
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Dec 8th Rally - Was Stolen 1MDB Money Used To Fund Racist And Religious Agenda

The following viewpoint was written by reader Dominic D. (Thank you.)

I support ICERD but I also support the right of persons to have an anti-ICERD rally. Their voices must also be heard. Commendations on having a peaceful rally. 

The following dissection is to separate the wheat from the chaff between those who authentically feel aggrieved or insecure about ICERD and those who are just using it as a political platform to either avoid jail or to stay relevant.

The government of the day and the security apparatus in allowing the rally or protest, showed great maturity and goodwill despite the knowledge that arrows and rockets of insults would be hurled in their directions. 

The online press, media and social forum exaggerated the security nature of the rally. Yes under the BN regime there were thugs and hoodlums at rallies this was no longer evident. Perhaps the adherence to respect for the rule of law is finally taking root not from conscience though but rather from fear of incarceration and prosecution. 

The leaders and organizers of the respective parties did not deliver a message of unity. There’s was a clear racist and religious agenda. There was not even the slightest attempt to cover their disgraceful and shameful philosophy. 

In South Africa it was a minority controlling a majority, here the befuddling philosophy is that a majority which is in control over every institution is displaying a disproportionate level of fear. This not coming from the ordinary majority of Malays but a minority that have been deceived, brainwashed and indoctrinated. 

A lady who was randomly selected and interviewed from Marang Trengganu did not even know what ICERD was all about. How many in the crowd knew the issues? 

If persons were paid an allowance to participate in the rally it is an inducement. That is most certainly illegal. If funds were from party funds, it is still monies that belong to a group of citizens. 

The real concern is if in some  part it is funded by the individuals who are currently facing criminal charges of massive fraud and embezzlement, there is a potential and possibility that it may be part of the loot that was stolen by persons who absconded with our trust abandoning all morality and using what is essentially our monies against us.

The crowd was minuscule, insignificant and disproportionate in size and number in comparison to their registered party membership or the number of votes they garnered. 

  • The black hole of oblivion, obscurity and obliteration are staring in the face of these parties who are unable to be an effective opposition. 
  • They are in darkness and bewildering wilderness of how to be effective - this probably is due to the fact that their looting and lying days have caught up with them. 
  • Their lack of caliber and quality are totally exposed. 
  • It is an embarrassing sight to see them gasping, grappling, groping and crawling in the ignorance of their own making as they arrogantly would have never thought to educate, renovate, refurbish and upgrade the kitchen of their thoughts with the right ingredients, utensils and recipes to offer the broth of politics with some added flavor for the hungry. 
  • Their only utterances is ‘God is great’ - and who doesn’t know that already? 

Hadi is an intriguing case study of a man with cognitive disabilities in the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical realms with an obsessive insanity he is immersed and lost in the twisted obscure conception and the intricate web of concoction of obscene ideologies that serve no other purpose other than contributing to expelling a volatile combustible mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane combined with hydrogen sulfide and ammonia from the rarefied stratosphere of his brain. 

In 2015 he declared that demonstration is ‘haram’ and now it seems ‘halal’. 

  • Spiritual insincerity’s is far worse than the criminality of embezzlement. 
  • He uses religious credentials to lie and cheat people. 
  • He is the insidious charlatan of his creed. 
  • He is undoubtedly a dishonest and unprincipled individual who is the merchant of doom that has this uncanny penchant for planting, promoting and marketing this constricted agoraphobic version of the Quran rather than the intended adventure of liberation contained within the faith. 
  • It is really a surprise that no one had the courage to dissect, dismantle and disembowel the shackled dungeon of his false preaching.

If leaders were really there for the citizens they would have allowed and given access to their followers the freedom of choice to either accept ICERD or reject it. 

They ought to have received full information on all the perceived advantages or disadvantages. 

To make an informed and conscientious choice based on all available knowledge would mean that individuals have two sides of a concern. 

Instead a noose is placed around the neck and many like innocent ignorant lambs are led to the slaughter house of holiness where they will be totally sheared of their skin of decency and they will submit to the wolf from Marang who will recite holy exhorting.  

The prominent political liars and looters are obviously smug and secure with the turnout which allows them their forty winks to dream briefly about their freedom. 
The realization that these may be the crusted crumbs scrapped from the bottom of the barrel and this is all they could produce displays the delusion and illusive nature of these ex-leaders.

This in no way compares to BERSIH which evolved into a global movement and articulated the ideals and objectives with clarity. 
The city was vibrant and alive, persons went about their business and there was an absence of fear.
Here there was diminished traffic, a real presence of fear and worry- a majority could not trust the protesters, due to the intimidating and aggressive speeches by the leaders 

In this rally the leaders of depravity echoed the spine chilling sentiment of the sewage, screamed from the ghetto of grudge and greed and offered each from the ghastly gutter only gloom and doom. 

Why did anyone ever bother attending such a rally that depreciates our unity, humanity and nationhood?

My comments :  UMNO has 3.0 million members. Pas has 1.5 million? That makes 4.5 million people. Yet only 30,000 turned up. That is only 0.6% of their combined membership. 

In the history making 14th General Elections where UMNO/BN were at their lowest level of popularity and LOST the general elections, the Pas could only win 18 out of 222 Parliamentary seats.  That is only 8% of the seats. 

And in FIVE States in Malaysia PAS has not won a single State seat.

In brief : Hadi is going to be thinking about "ISIS" soon. 

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