
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Protests can never topple a democratically elected govt – Dr M

Demonstrations can never topple a democratically elected government, said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He said that although the Pakatan Harapan government allowed street demonstrations, it was only through elections that the government could be changed.
"If elections were set aside, (and) we followed what the demonstrators want, democracy will not surface. While we allow demonstrations, small or big, demonstrations by themselves cannot bring down the government.
“What can bring down the government is elections,” he said during an interview on TV talk show Bicara Khas Bersama Perdana Menteri, on RTM1 on Monday night.
He was commenting on the anti-Icerd (International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racism) protest that turned into a “thanksgiving” rally by the opposition in the federal capital on Saturday.
The prime minister also said elections could be held earlier to gauge the people’s support if it was clear the existing government had failed.

Free to criticise new government

Dr Mahathir also said that the Pakatan Harapan government would not deny freedom of speech and that the people were free to criticise the new government.

"We need a strong government but not to a point where such criticisms are ignored, for example, to deny the role of ministers whereby they must agree to whatever is instructed by the leadership," he said.
He said the government's strength was important and necessary especially when dealing with problems that crop up in society.
He noted that if a government was not strong, it would not be possible to address the problems and conflicts that come up within society as some would not respect a weak government.
"There may be no respect given to the government. That's why we need a strong government but not to a point of dismissing criticisms made by any party," he said.
Experienced leader crucial for government success
In addition, Dr Mahathir said the experience of a leader was important in the way he managed a problem that arose in his country.
"He should know the type of action he needs to take under the circumstances. In a particular situation, what (action) cannot be taken because if the approach is not wise, there is a great likelihood that the government will fail," he said.
Dr Mahathir said Pakatan Harapan needed more time to show the results of the changes being implemented as the government now had to repair the damage done by the previous government.
In terms of performance, out of five stars, he placed his Cabinet ministers at between three and four stars so far as many of them did not have any previous experience as ministers
"(After) 60 years being in the opposition, to convert from opposition to government is not a simple matter. I, with a little experience, must be tolerant, and try to correct mistakes when they happen," he said.
'We prefer to negotiate'
On international relations, Dr Mahathir said that Malaysia would continue to stick to the principle of consultation in resolving international misunderstandings and conflicts.
He asserted that war was not the route to a solution.
"In our relationship with others, there may be certain conflicts. For a dispute between us and them, it must be dealt with. Not by war. We reject war. We prefer to negotiate, go to arbitration or go to court for a decision," he said, adding that when a case was brought to court, the parties should also be prepared to accept the findings made by the court.
In this regard, he hoped that Malaysia and Singapore would be able to resolve the latest conflict on the issue of their territorial waters.
"There is an overlap between the neighbours. For us not to fight, we have to admit there is a problem between us. The problem needs to be resolved, that's our way.
"So we hope to uphold the truth, the rule of law. So if we hold on to the truth, we believe we will win,” he said.

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