ahead and recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Najib can fool all the people some of the time, but not all the time. US and Trump are not 'DAP-Cina' or Penang CM Lim Guan Eng – who can be bullied by Umno Baru.
Just A Malaysian: The US can recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel if they wish, it is their choice. Malaysia and other Islamic countries can recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, that’s their choice. And Israel will continue to rule Jerusalem, whatever anybody says.
The Muslim world should best spend energy and effort to improve its respective states' economy, technology, governance, social justice, etc. When the Muslim world progresses and becomes strong, it will have a strong voice to fight their noble cause.
Look at China, it was only 80 years ago when they were bullied by every power in the world. They learned, they reformed and they worked hard, they worked smart.
And now whatever China says, people listen. You don't see the Chinese going around crying victim, crying unfairness. They stood on their own, and Great Britain had to return Hong Kong meekly to them. This is the strength that God would love to see in all his followers.
Negarawan: "We cannot reject American investors because of this decision by the Trump administration," said Najib.
The truth is, American and other investors can reject you, and they will. Najib is trying hard to portray himself as the "champion of Islam" to gain votes in the upcoming general election.
The rakyat and the international community are well aware of the serious corruption allegations, and the largest money laundering case in history involving one Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
MO1 is in fact an enemy of Islam.
Falcon: What can I say? Hunting with the hounds, and running with the hares. Isn't this political chameleonism?
We have perfected this art. No wonder we are a land of endless possibilities.
Clever Voter: No one has a crystal ball to correctly predict the outcome of the next general election, if at all it takes place. Normal convention will give BN the head start, regardless of any public survey.
Najib is the favourite to be returned to power. The electoral system that favours gerrymandering and bias against urban electorates is a big plus for BN.
The opposition has an uphill struggle to even get past the Registrar of Societies (ROS), and its leadership vacuum will not help its cause. Besides, whoever wins the GE will inherit a broken administration and huge external debts.
Our cost of living is unlikely to come down, and with employment opportunities diminishing, no political party has the magical formula to dare offer realistic solutions. PAS has the patience to wait for BN to fall, and BN, on the other hand, is hoping to occupy their space, which is not guaranteed. 
Many hope that Bersatu's Rais Hussin is right, but ultimately, there would be more losers than winners. That's for sure.
Mosquitobrain: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang should learn from past mistakes. Losing both Terengganu and Kedah to Umno was a bitter pill to swallow.
It is suicidal for Hadi to tango along with MO1. Hadi has taken the "bait" laid down by Umno to cause a split in Pakatan Harapan. Yet he is adamant and persistent in trying to get even with Harapan.
Hadi’s silly act will cost PAS heavily come the 14th general election. PAS’ loss could be Harapan’s gain.
Anonymous_1421806811: It seems only lovers of thieves and followers of the devil are not bothered about 1MDB, Felda or the many other issues plaguing the country caused by an utterly corrupt government and incompetent ministers with so low IQ that if BN wins, the country loses.
People who vote for Hadi and Najib really deserve them - one to lead them straight to hell, and the other to steal whatever dignity they have left.
Whatever the result of the next GE, BN has all the symptoms of a sickly and dying organisation. Only the dumb would believe it will last 1,000 years.- Mkini

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