
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 17, 2018


A group of prominent UMNO leaders including two women are working towards an EGM to force Zahid to sack Najib from UMNO as they believe it is Najib who is forcing Zahid to follow an agenda
directed to protecting their personal interests including that of Hadi Awang.
Hadi holds the key in this trio that Najib and  Zahid  are willing to sell the interests of everyone just to protect their own and in doing so are prepared to go to any lengths including a merger with PAS.
Taking pot shots at the President
This is was the reason Mohammed Hassan led a group of UMNO members to seek advice from Mahahtir including joining PPBM. Our sources tell us that there is a lot of discomfort in UMNO with Najib’s and Zahid’s very close relationships with PAS.
Hadi is even now calling for a merger between the two parties and many in the PAS leadership aere trying to woo UMNO MPs to their party.

Vying the Presidency?
This prominent group in UMNO  is adamant that Najib be sacked from the party, as that will hpefully drive a wedge between Hadi and Zahid and eventually Zahid will eventually self destruct.
Some of them believe they have to go for a two pronged strategy, get the supreme council to sack Najib first then take a vote of no confidence on Zahid and given the present circumstances they believe they can muster the numbers.
The group of members mooting this EGM include a few supreme council members and at least 4 divisional heads according to the source who has revealed this information and has requested total anonymity.
According to the person who introduced me to the two  members of this group Najib is now working really hard to get back the presidency of UMNO and has publicly being saying this in UMNO, as he put it , “look he is already calling  the shots, and he has learned from Rosmah, whenever he is with Zahid, Zahid will walk behind and allow him to speak first. What does that imply,” he asked.
The group believes they will get the backing of Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, vice-president Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin and
Rosnah Abd Rashid Shirlin.
They feel that the supreme council is toothless as members like Mustapa Mohammad has already left and with so may of the important people in the supreme council being charged in court they need a total revamp of  the entire supreme council as many of its members  are still “yes” nominated and appointed with the full backing of these corrupt past and present leaders who they can’t have at this crucial time, when UMNO is facing challenges regarding its, integrity, its level of corruption and its  very survival.
Najib still holds sway in the  Supreme Council although he is not  a member there and many including new members still regard him as the unofficial leader with Zahid as his sidekick. When Najib talks even Zahid listens.
Being wooed by PAS
“It is true it  was Khairy who told Najib to step down, even if he stood for party  elections  he would have been kicked out, so it was he who decided on the strategy of giving way to Zahid as he has seen it as his passport to continue control of UMNO,”  said the source.
Razaleigh was brought into the fray just to neutralise Khairy and create confusion amongst the most confused political party members in the country – UMNO.
UMNO members are easily confused but now with this planned merger with PAS many think it is time to take the Supreme Council and the President to task,it is not in their DNA the PAS vision of an Islamic state.
It is believed that the EGM is scheduled to be sometime in  March and the main item on the agenda will be Najib’s sacking and, if not cooperative Zahid may also be booted out.
However it is believed if Zahid as much as only remain neutral in Najib’s ouster he will be spared and asked to go on leave instead.
Meanwhile both Khairy and Nazri are beginning an onslaught on the leadership which is attracting the attention of members and divisions, with the Deputy President remaining calm and taking pot shots on the President from the sidelines. Sources tell us that he has been personally warned by Najib not to try and oust Zahid.
Khairy Jamaluddin,  Mohamad Hasan and possibly Nazri arre on the same page but prefer to take thier role in seperate ways in this great UMNO Delima as all three seem to be vying for the position of Number 1 in the party.
Mohammed Hassan who is likely to be without seat in Parliament may have a disadvantage and Khairy is likely to bring in the Razaleigh faction plus the Sabah votes for him to get the Presidency this time around.
– http://toffeesturn.blogspot.com

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